A/N: Wow that was pretty quick for reviewing aha…but yeah, I won't leave this story til the end. Speaking about the end, this is I have to say, is the very last chapter of Cold and Icy unforunately. I'm sorry to say. I had so much fun writing this even though it did took quite a while to update :3 (eh sorry) so thankyou all for reviewing, favoring and for following. Now—ack! *dodges another icy attack made from Elsa* ALRIGHT ENOUGH ALREADY! *screams*

Jack and Elsa: …

Me: I've had it! If you really want to know who's the best then why don't you ask the reviewers?

Elsa: *smiles cheerfully* I already know who's the best. Thank you at Sunset13 for saying I'm the best :) kudos to you!

Jack: WHAT?! No one likes me? *pouts*

Me: …I'm just not gonna get involve in this…*walks away*

Chapter 19: Welcome back

The helipcopter landed on the familiar landscapes of the Arendelle Agency. Once it was safe to get off, Elsa went first and stopped to breath in the fresh air. She stared at the familiar doors which only made her heart to beat even faster.

Was she nervous? Definitely. Was she scared? Maybe.

"Doesn't it feel good to be back?" a voice said.

Elsa slightly turned her head to the side to see James joining beside her.

"I…" Elsa began but paused. "What made you to change your mind?" she asked, instead of answering.

"I will answer the question when we are in the building."

"Please James. I need to know." Elsa responded, quietly.

There was a short silence before James sighed.

"Alright. If you must." he replied. "Ever since you had been fired, things had been going strange in the Agency. We were tricked when we hired another agent. That agent turned out to be working for the enemy. Of course, we were forced to surrender and that was when we realized that firing you was our biggest mistake. We also discovered that there was another agent when you first entered." James took a glance at Jack who just came out of the helicopter. "He played it so well which eventually made us to believe that he was actually on our side. We didn't know that he was a double agent. Eventually, we met his gang after they tried to sneak in. We fought and argued but in the end, we all came together as you had saw. And well…you know the rest." James explained, earning a quiet reply.

"Yeah…" Elsa responded, softly.

"So, my dear, ready to enter through those doors again?" Jack asked, slinging his arm over Elsa.

Elsa frowned. "Your arm. Off." She pointed at the arm which earned Jack to smirk. "And I am not your dear, jerk."

Jack laughed. "Real mature. Oh yeah—"

As soon as they entered the Agency, Jack was cut off by the loud cheers and claps that echoed throughout the building.

"Congratulations, you two." an agent said, patting Jack on the back.

"All in a day's work." Jack stated. "It was a rough one but we got through, didn't we sidekick?"

Elsa growled. "So I'm your sidekick?!"

Jack chuckled, nervously.

The agent who patted Jack laughed. "Fiesty one, eh? Wish you good luck, mate." he chirped.

The two started to walk while every second or so, they would be either be congraluted or having a pat on the back. Elsa stopped once she reached a familiar person, making her breath to be caught in her throat.

It was Ronica whose look was hardened the moment she faced Elsa. Because of that, everything went silent creating a very tense atmosphere since the crowd was waiting what Ronica will say.

The thing that shocked Elsa was her response.

Ronica smiled. "Welcome back, agent Elsa."

The crowd cheered, accepting the response. Jack only laughed when he saw the relief look that was on Elsa.

"You need to be more chill, Queen." Jack chuckled.

"Oh shush." Elsa said, lightly punching him in the arm.

"Oh and by the way…" Jack said, earning Elsa to halt in her tracks.


Before she could even say it, she felt something on her lips while her back was on something that felt like a arm. She suddenly realized that Jack was kissing her and because of the kiss, the crowd went wild.

Elsa, as of right now, didn't care. She didn't care anything at all. So that was why, she wrapped her arms around Jack as the girl kissed the boy passionately.

Elsa knew that there will be more danger in the future as their mission will continue which meant that their adventure won't stop. It would forever continue til the very end. But the Snow Queen didn't care. As long as she had her lover, she would be just fine…

A/N: Awww what a happy ending :') *sniff*

Elsa and Jack: IT'S NOT!

Me: Oh shush you two. *waves them off dismissively* well that concludes the story. I hope all of you had a wonderful time reading this little adventure. I sure did! It was really fun to write! Once again, thank you all (each and every single one of you) for constantly reviewing, favoring and following. That really means a lot to me. If you want to check out some more stories, go check out The Dark Queen, a Frozen Fanfic. You might like that one :) and now it is my turn to say goodbye. Goodbye.

This story was finished on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:37pm