Good Ending Route: Phoenix.

Guys, I'm back ^^ Sorry for this late post, I was told by my doctor to avoid computers for little more than a week. If you're going to ask, I just had my CT Scan and EEG last Saturday. The problem is still not determined, but I do hope it won't be any bad. Well, the CT Scan results are in, and it said that I have some sort of thickening of mucus on the right sphenoid or something. I'm not sure what it means.

Sorry to make all of you wait for so long. Here's your chapter of Lunacy!

Also, welcome to the family AnimeMangaLover35,AceW15, Emerald180, and kazestorm~

Hope you enjoy your stay ^^

Without further adieu, enjoy~

And so, Add woke up with a terrible headache. The source of the headache came from none other than his one and only love of his life: Eve. With a groan, Add stood from his bed, being supported by his dynamos. The morning sun passed through the windows, hitting his lilac hair. He looked around to see no one in his room, not even Eve. This troubled him a lot. Usually, Eve would never leave his side with no one around. What happened that could change that?

As Add was about to leave, Eve entered the room with the same maid uniform, and she was carrying a breakfast-filled tray. At this, Add's eyes widened again.

"If you dare say anything, I'll knock you out again," shushed Eve. Add shut up instantly. He's not in the mood to get a smack in the face. Again. Eve sat beside him and set the tray down. Add raised an eyebrow at Eve's actions.

"... If you have anything witty to say, then keep it to yourself," Eve growled. Add rolled his eyes, but his chuckling betrayed him.

"So this is how it feels to be served by a royalty. I can't say I don't like it though," teased Add. Eve stared at him blankly, but her eyes held the emotion. This frightened Add. "Eve, you alright?" asked Add. Eve stared at him blankly again, but her eyes still held emotion. Her eyes were twinkling with mirth.

"Are you worried?" asked Eve. This time it was Eve's turn to tease back. Add visibly reddened and looked away.

"No, not at all! I just didn't want you to malfunction or something," Add tried to say an excuse. Eve giggled and put a palm on his cheek. Add turned to meet Eve, and Eve stared at his eyes. They were mesmerizing to say the least.

"Don't worry. While I may look or speak emotionless again, I still hold emotions. I've decided to put my emotions back into controllable state. After thinking about it, by letting emotions reign control of me, I can't seem to perform much more efficiently. As such, I'm putting my emotion output to a minimal extent, so I'm able to fight efficiently but still express emotions," explained Eve. Her lips curved into a small smile, while her eyes displayed happiness; perhaps, even something deeper.

At this, Add smiled.

"Nice. So I can call you Ice Queen now," joked Add. At this, Eve sighed.

"Why does everyone call me that? Here, eat up," said Eve as she'd passed the tray to Add.

"Then," said Add as he munched on a pancake. His eyes flew open from the flavour. It had a faint taste of apple, and the syrup made it sweeter. Eve giggled at the sight.

"You must really love sweets, don't you? I'll add that to my diary," said Eve. Her hands flew to her mouth as she'd said that. Add turned to her with a crooked grin.

"Ah, I knew about that already. Are you writing every charm of me in that old notebook of yours?" asked Add. Eve glared at him, before sighing. She nodded, looked everywhere but him. Add let out a wondrous laugh that brought hope to Eve. Suddenly, his face turned serious and sad. This guy has some major mood swings.

"How's the front?" asked Add. Eve didn't need to ask what Add meant by that.

"It should take 2 more days for us to meet Princess Noah," answered Eve. "Also, the demons have been increasing in number again. I assume this has something to do with Valak's presence."

Add took a bite of the godly pancake.

"I'm assuming the demons are planning on recruiting him," said Add.

"Yes, that's the same as mine," Eve confirmed.

"Gah," Add huffed in annoyance.

"Hey, we can't really do anything about it. Besides," said Eve before plucking a syrup near Add's mouth and placing it in hers. "We have each other don't we?"

Add's face reddened to the point he started steaming. Eve, on the other hand, had her eyes filled with pure embarrassment when she did that.

Meanwhile, a certain couple was watching them from afar with a spell.

"See? I told you it'll be cute!" exclaimed Aisha.

"Yeah, yeah," said Elsword as he'd picked up his sword. "Anyways, it's time for training."

