Kurt Hummel throws his head back in laughter, rolling his eyes at Finn's ridiculous assessment of vegetarianism.

"You make it sound a lot worse than it actually is!" Rachel pouts, clearly taking his opinion seriously.

Finn nudges her, a smirk tugging at the side of his mouth. Blaine's fingers lace into Kurt's under the table, and Kurt squeezes once, and flashes Blaine a smile.

While Kurt engages in a conversation with his two friends, Blaine analyzes Kurt, watching the animation of which he talks, using his hand to gesture in the air, his eyes crinkling when he smiles, the pitches of his voice changing in the excitement of the story he is telling.

Blaine knows that bit by bit, Kurt is healing. Kurt is beginning to believe in life again. Things aren't always easy, but his friends make things much easier. Blaine helps to remind Kurt of the good things that can be overlooked, the things that will always be there, even when hope and all other things are lost.

Blaine smiles, and Kurt catches him looking and smiles back.

A real, genuine, Kurt Hummel grin.