Klarion had not been expecting to have a – one of THOSE – of his own, so as he watched the young teen sleep on his couch (he's not sure if he wants him here or not; it's his hideout) while nibbling on his bottom lip. Teekl merely watched this go on with a hint of amusement, before jumping down from the backrest of the green couch to go eat.

Scrunching his nose as he eyed where his pet went, Klarion pouted and muttered, "Some help you are." He received a meow that suspiciously sounded as though Teekl was holding in a laugh. He probably was, the stinking fleabag.

‹I don't stink, boy.›

Klarion clacked his tongue against the back of his teeth, "Oh, go finish eating, fur ball, and leave me alone with this unexpected delivery thanks to a couple of nitwits!"

Nico di Angelo has never felt so cold in his long, extended life.

Shivers ran throughout his body, yet he felt an eerie emptiness being filled in with a… wholesome cold. He breathed onto his hands in an effort to warm them. He didn't know where he was, he couldn't even see his own hands and arms in front of him, even when brought right into his face, despite the fact that he knows that they are there.

He tried calling out to his father, but he doesn't even get the sense that he is anywhere within his father's realm. He even tries Apollo, figuring that maybe this is a dream and that he must be trying to scare or warn him about something because of Solace, but he doesn't get even a peep from him and being the god that he is, Nico knows that something isn't right.

It really doesn't help that he doesn't feel quite comfortable at all within these shadows either. They feel… strange. Just… completely alien. Foreign. Suspicious. It is unsettling.

And he just wants to go home and complain to the one guy that he could talk to without restraint; his best friend, he guessed, whom to which has been mentioned already. Will Solace.

He felt an even sharper cold rip into him as the thought of his persistent friend. He felt even more stabbing pains when he also thought of Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, Reyna… and his Father. It was as though the string that ties him to all of them are being jolted around before being mercilessly snapped in half.

As each and every strings were severed, it was almost as though he was being dipped into the Arctic waters and plunging even deeper. He felt as though he was slowly suffocating, as if each of those strings were allowing him to breathe.

Then –

Then he felt something so flesh bitingly hot grasp onto him and lurch him towards a never-ending fire. Despite the fact that he felt even more pain, it was one that seemed to slowly ebb away and all that was left when he tried to dig himself even deeper into the pit was… trying to calm his choking from greedily inhaling and exhaling the oxygen that seemed to be surround him in a satisfying amount.

He could breathe.

He felt almost at home, in this blazing cocoon –

The blindingly headache woke up him, and he stared at the decorated living room that he was in. But he didn't really pay attention to that, as a voice was complaining rather loudly and a meow that seemed to respond was suspiciously stifling – as though the animal was trying to hide its amusement away. He tuned in, despite really not wanting to and just wishing to go back to sleep

"– leave me alone with this unexpected delivery thanks to a couple of nitwits!"

A cat's amused yowl seemed to respond back.

"Don't sass me, you stupid cat! I can easily look for another cat to use to channel into the mortal realm!"

Tiredly, Nico thought to himself that this was either a mortal nutjub or an immortal nutjob that has a love/hate relationship with felines. He couldn't really think further onto this line of thought as he fall back asleep to escape his headache.