I'm giddy with excitement that you're all still loving this story!
Much love to you all
Enjoy X
A week later, everyone was gathered outside the church, to pay their last respects to Brittany. Finn and Rachel, who had only been discharged from the hospital two days ago, met up with the rest of the Glee Club outside, Finn using Rachel and wall as support.
'Finn... I swear, if you're in pain, get your crutches!' Kurt grumbled from behind, as he looped arms with Mercedes. When Finn had told Rachel that Kurt had passed away, he wasn't lying. It was only when they had gone to say their goodbyes, that they got the shock of their lives.
'I can't believe this is happening!' Rachel whispered, as she and Finn entered Kurt's hospital room, Rachel using her Dad as support as she had refused a wheelchair.
'I'll let you two say goodbye' LeRoy said, exiting the room.
'I don't know what to say, Rach... He's my brother, maybe not by blood... But he's still my brother!' Finn sobbed. Rachel, who was now using the side of Kurt's bed as support, put her arms round Finn's shoulder, while he gripped her waist and into her stomach.
'Just say whatever's on your mind... Do you... want me to wait outside? So, you can say goodbye in private?' Rachel asked. Finn looked up at her, an almost guilty look on his face ad slowly nodded
'It's fine, babe! Honest... I'll be outside' Rachel said, before leaning to Kurt. She stroked his forehead and sniffled.
'Goodbye, Kurt... I'll miss you everyday for the rest of my life... My first Tony Award will go to you!' she whispered, kissing his head. Just as her lips touched his forehead, Kurt groaned, startling Rachel and Finn. Rachel stumbled backwards in shock, letting out a scream. Finn caught her and pulled her onto his lap, near his good side, clutching her tightly.
'What the hell happened? Where am I?' Kurt wheezed, looking at his brother and Rachel.
'MOM! BURT!' Rachel and Finn's words clashed together as they screamed, making door bang open, revealing two sets of shocked parents and a very shocked Doctor...
End of flashback
'Shut up, Kurt! I'm fine!' Finn said, kissing Rachel's head. Just then, the doors to the church opened and they watched as Brittany's coffin was carried inside, They spotted a distraught Santana being consoled by Brittany's parents, as they walked behind the coffin and into the church...
After the funeral had taken place, everyone headed back to the wake at Brittany's house, however Finn and Rachel decided to opt out, wanting some time alone and reflect on the last few weeks.
'We'll be fine, Mom... We just some time to ourselves for a bit...' Finn explained. His Mom and the Berry's looked skeptical, but nodded. Carole dropped them off and waited until they had gone inside, before driving off and heading to the wake. Inside, Finn let out a sigh of relief as he perched himself on the sofa arm.
'Where are you going?' he asked, when he saw Rachel head into the kitchen.
'I need a drink' she answered, taking out two headache pills. She got herself a glass of water and swallowed the tablets.
'Better?' Finn asked, from behind her. Rachel nodded ad turned, wrapping her arms round his neck.
'Much' she said, smiling. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly, not wanting to hurt him. They drew apart when air became a necessity. Finn looked down at her and took her hand, leading her upstairs and to his bedroom.
'Finn... Is this a good idea?' Rachel whispered, as he led her into his room, shutting the door behind them.
'Calm down, princess! We're not going to do anything... I thought you might want to be more comfortable' Finn said, chuckling. Rachel smiled and climbed onto the bed, smiling at Finn gently laid down next to her.
'Come here' he whispered, reaching for her waist, Rachel rolled halfway into his arms and connected their lips, smiling into the kiss. Eventually, the kiss turned passionate and heavy and it took all of Finn's self restraint and will power to pull away, groaning, making Rachel pout.
'Trust me, baby... If I didn't have stitches, we'd be doing a lot more than just kissing!' Finn told her, stroking her hair, kissing it gently, smiling as he felt Rachel giggling beneath him...
A few hour later, Finn awoke to a text message from Carole, saying she and But had gone out for a meal with the Berry's and that they wouldn't be back till later on, making Finn smile. He looked down at a sleeping Rachel in his arms and kissed her head, making her squirm.
'Finny?' she questioned sleepily, making him smile.
'Yeah, it's me... Come on, I'll make us something to eat' Finn said, slowly sitting up.
'I just want to lay in your arms' Rachel pouted
'So do I... But I also know you haven't eaten since this morning, Rach...' Finn said, as he climbed off his bed, holding out his hand to Rachel. She grabbed it and together they made their way downstairs and to the kitchen.
'Is a salad okay?' He asked, after rifling through the fridge.
'Yeah sure' Rachel said, smiling cutely as she flicked on the TV in the kitchen. She squealed when as her favorite dance track came on and she started to dance in time to the music, while Finn chopped the lettuce. Once he'd washed it, he turned and watched Rachel, who was jumping round and dancing, making him laugh. Just then, Rachel froze, her eyes trained on the TV.
'Aw Rach! I was enjoying that!' Finn whined, chuckling. He watched the video on the TV, the flashing lights and the beat giving it a club vibe to it.
'Rach?' Finn said, as he realized she still hadn't moved. Just the Rachel fell backwards against the lino covered floor.
'SHIT!Rach!' Finn shouted. He rushed round the island in the middle of the kitchen and found Rachel on the floor, her body convulsing.
'RACHEL!' Finn screamed. He panicked for a second, before diving the phone and calling the emergency services, dropping to his knees besides her body. Luckily, she had fallen away from the island, so she wasn't near anything dangerous.
'Yeah I need an ambulance!... I don't know what happened! One minute was dancing and then the ext she's on the floor jerking!' Finn shouted, placing the phone on speaker as he grabbed a towel, folded it and placed it under Rachel's head.
'Right, I need you to-'
'HER LIPS ARE TURNING BLUE! PLEASE... I'M HOME ALONE AND NO ONES HERE! JUST SEND AN AMBULANCE TO 54 LAKE AVENUE!' Finn screamed, letting his panic get the better of him.
'I need you to be calm, sir! Now listen... Has she stopped shaking?' the receptionist asked. Finn was about to say no, when Rachel slowly stopped convulsing.
'Yeah... She has now' Finn said, making sure.
'Right put her in the recovery position... Remain calm and the ambulance should be there in a minute!' the receptionist said.
'Thank you!' Finn said, hanging up and turning his full attention Rachel, who was slowly regaining consciousness. Luckily, he had paid attention in class when they had been going through the recovery position and did it correctly.
'Rach? Sweetheart?' he said, trying to rouse her.
'Sleep... I wanna sleep...' Rachel mumbled.
'No, no try and start awake, sweetheart for me...' Finn said, stroking a piece of hair from her face. Just then, the front door banged open and revealed the paramedics.
'What's her nae, age and what's happened?' asked the paramedic, Ryan.
'Her name Rachel Berry, she's 19 and I don't know... One minute she was dancing and then she just dropped to the floor and started convulsing... Her lips turned blue and then she slowly regained consciousness, but she's wanting to sleep' Finn explained, the panic still evident in his voice.
'Okay... Thank you...' Ryan trailed off, not knowing Finn's name
'Fin... Thank you, Finn. You did the right thing. Now, I'm going to ask you to let me place Rachel on this stretcher and take her to the hospital...' Ryan asked watching as Finn nodded frantically. Once they had loaded Rachel into the ambulance, they set off for the hsopital, wit the paramedics tending to Rachel, as Finn gripped his phone and called his Mom.
'Finn? You;'
'It's Rachel!' Finn choked out, letting the tears he had kept in his eyes through Rachel's episode, finally make an appearance...
Uhohhhh... :P
R&R xx