The day had been physically and mentally overwhelming. Between the surgery and the afternoon in the NICU, Katniss was wiped out. Unfortunately, she couldn't get much rest overnight. She was struggling to balance her pain levels without feeling dopey from the medications they gave her. It didn't help that nearly every time she settled down, someone wanted to check her blood pressure. Or take her temperature. Or look at her incision.

By the time morning came, she was exhausted. But she knew their little bubble of privacy was about to burst. People had given them privacy the first day out of courtesy, but there were a slew of visitors scheduled to make an appearance today. Everyone in their circle of family and friends wanted to meet the new little Mellark.

Thinking back to the instructions they got at the NICU, Katniss knew that the baby could have only two visitors at a time, one of which had to be her or Peeta. The rules helped keep things quieter in the unit, and made sure all visits would be carefully monitored by the babies' parents.

"I can do the visits, if you'd like," Peeta offered. "So you can get some rest. You shouldn't have to do all that back and forth today."

"That's probably a good idea. If you don't mind..." Katniss was secretly grateful for the offer, and not just because she was so tired. Between the two of them, Peeta had the larger family. She just had Prim, and eventually her mom later that week, while he had two brothers, their wives, and both his parents planning to come by. While Katniss usually got along with most of the Mellarks, she still cringed at the thought of spending any length of time with them alone, without Peeta there as a buffer.

The family seemed to arrive in a bunch, Peeta's parents and both brothers getting to the hospital within minutes of each other. After visiting with Katniss and giving their congratulations, Peeta brought the whole gang down to the NICU while she tried to get some rest.


Katniss had just begun attempting a nap when a shrill voice caused her to open her eyes with a start. The door to her room was partially closed, but she recognized the voice of her mother-in-law calling from the hallway.

"Come on in," she replied, subdued. It wasn't like she had anywhere to hide.

Mrs. Mellark came in toting a canvas bag overflowing with yarn. "Peeta let me go first, so I told him I'd wait down here while the rest of the family gets to meet her."

"Oh. Okay." Spending unchaperoned time with Ruth Mellark was the last thing she wanted to do right now, but she could try to be civil, for Peeta's sake.

"I thought it would be nice if I kept you company and worked on my knitting. I'm making the baby a blanket. Something special for her crib." She held up a skein of scratchy looking yarn in a hideous shade of pink. Ever since Ruth learned she would have a granddaughter, she had been showering the couple with clothes and toys in a Pepto Bismol hue. Katniss fought a grimace as she pictured the bold item in the pastel-shaded nursery Peeta had spent so much time and care painting.

"Okay," Katniss repeated. The women stared at each other briefly before Ruth arched a blonde eyebrow at her daughter-in-law, waiting. "Oh, um, you can sit over here." She indicated the seat near the foot of her bed.

Ruth nodded, and moved toward the chair. She sat down on the edge and began sorting through her bag, pulling out her yarn, needles and the small square she had already begun. She perched a pair of reading glasses on her nose and quietly got to work.

Grateful for the silence, Katniss once again closed her eyes and tried to get some rest.

"She's beautiful by the way." Katniss looked up to find her mother-in-law watching her over the rim of her glasses. "You didn't ask how the visit went. But the baby is beautiful. She has lovely eyes."

"Thank you," Katniss repeated. A compliment from Peeta's mother was a rare thing, even if she was referring to the only feature she herself had probably passed down.

The door opened, drawing the women's attention. Katniss felt a strange sense of relief when her roommate flopped on the bed beside her.

"Rounds," Johanna explained as she crossed her ankles and turned on the television. "Don't mind me."

Katniss watched as Ruth cast a judgmental eye over Johanna's spiky hair and matching black clothing. She knew how important proper introductions were to the woman. "Ruth, this is my roommate, Johanna. Her son is in the NICU as well. Johanna, this is my mother-in-law, Ruth Mellark."

"Hey." Johanna nodded casually, eyes quickly drifting back to the screen.

"Hello," Ruth replied cooly. "Is your husband up in the NICU now?"

"Nah," Johanna dismissed, scrolling through the channels. "No husband."

Ruth raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend?"

"Nope. It's just me and Ash against the world."

"I see." Ruth replied, going back to her knitting with no attempt to hide her disapproving frown. "So, Katniss, have you thought about doing a christening?" she asked, changing the subject.

Katniss adjusted the head of her bed higher and carefully scooted herself into a sitting position. Clearly she wouldn't be getting any rest now.

"Um, we haven't talked about it lately. Maybe. We hadn't really decided." She shrugged. "We'll figure it out in a few months."

Ruth looked down, focusing on the bubble gum yarn flying through her fingers. "It might be wise to do something sooner. Perhaps this week."

Katniss frowned. She knew her in-laws were more structured in their worship than her family was, but even still, this sounded extreme.

"It's something we're not really sure about yet. But if we do, we'll want to celebrate it. Have the family all together. So it will take some time and preparation."

Ruth shook her head. "You may want to rethink waiting, dear. In situations like this, it is sometimes wise to err on the side of caution."

Situations like this? Katniss's frown grew deeper. "I'm not really sure what you mean?"

Johanna let out a scoff from the next bed. "I think what she's so graciously trying to say is that you better hurry up and do something just in case something BAD happens. Isn't that right?" She cocked her head and eyed Ruth right back with the same contempt she had been giving her since they met.