Upon finishing breakfast, Add went down the stairs followed by Eve. Eve changed back to her clothes which Add found surprisingly depressing. Eve seemingly teased Add about this nonstop, much to the embarrassment of the latter. How the tables have turned for him.

Upon reaching the lower steps, he was surprised by a leaping Elsword, rolling in the air with his sword. Add instantly lashed out his blades, completely blocking Elsword's attack. Elsword raised an eyebrow.

"That was fast. I thought I would've got you there," said Elsword.

"Yeah, sorry dimwit. I have PLOT ARMOR!" shouted Add as he'd pushed Elsword back and kicked him in the chest. Add's dynamos surprisingly supported his attack, delivering electricity towards Elsword. This amplified the force behind Add's kick, shocking and pushing Elsword back further than it should've been. Add stared at his dynamos, seemingly surprised before smiling. Eve still held her stoic face, but her eyes flickered with both horror and worry.

"Add, don't," warned Eve. Add looked at Eve apologetically before rushing forwards. Instead of running across the field, he leapt to his dynamos which accelerated him forwards faster. "Add!" shouted Eve. Eve was about to intervene, but Aisha pulled her to the side.

Elsword was beyond surprised. He managed to regain his balance while in mid-air, but it was obvious that Add won't let him off. Without hesitation, Add rushed in, slashing wildly at Elsword in mid-air. From a third person point of view, Add was merely a blur of black, white and violet, moving in speeds that could reach the sound barrier. Instead of focusing on one direction, he attacked on all sides which Elsword didn't manage to parry; this was proven to be worse when he was still in mid-air.

To finish off his move, Add teleported below Elsword and delivered a powerful electrical kick which shot Elsword several feet in the air.

Add stretched out his arm, his dynamos creating a strong magnetic force which Elsword was sucked into. Add accelerated upwards, replicating a move that mirrors Raven's: Hypersonic Stab.

Except of the blade cuts though, it was electricity.

Elsword was severely shocked with electricity, causing him to shout in pain. Add landed down on the floor, while Elsword crashed. Elsword struggled to his feet, sporting a huge grin on his face. Add's dynamos happily whirled around him. That was until a certain angry possessive queen stomped towards him. The Queen was about to slap her King, who was smiling like a madman to her by the way, but she was stopped by a child's voice comically yelling "noooo!"

All heads turned to the direction of the voice, and they saw the same little girl from the docks.

"Lily?" Add called out.

"Whitsie!" shouted Lily who slammed into Add. Add, being the frail person he is, crashed to the floor with Lily's head lying on his stomach.

Lily looked up to Add's bewildered expression, while Eve stood there in dangerous silence. Well, her eyes flickered the emotion of jealousy. Elsword came forwards, chuckling at the sight of a bewildered Add.

"Care to explain your little admirer here?" asked Elsword. Add glared at Elsword. Elsword didn't know why, but one glance from Eve answered it all.

"Are you okay now? You were crying when I last saw you," asked Lily with a very worried tone. Add simply smiled at the young girl.

"Yeah, I'm better now," said Add who struggled to get up. The two ended up in a very disturbing expression that caused Eve to pluck Lily from Add.

"Hey, what gives?!" Lily called out. Eve stared at her dead in the eye.

"He's mine," Eve declared. Lily's eyes widened before narrowing.

"He's mine! I call dibs," protested Lily. Aisha and Elsword laughed on the side, while Add slowly slipped away.

Regardless to say, Add was very content right now. He was able to use his abilities without any bad backlashes. Right now, he was walking through the streets of Velder. One side of Velder was still occupied by demons, but 2/3 of the city was already reclaimed by the citizens. Unfortunately, that side of Velder proved to be a challenge.

Most of the best demons were dispatched there to stop the citizens from moving, and to conquer the kingdom once and for all. Add groaned, and glanced to the side. He saw two people running from alley to alley, seemingly dressed in strange outfits. The boy was wearing a black coat and two pairs of gunblades strapped on his back. Next to him was a white haired girl with a black dress and- wait, was that a demon's tail?

Add smiled. Looks like a certain citizen of Velder is keeping a demon away without the public's decision. He leapt to his dynamos and chased after the duo without being noticed; he was in the air after all.

