Disclaimer: Dance Central is a property of Harmonix. This fanwork is not made for profit.

A/N: Each chapter is a one-shot story unless stated otherwise. They won't necessarily be in chronological order or even related to each other plot-wise. Summaries will precede each story. Hope you enjoy!

Title: Nice (Guy) Style

Synopsis: The only thing Aubrey hated more than playboys were "nice guys". Angel could use an update to his look anyway. (Takes place between DC2 and DC3)

Genre: Humor/General (some fluff if you squint maybe?)

It was the end of another rehearsal; Angel and Aubrey were wrapping up practice for the week. They had kept it casual so neither of them bothered to wear their crew outfits that day. Angel was adjusting his fedora in a nearby mirror when he caught Aubrey glancing his way. She had been sneaking looks in his direction for the past few days, seeming deep in thought as she did so. He knew better than to get his hopes up, but he couldn't help but be curious. Trying his luck, Angel attempted to see what was on her mind.

"Something bothering you querida?" She turned away, as if she wanted to avoid being caught staring.

"No, it's nothing." Angel wanted to believe her, but he knew he wasn't imagining those furtive glances.

"Aubrey, if there's anything I can do for you, just say so." She let out a short sigh and shrugged to herself.

"I was just thinking... have you ever thought of getting rid of that fedora?"

"...what?" That was one of the last things he was expecting; he didn't know how to respond.

"Angel, no offense but I think it's really giving you that 'nice guy' vibe. Maybe it's time for a change." Saying "no offense" didn't really stop him from being just a bit offended.

"Well that's not really my fault is it? Or do you think I'm one of those fake 'nice guys'?"

"I didn't say that. Look, it's just a hat. Let's not make a big deal out of it."

"The girls say it looks good on me." It was almost embarrassing for him to seem so insecure over a fedora, but he couldn't bring himself to just let it go. Aubrey simply let out a short sigh.

"It's always about the other girls isn't it?" she said with a hint of spite in her voice. Him and his big mouth.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Mm-hmm. Like I said, it's not a big deal." Deep down, he knew Aubrey was playing him, and it aggravated him. Still, that was nothing compared to his desire to make her happy. Angel supposed there was some truth in saying that love makes you crazy.

"Look, I can stop wearing it if you want me to okay?" In a swift movement, he plucked his fedora from his head and gave a playful bow, as a true gentleman would. "Better?" he asked as he shot her one of his award-winning smiles. Aubrey smirked and quickly ran her hand through his hair.

"Yes, actually. I think you really look better like this."


"Yeah. Maybe you should try going hatless more often." Aubrey seemed pretty satisfied with herself. He knew he was going to get more jabs about "being whipped", but little things like this were nothing if it meant seeing her smile.

"Whatever you say Aubrey."

And that's why in DC3 he doesn't wear a hat. Or not, who knows? More chapters to come, and maybe I might take prompt suggestions? Thanks for reading.