If you feel so angry, so ripped off, so stepped on. You're not the only one, refusing to back down.
Jet was breathing heavily at the edge of the tea shop door. Rage was fueling him more so than it ever had. He had let this firebender into his house, his life, his bed. Jet could feel the anger pumping through his veins with every beat of his heart.
Finally, he kicked the tea shop door open. Everyone in the tea shop seemed to freeze, starring at Jet as he stood, panting with his swords drawn.
Every word that he spoke just dripped with anger and betrayal. That's how Li knew what was coming. He had swords drawn and was standing across from Jet before anyone could back out of the way.
Jet snarled at him, so fucking pissed off he could feel the heat of it on his tongue. How dare this filthy fucking firebender use him like that? Fuck him and kiss him and eat him alive.
The battle was fierce and Jet wanted Li's bloods on his swords, wanting to hear Li's scream get choked with blood as Jet slashed his throat.
Jet swung at him and Li dodged it, fumbling backwards. Fuck, he wanted to kill him.
If you feel so filthy, so dirty, so fucked up. You're not the only one. So get up.
Li's swords swiped at Jet and he bended himself almost in half to avoid it, swords cutting his wheat stick in half. Jet ragained his footing and it took everything in him not to scream wordlessly.
They fought too close, touched each other too much, because it was easy for them. Because they had touched before. And each time Li's skin brushed Jet's he wanted to claw it off. A firebender had kissed him, touched him, been inside of him. Jet wanted to vomit.
Instead, he fought harder. Swung faster, screamed louder. Li had to dodge many attempts, but Jet never gave up. He needed to stop feeling so fucking disgusting and Li's blood on his swords was just the way to do that.
When the cops showed up, Jet fought harder. He'd kill everyone in the alley, kill everyone in the tea shop if it meant he could kill Li. Because how dare he touch him like that, with fiery hands and golden eyes. How fucking dare he.
Jet fought as hard as he could, but it wasn't hard enough. He found himself in the back of a truck before he could even strike at Li again. Li's grim face spoke of an apology.
Jet wanted to rip it off with his teeth.