Upon closer inspection, the two looked like they would be a challenge to him. The girl was a devil, so Add has to be on his guard. The man, on the other hand, had the face of an assassin. Add saw that every time he looked at the mirror. Regardless of this, he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Fresh Meat," said Add as he'd followed the two further. Soon, they reached a part of Velder wherein there were several crates lying on the floor. Add recognized this area. It was where he fought those luchador-like demons.

"Ciel, someone's following us!" shouted the girl. The man, Ciel, turned around and whisked out his guns. He pointed at Add, and Add knew he had to dodge. Ciel fired nonstop at Add, who cackled madly.

"Playing with bullets, are ya? Then, I'll do the same, you fuck!" shouted Add who stopped flying. His dynamos formed a triangular field below him that released electrical blasts every time he hit them. Ciel countered his attacks with his bullets, Add being surprised that the former's bullets were able to stand up against his blasts.

Being surprised by this fact only made Add more entertained.

"Kakakakaka! YES. THIS IS FUCKING IT!" shouted Add as he'd accelerated forwards the man.

"Lu, change into spirit form," ordered Ciel. The girl, Lu, looked outraged.

"No, you switch!" shouted Lu. Suddenly, the man named Ciel vanished.

"What the`" was Add's only remark as a gigantic Devil Claw smacked him in the face. Add snarled, only to be battered by the devil claws.

"Take that!" shouted Lu as she'd slammed her oversized gauntlets at Add. She slammed the floor, moving behind Add before slashing at him nonstop. Add shouted in pain, feeling the blood gushing through his wounds. Regardless of this, this excited Add even more.

"Kehe!" shouted Add as he'd whisked out his blades. This time, Lu was the one on the receiving edge. Add lashed out at Lu with such ferocity, it scared the devil a little too much.

"Ciel, Ciel, Switch!" shouted Lu.

"Triple Shot!" shouted Ciel who seemed to appear out of nowhere. This time, the demon girl disappeared. Ciel fired three supersonic bullets which Add repaid in kind with electrical bullets with his own dynamos.

Add's dynamos were whirling in excitement. The fight was so wild after all. Ciel dashed forwards, kicking Add in the face. Then, he proceeded to swing his gunblades to the side, releasing a small hurricane storm that seemed to weaken Add further. To Add's surprise, Ciel whisked out a cross-like minigun which seemed to have drained spiritual energy from the former.

"Marbas!" Ciel shouted.

Unfortunately for Add, he wasn't able to dodge in time.

Ciel's minigun continuously fired demonic bullets. Add barely managed to deflect all of them, a few whirling past his defences and hitting his body. Add groaned in the pain he was experiencing. Without his Nasod Armor, his defence fell hard. Ciel raised an eyebrow, before launching himself forwards.

The two traded blows in nearly inhuman speeds. As their blades clashed, their respect for one another greatly increased.

For Ciel, he began to respect this man who seemed to have reached his level of dual wielding.

For Add, he began to respect this man for the huge amount of entertainment he was giving him.


Add thought about bringing this fight up a notch.

He leapt to his dynamos, ready to dish out his old moves.

"Stomp!" shouted Lu who appeared out of nowhere. Ciel, on the other hand, disappeared. Lu slammed her fist down to the floor, hitting Add with the blast radius. This caused him to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Lu slashed at him wildly, before seemingly putting her claws on fire. Lu slashed at Add again; this time, her strength was doubled. Add coughed up blood, and flew back.

"SOUL!" shouted Lu who began floating in the air with tremendous power. From below here, Ciel seemed to materialize and threw several grenades in the air. Add knew this was going to be the end of him.

"Like hell I would fucking let it all end here!" shouted Add before he slammed the air behind him. A loud cracking noise of a mirror vibrated through the area; a dimensional portal opened behind him.

"Stardust!" shouted Add, his dynamos going inside the gate while gathering dimensional power.



Soul projectiles and Gravity Orbs flew towards each other, meeting and exploding. None of the projectiles managed to go through their volley of destruction, and a dust fog filled the area.

But it was over.

Without even hearing a word, Add felt a bullet piece through where his heart was supposed to be. He knew that he wouldn't be dead, but that wouldn't mean he wouldn't pass out.

The victor of this fight was determined by a bullet.