Warning: Slight gore; Death, death everywhere…

Disclaimer: Gorilla + Gorilla = Gintama. Me no Gorilla yo.

Turning Points

Story of Life –1


There was a time when the red dead-fish eyes were alive with the vigour of youth. It was not always so lacking of enthusiasm and cynical of life; was once actually filled to the brim with an unspeakable vitality on what life has to offer.

The positivism had perhaps completely fled him when he was in his teens –though he had not possessed much of it in his childhood either-; perhaps had completely disappeared on an overcast rainy day when he was given a weighty patterned scabbard onto his smooth open palms. He had tightly held on to the sheathed sword with unwavering determination, all for the sake of the people he cherished.

He stood quietly on the battlefield, observing the last cry of pain from men and amantos alike, the sound ringing in his unaccustomed ears. Metals cleave flesh and bones crack with force, the crimson red bathed the enemy and ally to adjoin them into a communion of massacre; the common sense of the world is invalid in this battle for survival.

The raging beast charged towards him in a complete frenzy and he dodged the hiss of death brought by the axe in an instant. He unsheathed the sword not to protect himself but to protect his bushido, his own way of the samurai, though he hesitates to swing the sharp steel, reluctant to inflict injury upon another living being.

Even so, the moment of hesitation passed as he raised the gleaming cold metal with conviction. He had swung the weapon for the sake of one man with whom he had made an important promise.

Confined by the promise and by his own naïve and inexperienced bushido, he wielded the heartless steel to protect them all –to protect the legacy left behind by Shouyo-sensei in the form of anguished students.

A/N: yes, I'm guilty... I have 2 incomplete fic and am doing a new one. Oh well, so what? You guys know me. Procrastination and I are married so there's no way I'll finish anything mwahahahaha...



Nah, jokes. I'll finish them. I promise. ... Uh, sometime in the future :P