This chapter was prompted by brony9. Ethan, who is 3 years, older than Cal, doesn't have the gene. This story is set in two parts: the first part is when the boys are Ethan: 33, Cal: 30 and the second part is in flashback when Ethan is 16 and Cal is 12. As usual, I don't own the boys, the BBC do, I do own any spelling mistakes and missing words.

The Secret Life Of Casualty.

Chapter 618

"Hey, Nibbles "Cal said as he let himself in to the flat he and Ethan shared, but as the older brother, it was Ethan's name on the deeds.

"Don't call me that, " Ethan said, closing his book he had been reading and putting it on the coffee table, he had been reading "Oliver Twist".

"I brought dinner" Cal said, walking in to the kitchen.

"A takeaway doesn't count as a dinner, " Said Ethan as he got the knives and forks out and put them on the table.

After dinner, Ethan washed up, while Cal went in to the living room and lay on the sofa where he could hear Ethan whistling to himself.

At around 11: 30, Ethan made sure the door was locked before both boys headed to bed.

Cal lay in bed, he didn't want to say anything to Ethan, but he didn't feel too good.

Early the next morning, Ethan had went to the shops as they had ran out of bread and milk, leaving Cal in his room. He had stomach pain and beads of sweat had formed on his forehead.

"Cal?" Ethan called, unlocking the door and placing the bags in the hallway. "Cal, are you in?"

"Ethan put the bags down and walking towards his brothers bedroom door. He knocked twice, before standing back to see if Cal would answer, but he didn't so Ethan walked in.

"Cal, are you OK?" he asked. Cal didn't say anything.

"Come on, Cal, I can't help you, if I don't know what's wrong. " Ethan said.

"I don't feel very well. "

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ethan asked, hating the idea of Cal being in pain.

"I thought you'd be mad at me, like dad was. " Cal said, even though he had a fever, he was shivering, Ethan walked in to his room and found his blanket, Matilda had kept from one both boys were babies, Cal's was a light blue and Ethan's was yellow.

Cal's flashback.

It was a Saturday and Ethan was getting ready to go to his part time job at the local bookstore while Matilda was at work where she worked as a cleaner, leaving Cal and his father at home.

Cal had been playing on his x-box, usually Ethan would play with him but because, the older boy was at work, he was playing a single player game.

Cal quietly crept down the stairs, Calvin hated him making any kind of noise. He stood in the doorway of the living room.

"Dad, I don't feel very well. " Cal told him.

"Don't care" Calvin replied, going back to his paper.

Cal sighed, shutting himself back in his room. What Calvin didn't know was that his son had a fever and had thrown up.

"Hello, Mr Knight, is Ethan in?" asked a young girl, around 16 or 17.

"No. " Calvin replied.

"Well, can you give him this?" she asked.

Mary give Calvin Ethan's book but saw something she didn't like. Cal vomited and then collasped. She gasped, she didn't really know Caleb that well, but she couldn't leave him lying in a pool of his own vomit. She dug out her phone from her bag.

After making the call, she stepped in to the house. "Cal, it's Mary Jackson, I'm a friend of Ethan's, your going to be ok. "

"I want Ethan. " Cal muttered.

Mary nodded. "OK, I'll get him" she said as two paramedics entered the house, put Cal on a spinal board and collar, before loading him on to a trolley.

After driving to the bookshop where Ethan worked, Mary walked in to the bookshop.

"Mary?" Ethan asked, Mary was a girl from his uni class, she was a nice girl, with blonde hair, and her ears done. "I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

"It's Cal. " She said.

"What?" Ethan almost dropped the book he was reading.

"I went to your house to give you back the book you let me borrow and I saw Cal being taken away in an ambulance"

"I need to be with him. " Ethan said.

"Do you want a lift?" Mary asked, getting her keys from her bag. "My car is outside"

"Yes, please" Ethan said, it wouldn't be good if he arrived at the hospital out of breath and sweaty.

