Flying mint bunny - England
Hanatamago - Finland/Sweden
Gilbird - Prussia
Troll - Norway
Kumajiro - Canada
Pochi - Japan
Pierre - France
Tony - America
Mr. Puffin - Iceland
Cat - Greece
All the nations have to put their pets/friends that aren't personifications of a country in a day care center when they go to a meeting...
They introduced themselves
"I'm Flying mint bunny!" it said flying in circles
"I'm Hanatamago! Just call me Hana!"
"I'm Gilbird kesese!"
"just like your owner, I'm Troll nice to meet you!"
"anyone have food? By the way I'm Kumajiro"
"Pochi! From Japan!"
"I'm an alien, America's friend"
"peep peep peep peep! hello mademoiselle I'm Pierre!"
"your french!? I'm Mr. Puffin"
"meow" "meow" "meow"
All the pets/friends looked at the cats playing with a yarn ball then agreed that the cats were from Greece, there was so many! Like 36 or 40? Mr. Puffin flew up to the top of the lightstand "we will now start the meeting! The pet-" he looked at Tony and Troll "-friend meeting!"
"wait! Why are you in charge!?" Flying mint bunny said landing on the ground
The puffin looked around then spoke in his mafioso voice "because I am!" Flying mint bunny hid behind Troll.
"okay? What are we going to discuss?" Kumajiro asked "is it food? I'm hungry"
Mr. Puffin eyed Pierre expecting him to do that annoying 'peep' thing nonstop.
Pierre saw this then knew what to do "peep peep peep peep peep peep peep yes, food? I can make better food that England even though I'm a beautiful bird. Peep!"
Flying mint bunny came out from Troll "how dare you!? Talk about England like that!?" the magical bunny yelled defending its' owner.
"but it's true..." "what!" Pierre and Flying Mint Bunny started to argue, just like England and France.
Hana was just talking to Pochi like most calm animals.
Almost all the country 'companions' were talking, causing chaos or flying around. This ticked off Mr. Puffin "everyone! Stop!" They stopped instantly, the birds and anything that could fly stopped resulting in them hitting the carpet floor. "Good...Now lets sit down in our seats."
In a split second all the 'companions' sat in their respective place, they were sitting up like humans in this case.
"We are going to discuss anything that comes to mind, but we have to speak one by one"
"Hey, do we have food?"
"food it is, I pick fish" the puffin said confidently.
"tuna tuna tuna tuna!" all of Greece's cats yelled, then turned it into a melody "tuna~ tuna~ tuna~ tuna~"
"a burger and soda"
Everyone yelled out their opinions turning the conversation into a racket.
"is there beer? kesese!" obviously Gilbird said, following after his master, Prussia.
"why would a messenger bird like you drink beer?" Troll said
"that's easy, Prussia and I drink it all the time! kese-"
"what!?" almost all the 'companions' screeched, shouted or screamed.
"Mein gott...I SAID, PRUSSIA AND I DRINK BEER ALL THE TIME!" Gilbird repeated thinking none of them heard.
"okay... Lets change the subject" suggested Pochi
All the 'companions' thought looking around the room, having no idea what else to think about.
"we should cause chaos! It's not like those humans would blame us, naïve, animals or friends." Tony said breaking some random vase with nothing in it.
Some agreed yelling a simple yes. The goodie-goodie animals/friends which were Flying mint bunny, Pochi and Hanatamago just talked still able to keep their sanity over all the yelling and smashing the others did. There was cotton, shards and practically a mess everywhere, except the circle the good 'companions' were.
"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?" Everyone in the room looked at the door, there stood the personifications already out of the meeting.
America smiled "well, we can't get angry at them"
"why the bloody not!?" England yelled, smacking America on the back of the head.
"They follow after us" America faced the directions of the animals/friends "weren't you?"
The companions cheered something that sounded like a 'yes.'
Mr. Puffin flew up "meeting!"
Iceland looked at his pet with a confused expression. The hetalia creatures started to talk in a small circle formation. All were nodding "so it's settled."
The next week~
"hello!" they all yelled entering the day care center. Some were chatting with each other, the others just laughed or stayed quiet.
"time to start the meeting? But I'm hungry I-" Kumajiro complained, but was interrupted by Flying mint bunny that dropped a container of maple syrup and pancakes "you're welcome!"
"okay, we have to talk about a personification"
"Canada is well...invisible to me, actually many people, I forget his name sometimes."
"we need to make Canada more visible to other people then"
"I suggest giving him a burger and soda, so at least America knows his own brother is there."
"hmm, not only America, France, non? They are like family, in history terms, peep"
"it's odd Norway doesn't even speak, but people know he's there"
Kumajiro gave him half a pancake in which Gilbird ate taking a long time because all he could do was tear parts off making it a crumb small.
"he could have a cat~" Greece's cats said with a request "with tuna~" Oddly they sang a melody once more with only one word 'tuna~' they conveniently named 'the tuna song' a very good title, if they sang anything else other than only one word.
"Canada could break a world record"
"that sounds okay, anyone disagree?"
"okay! Time to make the world record!"
"of what exactly?"
"the largest amount of pancakes we could stack"
In Canada~
"we are ready" a world record judge said waving his hand in the air
They started stacking occasionally adding maple syrup to make it sticky. Each creature that could fly piled it on top while the ones that couldn't fly handed them pancakes or created more.
2 feet
3 feet
4 feet
7 feet
10 feet
18 feet
20 feet
30 feet
40 feet
50 feet
100 feet
They eventually made it like the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. It took them about 3 days without sleep, but it was worth it! They had their picture in the World record book with the words:
Canada wins world record of animals stacking pancakes to make the replica of the
Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.
They didn't expect it to look like the tower in Italy. It just looked like it was leaning because Gilbird misplaced one pancake. The exhausted hetalia creatures went back to the day care and fell asleep in their spots.
"that was the longest meeting, ever! I think I'll buy a burger"
"3 bloody long days discussing nothing but politics!"
"big brother" "no no no!"
"Pochi? I wonder if they are alright."
"I love my cats..."
"Pierre could cook better than you!" "whatever frog!"
"wife?" "I'm not your WIFE!"
They openned the door quietly, peeking inside.
Their pets soundly asleep some even snoring quietly...
America's phone received an alert or e-mail "cool, Let's see someone just broke a world record."
Everyone looked at his screen with shocked expressions...There was a picture of a stack of pancakes with all their friends/pets surrounding it.
'I see why they're tired'
"congratulations Canada!" the other nations said giving Canada 'way-to-go' phrases.
Canada looked through the window that showed the hetalia creatures 'thank you'
A/N: I like all the hetalia creatures! I even have a bracelet with flying mint bunny in it! Review becuase your Gilbird awesome! I don't know if stacking pancakes to look like the leaning tower of Pisa is a world record...