A/N: Yes, it's a university AU! I'm really excited for this - don't worry about the measly word count for now, it's just the prologue. Chapters are on their way soon, and I apologise in advance for any OOC (I've tweaked some back stories to fit into the theme, but the changes shouldn't be too extreme). Let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke nor any of the characters.


It wasn't too much of a bad habit to have – as far as horrid habits went. I don't pick my nose or fart out in public – my self-control in relation to the male species isn't too shabby either. Besides, it's not as though I can stop it, per se. I've always been a sucker for pros and cons.

A list, sitting on my bedside table.

Pros and Cons of attending Tokyo University


- Excellent course for Statistics and Business

- New people to meet

- Can get a job almost off the bat once I leave (prestigious degree/university and all)

- Male specimens


- Difficult course

- New people to meet

- Don't know where I want to work

- Male specimens

It's not my fault that the ups and downs tend to go hand in hand. More often than not, they do. Great course? You can bet all the money in the world that it'll be extremely difficult. New people? Sure, some might be nice. Emphasis on some. Job options? I'm nineteen, what the hell do I know about the career I want to properly pursue? Male specimens? Ugh.

For as long as I can remember, my life has revolved around analysing the world around me, making predictions and observations to the minutest detail. My mother's always told me time and time again that I should focus only on the upsides – but if you're too busy looking on the upside, the downside will unquestionably bite you in the ass when your back is turned. I've seen it happen time and time again, in every aspect of everything – everywhere. No one can convince me that ignoring the cons will do me any good, and so I don't (though sometimes I may focus a little too resolutely on the downsides… what?! The glass is half empty, why can't most people see that?).

Nevertheless, my collated data always helps me come to a conclusion… which is why I'll be attending Tokyo University on the first day of the semester in April.
