Hey guys this is almost a cross over I'm using some of the ideas from Dark angel which are genetically engineered soldiers that escaped.


I make no money off this story I hope you enjoy

- - - - BPRD - - - - - -

John sighed rubbing the back of his neck as he pushed the truck load of food along on the kart.

He hadn't wanted to be the nanny; he had got into the BPRD because he knew it was the best place to hide from Mantacore. It was easy, he was already trained more than any fully fledged FBI, all he had to do was create fake credentials and he was in, it was only when professor broom picked him that he felt his gut clench in unease, there was something about the man; as if he knew by one look at him exactly what he was and it unnerved him. Professor Broom had walked a room with the new recruits and his gaze had immediately locked on John and he had smiled.

He'd known.

He initially thought he might have been caught out by being too fast for the Sammael to catch him or being hit by the car and not getting his arm broken but they were too busy to notice. He even considered Blue having caught on but he was too well trained in mentally shielding himself, using fake memories and pushing them to the forefront of his mind. John wasn't sure how he knew or why he hadn't thrown him to the wolves, but he was grateful he hadn't and thankful for a new start.

That secret died with him.

He got to the huge metal volt that reminded him too much of a cell he used to be locked in, and knocked, waiting for the big red lug to open the door.

"Morning squirt" Hellboy yawned, easily throwing the door open to get his breakfast; his tail swaying.

John tried not to blush at seeing Red in his boxers, he cursed to himself as his imagination betrayed him, it was the same every morning John would take Red his food and Red would open the vault, and every time red would only be wearing boxers; despite Reds trousers being strewn by the bed and John would blush every time.

"Morning Red" he pushed the kart in "got you usual fry up, pancakes and syrup"

Hellboy dropped back on his bed his biceps flexed as he grabbed a hand full of bacon. Reds stone hand resting behind his head as he lazily watched some cartoon on the TV.

"Sit down Scout" Red mumbled around his bacon, his gaze not leaving the TV.

"I can't I've got more forms to fill out for Mannings" John moved around the cart to make for the exit only to have reds tail pull him back by his jeans pocket.

"Aww come on take a break, eat something you're looking a tad on the skinny side Myers" Red frowned turning his full attention on the agent watching John scowl.

"I would have a brake if you didn't keep getting seen" John's eyebrow rose as he smirked at the red slob.

"Ahhhh come on Squirt, scrooge can wait for his damn paper work!" Reds tail moved more firmly round him and yanked him onto the bed landing perfectly in Reds lap, John blushed such a bright red he put Hellboy to shame yet all Hellboy did was chuckle. It had taken John a lot of struggling and pleading to get loose not to mention the promise of baby ruths and a sleep over.

It had been like this for a while, Red would kind of flirt with him and John would blush and take it as a joke just Hellboy's usual banter and every time Liz would come back they'd avoid each other and inevitably Liz would blow up in Reds face an leave for yet another 'new life' it was always the same, an that's what stopped John from getting to close, he knew he was expendable, not that he wasn't used to it by now… John sighed as he carried on down the corridor; he was in need of some strong coffee if he was going to get through today.

- - - - BPRD - - - - - -

It had been a long ass day of paperwork, with lots of coffee and even more demands from manning as he ranted and raved about Hellboy being in the press, continuously throwing articles at him and blurred photos, John had to hold back a grin as he spotted a particular picture with Red saluting the media.

He eventually got free of Mannings and decided he needed to get out of the BRPD, he had spent too much time there recently. Getting changed into a pair of dark jeans, combat boots and blue t-shirt, John smiled at his appearance and pulled on his leather jacket. This was him behind the suit that no one knew, no one asked in the BRPD everyone kept to themselves, another perk of the job, and he liked it that way.

John headed towards his usual bar hat was located in a downstairs alley that lead to a bar commonly known as a demon bar, he a smiled at the vampire that opened the door for him. "Haven't seen you around here in a while John" the vampire let out a soft purr.

"Sorry James I've been kept caged up lately" he walked deeper into the club not noticing the scowling amber eyes focused on him as he disappeared deeper into the club.

- - - - In the Bar - - - - - -

John had ordered his usual jack daniels and lemonade, it was an odd mix but it tasted nice, he had learnt it off an old friend at a party when there wasn't much to drink, and it had stuck with him. Sitting in a specific corner so he could see the whole room and had a choice of escapes he sat in the plushy chair sipping his drink, even off work he couldn't fully relax.

"Hey beautiful" he saw the fangs before anything else. Zack was a usual here too, his amber eyes and blond shaggy hair made him attractive with a tall fairy muscular build. He was a concubine his wings gave him away more than anything. Despite what he was Zack was a lovely guy and they were good friends. They would joke around and talk about men and John felt himself relax a little.

He listened as Zack begin talking about a demon that had piercings in some "unusual" places. John had to admit he preferred demons to normal men. They could hold their own and John didn't feel like he would break them. He grinned as Zack continued to talk animatedly with hand gestures so crude it would make anyone else blush.

"Hey John mind if I ask something personal"

"Depends what you're asking" John took another sip.

"Well your human right, you don't really fit in here…not that I'm grateful you are here...but why here of all places?"