By the time, Ethan got there, he thanked Mary, who said she hoped Cal, was ok. Ethan nodded and rushed, in, looking around until he spotted a reception desk. He walked over.

"Excuse me?" Ethan asked to a man on the reception desk.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"I heard my brother was here. Caleb Knight."

The man tapped on his keyboard, when a woman wearing designer clothes and Christian Louboutin's walked up.

"Ah, Mrs Beachaump, " Said the man.

Mrs Beachaump raised an eyebrow. "What do you want, Noel?"

The man who Ethan now knew was Noel, gestured to him. This is.."

"Ethan. Ethan Hardy. I was told my brother Caleb was here"

"I'm Mrs Beachaump, I'm treating your brother, it seems that Caleb has burst his appendix. "

"What?" Ethan asked. "Can I see him?"

"We are getting ready to take him to threatre. " Mrs Beachaump told him.

"Please?" Ethan asked. "He won't want to be on his own. "

Mrs Beachaump folded her arms. "Fine, but don't get in my way. "

"I won't" Ethan promised, following Mrs Beachaump as she opened a set of doors.

Ethan saw Cal lying on a bed, an oxygen mask on his face, a pulse oximeter on his finger.


"I'm here" said Ethan, stroking the hair off his face.

Mrs Beachaup cleared her throat, causing Ethan to look up, to see Connie holding out a bunch of forms.

"A parent or guardian would normally sign them, but seeing as they aren't here and you are.."

"Right, of course" Ethan said, taking the pen from her and signing his name as another porter came in and wheeled Cal's bed through the corridor.


"I'm right, here" Ethan said as the bed was wheeled in to the lifts.

Soon, they come to the operating surgery.

"I can't let you be in the operating threatre, Ethan. Nurse Harrison will show you to the relatives room. "

"Sure" The nurse, who was called, Jessica, said.

Ethan sighed, but kissed Cal on his forehead. "I'll be right here when you wake up. " He said.

Connie washed her hands and then put on scrubs. She picked up the scapel and made a few incisions in Cal's stomach, before Jessica handed her the tube that pumped gas to allow her to see in to Cal's abodemen.

Connie placed Cal's appendix in to a kidney dish that Jessica was holding and then started to stitch him up.

After a tense wait, Mrs Beachaump finally come in to the relatives room, seeing a tense Ethan, his hands behind his back, pacing the floor.

"Caleb's surgery was a sucess. He's in recovery. "

"Thank you, Mrs Beachaump, " Ethan said. He followed her, in to the corridor, just as the lift doors opened and Cal's stretcher was wheeled out. He looked pale behind the oxygen mask. He was moved to a side room where Ethan waited for him to come round from the anesthetic.

"Ethan?" Cal said, grogily, the anesthetic, clearly wearing off.


"I'm thirsty"

Ethan poured Cal a glass of water being careful of the IV in his hand

End of Cal's flashback.

"Dad didn't let me rest, that's why I ended up in hospital. " Cal finished.

"Cal, I could never be mad at you, " Ethan said. Sure, Cal messed up the flat, left his dirty dishes in the sink but the two only had each other, considering both their parents were dead.

"Promise?" Cal asked.

"I promised, " Ethan said. "Now, why don't you go in the living room and let me sort your sheets out?"

Cal nodded. "Alright"

Once Cal was gone, Ethan stripped the sheets and put them in the laundry basket, before going to the airing cupboard and getting two sheets out and taking them back to Cal's room before putting them on the bed and

"I'm sorry, Ethan" Cal apologised.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Cal," Ethan said, as he stroked his brothers hair. "Your sheets have been cleaned, and fresh bedding. "

"Thanks, Ethan" Cal said.

"It's OK" Ethan replied, heading in to the kitchen to get some popcorn. He opened the cupboard, pulled out a packet and put it in a bowl, before carrying it in to the living room and setting it on the coffee table. "What are we watching?" he

Cal picked up the TV remote and flicked through the channels, until he found something he knew they both liked to watch: Harry Potter and the