hi, inudigifan201 here... ya... just enjoy!
kinda spin off of Amon's Secret Apprentice
actually had most of this chapter finished before my writer's block hit me like a ton of bricks... I'm starting to get over my block... a little.
Ch, 2. The Elements? What Elements?
A small cottage could been seen on a hill not too far from the forest entrance. It was quint, kinda cute.
"Twilight?" Asami looked over at the small cottage as they exited the forest.
"Yes?" Twilight looked back at her.
"Who lives there?" Asami finally asked pointing at the cottage with one of her front legs.
"Oh!" Twilight began to smile wide. "That's my friend Fluttershy's house. She tends to the animals here in Ponyville."
"We're in Ponyville now?" Meelo asked from Konna's wing.
"Yep." Twilight smiled. "Told you it wasn't far."
The door to the cottage opened and out came a yellow Pegasus with pink hair and tail.
Twilight waved at her. "Hi Fluttershy!"
The Pegasus waved back and slowly hovered over to Twilight and the others.
"Hi Twilight." She spoke softly. She looked over at Korra and the rest of her Krew and hid behind her hair. "Who are your new friends? If you wouldn't mind telling me, that is."
Twilight gave her a soft smile. "These ponies are from another world kinda like the one I visited a month or so ago."
"I see." Fluttershy continued to hide.
Korra walked up to them and extended one of her front legs to shake. "I'm Korra." She gave her a soft smile.
Fluttershy looked her up and down for a moment, debating on shaking 'hands'. "You're an alicorn, are you a princess?"
Korra became confused. "Huh?"
Fluttershy hid behind her hair once more. "Only alicorns can be princesses." She squeaked.
"Oh." Korra gave her a soft smile. "My friends and I are new around here. We don't know how this land works."
"Oh." Fluttershy hid deeper into her hair.
A small rabbit hopped next to Fluttershy and tapped his foot.
Konna smiled wide. "How cute! What kind of animal is this? Its tail is so fluffy!" She looked around and noticed everyone staring at her. She hid behind her hair as well.
Fluttershy smiled at her. "Oh, this is Angel Bunny. You've never seen a bunny rabbit before?"
Konna shook her head. "No, but e's so cute!" She smiled wide.
Angel smiled and ate up the attention he was getting.
"Let me see!" Meelo popped his head out from Konna's wing.
Angel jumped back when he saw the little yellow Pegasus.
"Who's this?" Fluttershy tilted her head.
"This is Meelo. He's mine and my sister's mentor's son." Konna explained.
"He's kinda cute." Fluttershy seemed confused.
"Thank you." Meelo smile.
Twilight smiled. "How about we take this party to the library. The Everfree Forest is a bit creepy at night." She then became confused. "Fluttershy, you're pretty much afraid of your own shadow…"
Fluttershy became confused herself. "What's wrong Twilight?"
Twilight shook it off. "Nothing. I was just wondering how you can live next to the Everfree Forest." She gave her Pegasus friend a warm smile. "But you can forget I said anything."
"Libraries are so quiet, how is that a party?" Bolin asked.
Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's my house."
Mako raised an eyebrow. "This world is so strange. A princess living in a library? How come you don't have a castle?"
"I literally just became a princess a few weeks ago. It's not like a castle is going to build itself overnight. Besides; I like living in my library." Twilight explained.
Korra rolled her eyes. "Mako. Konna and I live on an island with monks. And our eldest sister lives in an igloo back in the South Pole with our parents the Chief and the Queen of the Southern Water Tribe." She smiled flirtatiously. "Did you hear castle anywhere in that?"
"Um… no." He stepped back.
Twilight smiled. "So you and your sister are princesses."
Korra nodded. "But we don't act like it."
Twilight thought for a moment, but then shrugged it off. She then started walking and everybody fallowed her. They soon reached her library treehouse.
A light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail sat at the door waiting for her.
"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked. "Why are you sitting there?"
The Pegasus rolled her eyes. "Spike won't let me in for some odd reason. And, I really don't wanna chance…" She then knocked on the door with her hoof. "Spike! It's me, Rainbow Dash! I just need the bathroom! Let me in!"
Twilight walked up to the door and opened it. "He's probably taking one of his 7-hour-long bubble baths."
"Thanks Twilight!" Rainbow Dash, dashed in.
Twilight rolled her eyes and walked in after her. The Krew and Fluttershy fallowed as well.
Twilight smiled and showed her guests around. "Welcome to my humble home… which is also the library."
A small purple and green dragon yawned as he climbed down the stairs. "Why is Rainbow Dash using our bathroom?" He asked. He then got a good look at the guests. "And who are they?" He yawned again.
Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Spike, were you asleep?" He nodded. "She's been knocking on the door for who knows how long. And she didn't wake you?"
"Oops." He chuckled nervously. "I thought that was all in my dream."
She rolled her eyes. "And I'd like you to meet…"
"Oh good, Twilight, you're home." A white unicorn with a dark purple stylishly curled mane trotted in. "I forgot to return this book earlier today because I got just so caught up in my work, and then Sweetie Bell wanted us to spend the afternoon together and I just absolutely couldn't say no to my darling little sister." She handed Twilight the book in question. "Thank you ever so much darling for letting me borrow it."
Twilight smiled. "Anytime. Did it help you with your latest designs?"
She smiled. "Very much." She then noticed the others in the room. "Good heavens, well aren't I rude. I am Lady Rarity." She looked over at Asami. "And who did your mane darling, it's fabulous!"
Asami smiled wide. "I did. It's kinda natural." She did a little hair flip.
Rarity continued to smile. "Well it definitely works for you darling."
"Thank you." Asami nodded.
"Twilight?" a southern drawl came ringing in the room as two earth ponies walked in. The yellow one wore a hat while the pink one was bare. "can you settle some um' for me and Pinkie?" The yellow one asked.
"Sure Applejack… what's the matter?" Twilight seemed confused.
"Pinkie." The yellow one, Applejack, looked over at the pink one.
The pink one smiled and took a deep breath. She then got a good look at the visitors and forgot what she was going to say. She gasped. "Oh boy! New friends!" She smiled wide. "I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your names?" she asked.
Applejack rolled her eyes. "Never mind then."
Twilight held up one of her hooves. "How about we wait for Rainbow Dash to come back down so our guests won't have to introduce themselves 6 times."
"They won't have to introduce themselves 6 times, just twice." Pinkie smiled. "Silly."
Twilight rolled her eyes as Rainbow Dash came down the stairs.
"Thanks Twilight! I don't think I could have made it home, I could barely get off the ground I had to go so bad." Rainbow smiled.
"You're welcome." Twilight smiled back. "Ok, now that everypony is here… Korra do you want to introduce yourself first?" She looked over at Korra.
"Sure." Korra smiled. "I'm Korra. In our world I'm what we call the Avatar." She then nudged her little sister.
Konna hid in her hair and waved. "I'm Konna and I'm Korra's sister." She spoke softly.
Asami walked up beside her. "I'm Asami… I'm just rich."
Mako rolled his eyes and waved from the spot on the floor he was sitting on. "I'm Mako."
"I'm Bolin and Mako is my big brother." He smiled wide.
Meelo managed to free himself from under Konna's wings. "I'm Meelo." He waved as he hovered around.
Konna gasped. "Meelo get down!"
Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie pie were shocked to see Konna snap like that.
"Aw, come on." He landed and crossed his front arms.
"Why is that little colt bald?" Rainbow tilted her head.
Rarity gave her a sharp look. "Rainbow Dash! You can't just ask somepony why they are bald." She then looked down and gave Meelo a smile. "So sorry about her darling."
He gave her a wide smile. "It's ok. I'm bald because I'm a monk!"
Applejack became confused. "What's a monk?"
"We meditate a lot." He shrugged.
Korra rolled her eyes. "He's an Air Nomad. An endangered race in our world. Almost two hundred years ago they were thought to be whipped out."
"Except for my granddad!" Meelo smiled.
"And his twin sister." Korra rolled her eyes again as Konna slid the little Pegasus closer to her. "That's why Konna and I are who we are because they survived." Korra continued to explain the best she could. "Aang was the last Avatar and his sister Lu was the last Antitar. During their lives they were the only two who could bend all four of the elements."
"Silly." Pinkie pie smiled. "There's six elements."
"Water, earth, fire and air." Konna counted. "That's four."
Twilight pulled Pinkie back using a purple glow like Celestia did before. "They come from another world Pinkie, their customs, traditions and everything is completely different than that of Equestria." She explained.
"Where's Equestria?" Meelo raised an arm.
"That's where were are now." Twilight smiled at him.
"I thought we were in Ponyville." He became confused.
"Oh I get it." Konna smiled and then looked down at him. "You know how Ba Sing Sa is a city in the Earth kingdom?"
"Ya?" he nodded.
"Ponyville is a city in Equestria." She finished explaining.
"Small town yes, city no." Twilight corrected.
"Sorry." Konna hid behind her hair.
Twilight gave her a warm friendly smile. "It's alright."
Korra smiled. "I have no clue why we're here, but maybe you guys can help us."
Twilight thought for a moment. "I haven't the slightest idea, but maybe we can figure it out…" she looked around. "We can start with a little research." She smiled as she pulled a book off one of the selves with her magic.