"I don't fit in anywhere but this place kinda works for me" John smiled over the top of his glass taking a gulp "It's funny, demons are far more accepting of outsiders than human, I've always wondered why"

"It's simple, despite us being tougher than humans were a minority we will take all the help we can get" Zack chuckled "Come on old timer your brooding, let's get some shots clearly your thinking too much" Zack tilted Johns glass making him down it. John grimaced as his throat burned.


"Says the guy drinking cocktails" John raised an eyebrow.

"I like more flavour to my poison thank you" Zack tilted his head up proudly flashing his wings.

"Oh is that a challenge?" "You can't hold your own against me" John slammed his hands down on the table grabbing the bartender's attention, the mass of tentacles turned to him or at least John assumed he turned to him.

"four fire bombs, two snake bites and two …you know what surprise me" the demons tentacles got to work brushing against all the vials and bottles, shaking and mixing he placed all the shots in a row and set fire to the fire bombs, Zack looked impressed battering his eyelashes at the bartender as John handed over the money.

"Ready when you are" clinking the first firebomb they both downed it with a grimace and laugh the others shortly followed.

"Right, my turn" Zack ordered the next round, continuing until Zack was holding onto the bar for support; John chuckled at the drunken demon.

"How is it...that we drank the same amount yet you don't seem...affected?" "Maybe I just hold my liquor better" John chuckled, gripping Zack he pulled one arm over his shoulder to keep him steady.

"Let's get you back to your place shall we" Zack just nodded slumped on his shoulder. Pulling Zack up steadier against him they made their way out of the club. Having had similar nights like this John already knew the route to the demons lair well more like a gay man pad, John chuckled to himself, Zack lived above an old opera house, the top floors were cordoned off due to lack of money for refurbishment but Zack had made the place a comfy little home. Edging in through the side doors they made it upstairs unseen and ducked beneath boarded up doors and up more spiraling stairs to a beautiful old Victorian style room. Gently lying Zack onto the bed he chuckled as the demon curled around a pillow.

"Not all of you guys are so bad" John couldn't help but think about Hellboy, speaking of which, two golden eyes were staring in through the window from over the street. Johns eyes widened running to the window but saw nothing outside, swallowing a large gulp, that couldn't be his imagination. He shook his head opening the window and climbing onto the room, it was hard to maneuvered in jeans but John was used to doing this. Shuffling along the guttering John planned his way out, taking a run up and leaping off the side of the building, rolling just before he hit the next roof. John maneuvered out of the roll into another run, repeating the same action until he was close to the BPR.

Calming his nerves; he had to know for sure if what he had seen was true.

- - - - BPRD - - - - - -

Getting back in when he was slightly intoxicated had been the easy part as the other guards put it down to John finally relaxing, a lot of problems could be solved with alcohol apparently, John shook his head heading down towards reds quarters. He had marched all the way down there and now he didn't know what to say to Hellboy, the words wouldn't come out, he sighed running his hands through his hair. He took a big breath maybe he hadn't seen those disappointed golden eyes, he froze as his ears picked up the sound of the vault door opening and one large red hand pulled him into the room, shutting the vault door behind them. He found himself staring at Reds large muscly back, remaining quiet as Reds muscles moved and he twisted round to face him. Reds golden eyes burrowed into johns chocolate ones, searching for an answer, the uncomfortable stretch of silence was too much for John and he looked away.

"I know what you saw Red, just ask the question you want to ask"

"Really?! A demon bar?" Red frowned, his hands fisting in anger.

"Yes a demon bar why is that so bad?"

"They could of hurt you your just a human! You don't belong there! And who was thy guy you left with?"

"What are you my mother stalking me" John was starting to get angry, who was Hellboy to question his every move or who he could or couldn't see. "I hold my own just fine, if I don't belong there then where do I belong Red?"

"HERE! He's a concubine you shouldn't be around him!" Hellboy's eyes narrowed at the thought of John and that demon together, what he had seen had been enough proof.

"Now you're telling me who I can be with!"

"I care about you…"

"No you don't…you care about me when Liz isn't here and when she comes back you don't notice me at all!" John locked eyes with Reds shocked gaze "And for your information Zack is a friend, who listens to me when this" John gestured to the whole of the BPRD "Gets too much" John made for the exit and Hellboy went to grab him by the arm.

"Just don't Red" such a simple whisper could stop the demon in his tracks and Red went from angry to guilty in a matter of seconds, watching his liaison open the vaults and slink through.

It was true he put all his focus on Liz when she came back, but overtime he thought they would make it work and his confusing feelings about Boy Scout made everything so much harder to process.

Red sat on the bed, the cats scattering, resting his head in his hands, his fingers touching his horns, he remembered Johns face when he had walked in the sight of awe and curiosity but not fear or disgust unlike Liz who had avoided him for months when first meeting him. John would make excuses for him when he broke out cos he understood the need for freedom and they would go together, Liz would think about herself and leave him to rot in a prison so she could see the world and pretend to be normal. Where John wanted to throw his lot in with the freaks, Red sighed at the realization, how was he going to make it up to squirt?

- - - - Thank you for reading - - - - - -

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