A/N: We've finally come to the end! I'm so sad for this jaunt's end, but we have so much more to look forward to in the sequel! Please follow me, I should have the first chapter posted within the week!
A shout out to all the reviewers! Thank you so much for your love, support, and fangirling through this whole story! I love you all and hope you'll all return to read my next installment of the Adventures of Bucky and Lacey! Peace!
Musical Inspiration:
Time by Hans Zimmer
End of the Line by Henry Jackman
To Feel Alive by IAMEVE
Stepping Into The Light
It was a cool, calm night in Japan. From his simple rented apartment, Nick Fury could see the bright street lights of Tokyo. He clasped his hands behind his back and stared out into the night, mind pondering his beloved organization, SHIELD's assimilation.
He knew it wasn't all for nothing. They'd saved many lives through their good works. But the sickening knowledge that the world was left exposed and unprotected from any terrorist act was more that disquieting.
Fury suddenly tensed, sensing an unusual change in the breeze coming from the natural air in his apartment. He turned, automatically pulling off his sunglasses to peer around the room.
The lights were off, since Fury was preparing to go to bed. But he knew someone was there besides himself. His hand slid to the gun that always rested on his hip, ready to whip it out and shoot the intruder.
He squinted warily, then saw a distortion in the regular shadow of the far left of the room.
"You think you're being a creepy-ass intruder, because you sure as hell don't scare me," Fury growled.
No sound returned.
"Are we going to kill me, talk to me, or what? I have half a mind to turn the light on and make you scuttle back to wherever you came from," Fury snapped, "I don't like waiting around."
"...The game has changed..." a husky voice responded slowly, "...The tables have turned."
Fury didn't recognize the voice. He pulled his gun and aimed it at the shadow,"Spit it out, goddamnit! I can see you and I will shoot a hole in that poetic throat of yours."
"My mind was remade, I now see things clearly now," the voice came again.
"I'm growing really bored with your behavior. And when I get bored with someone's behavior, I fire them or kill them. You aren't my employee, so..." Fury's finger danced around the trigger of the gun.
"I was once your enemy when I hadn't a mind of my own. I've been...recalibrated and wish to redeem my despicable deeds," the voice said.
Fury glared, "I'm not hiring."
"You desire to put SHIELD back online. I will help with that if you let me."
"I don't recruit faceless shadows," Fury responded, "You step into the light and face me like a man."
With a slight hesitation, the shadows moved alone the wall and came to the light switch. Fury swore he could hear a strange mechanical clicking noise as the man lifted his had to turn on the light.
Fury swore quite colorfully when his eyes adjusted to see man who'd become Winter Soldier standing before him, mask-less and weaponless.
"Get the hell out of my apartment!" hissed Fury.
Winter wore a simple black hoodie, jeans and boots. He wasn't in the outfit he'd donned while attacking SHIELD for HYDRA.
"Have you not been listening? I've been recalibrated...my stint with HYDRA is up, as it should have been long ago. In fact, I never should have been there. I should have died when I fell..."
"Then you remember. Rogers said you remember your past. I didn't believe him though. That damned kid has more faith than all the U.S.'s church congregations put together," snorted Fury, sensing that the soldier didn't want to harm him.
Fury lowered his weapon as Winter nodded, "And I thank God that he didn't give up on me. Being in that state was like having your mind pulled out and having someone else's brain shoved back in. I have many reasons that I want to be on this team. Most importantly, revenge against HYDRA. And you already know that I damn well have the abilities to make that happen. Second, I...I would like to be on the Captain's side. We were friends once and I'd like to redeem myself under his command."
Fury looked at Barnes seriously and warned, "This better not be a trick."
"It is not," answered Barnes firmly.
"Know that if it is, I've got people at my disposal that can take you out quicker than you can blink. Let's not forget I'm friends with Bruce Banner."
"A piece of information that I'll keep in mind," Barnes muttered, shuddering from obvious experience against the enormous green rage monster.
"From here on in, you do what I tell you. I'm not going to control you, but I do expect you to take my orders if you have SHIELD's best interest in mind. You're fighting for our team now and the tasks assigned to you aren't as...dark," Fury explained.
Barnes nodded, eyes glinting with the hope of a new life.
"I see you have a suit?" Fury inquired, looking at the blue jacket and brown cargo pants under the crook of his arm.
Barnes glanced down, then affirmed Fury's question with another nod.
"Then suit up."
Bucky Barnes and Lacey Turner will return.