hey guys I'm back with another story. I am ever so sorry for spelling and punctuation mistakes, I am dyslexic and my computer is crap. A big thanx to Potter4me who gave me the idea to write this story.
So on to the story.

Running from Cadmus

Chapter 1:

Dick Grayson was no ordinary kid, he was robin, the boy wonder. But he couldn't show that. If everyone knew he would be a target for the rest of his life. But it won't just be him, it'll be people he cares about like Bruce.

Robin was a tough kid, who didn't show his feelings when hurt.
Dick wasn't a tough kid. He showed his feelings when he got hurt.
The two were completely different but oddly the same, it was only a matter of time before someone would learn the truth.

Dick was in school waiting for the bell to ring so he could go home. He sat there staring at the clock watching the seconds tick by. He was sat in maths and had completed what the teacher told the class to do.

When the bell finally rang, Dick hurried out the class room. He went down the corridor to his locker. Once there Barbra Gordon appeared beside him.
"Hey Dick," she asked "could you help me with my biology homework, it's got to be in at the end of the week and it's really hard"
"Oh, sorry Barbra, I can't help today maybe tomorrow?" he replied
"yea that's fine," she said her phone bleeped "I'll see you tomorrow, Artemis want me to meet her by the sports hall, bye" she walked off.
Dick opened his locker and retrieved his phone, headphones and alert watch. His alert watch bleeped any time robin was needed. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and closed the locker. He walked down the corridor and exited school. He had to walk home today as Alfred was shopping and Bruce was with the Justice League.

He was walking home and the sun was setting. (It's winter btw) he didn't have that long to go before he was back at the manor. His watch didn't bleep once, telling Dick it would be a quiet day in Gotham.

He was round the corner to the manor when sports master stepped out from out of the shadows. "Hello, Robin."


Hope u guys enjoyed the chapter.
PM me