"Well, I mean…" Ruth backpedaled. "I wasn't trying to imply…"

"Oh, you weren't? You weren't suggesting a baby in this situation might die before their soul could be claimed for your team?" Johanna sat up and leaned forward. "Wouldn't want to tempt the gates of Hell. Isn't that right?"

Ruth pursed her lips and said nothing, but her silence spoke volumes.

"I -" Katniss was speechless, her heart in her throat. Was her mother-in-law actually suggesting that her baby's life could be in danger?

She looked to Johanna for some kind of comfort. She had been here longer; surely she would have some words of wisdom. But then she remembered Johanna's introduction, how her son had already had a brush with death in his short life, and she was ashamed for wishing such a thing. If anyone deserved words of comfort, it was her roommate.

Johanna seemed to sense the panic in Katniss's face, and her eyes softened. "Whatever." She cleared her throat. "Now if you don't mind, Ruth, I've got to pump for my heathen offspring. So unless you'd like a free show..." To emphasize the point, she began unbuttoning her blouse. Ruth, who wore turtlenecks in the summer lest too much skin show, gasped and hurriedly began packing up her knitting.

"Well. I guess I'll just go down and see if the boys have finished their turns yet."

She walked toward the door, Johanna close on her heels, continuing to unbutton her shirt. "I'll see you later, Katn-" Her eyebrows flew up to her hairline as she turned to say goodbye and got an eyeful of Johanna's nursing bra as she shucked her shirt to the floor.

"Buh-bye now, Ruthie," Johanna said with a waggle of her fingers, before closing the door of their room in her stunned face.

She turned back and gave Katniss a mischievous smirk. "Well I guess that took care of her."

Katniss laughed at the sight of her roommate's proud swagger. She covered her mouth with her hand as the smile melted away and she burst into tears.

"Anyone in here?"

"Yeah, c'mon on," Johanna called out.

Prim made her way into the room, looking pointedly at the full tray of food Katniss had pushed to the foot of her bed.

She leaned in to give Katniss a careful hug. "Hey, how are you feeling? Not up to eating yet?"

Katniss shrugged. "Don't have much of an appetite."

Prim looked over the tray of broth, jello and tea. "They've still got you on clear liquids?"

Katniss picked at a thread on her blanket. "Not exactly."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Prim asked.

"What she means -" Johanna interrupted, "- is that they sent up the default meal because she didn't call in her order."

Prim looked between the beds before extending a hand out to Johanna. "I'm Prim, the younger sister."

"Johanna," she replied, shaking her hand firmly. "The roommate."

Prim watched Katniss pick at the blanket before addressing Johanna again. "What's this about an order?"

"They like you to feel like you're in a hotel or something, with room service. Like anyone could be confused," Johanna scoffed. "Anyway, you have to phone in your lunch order by 11:00 or they just send up the standard meal."

Prim sat down on the edge of her sister's bed. "Why didn't you call in your order, Katniss?"

Katniss didn't look up from the thread she had loosened. "I was waiting for Peeta. And then Ruth was here. I got... distracted."

Awareness washed across Prim's face. "Is that why your face is all blotchy? Did she make you cry again? What was it this time - you aren't good enough for her son? Or you won't be able to provide the 'right lifestyle' for her grandchild?"

"If only it were that tame," Johanna grumbled.

Katniss looked up at her roommate with wide eyes as Prim's attention moved to the other bed. "What do you mean?" the blonde asked.

Katniss's eyes were pleading as she gave her roommate a desperate head shake. Johanna narrowed her eyes in return. "You must be brainless to want to cover for her. She's a terrible woman."

Prim gave her sister a stern look. "Katniss. What did she say?"

Katniss shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. When words escaped her, Prim turned to Johanna expectantly.

"Other than being an all-around cold bitch, she said they might want to hurry up and get the kid baptized. 'Just in case.'"

"In case of what?" Prim asked innocently. Johanna cocked an eyebrow and let Prim come to an understanding on her own. "Oh." Katniss burst into a fresh set of tears and buried her face in her hands.

"She did not!" Prim seethed. Johanna merely nodded as Katniss continued to cry.

Prim glanced at the uneaten lunch before turning to the empty chair beside the bed. "Where the hell is Peeta?" she asked.

"Don't get mad," Katniss said between sobs. "It's … not … his … fault."

"Like hell it's not," Johanna chimed in. "He grew up with that woman. He should know better than to leave a hormonal time bomb alone with her for more than ten minutes."

"No, it's not like that. I'm fine." Katniss wiped her eyes and looked back at Prim. "Peeta's down with the baby. He's introducing her to his family."

Prim raised an eyebrow. "And when did that process start?"

Katniss shrugged. "A couple of hours ago?"

Prim fixed Katniss with a steady gaze. "A couple of hours? And how exactly are you going to see your baby if he's giving tours to every Mellark under the sun?"

Katniss reached for a tissue as the tears picked up again. She felt as though they'd never stop.

"That's it." Prim stood up and grabbed her purse. "I'm going to get him right now. Someone needs to talk some sense into him."

Johanna laughed and leaned back with her hands behind her head. "I like her. Blondie's got spunk."

Prim returned a short while later with a sheepish Peeta trailing behind her. "Look who I found," she remarked.

Peeta moved to the bed and sat down carefully next to Katniss. "Hi," he whispered, taking her hand in his own.

"Hi," Katniss replied quietly. "How's your family?"

Before Peeta could answer, Prim piped in. "Unfortunately, the Mellarks had to leave unexpectedly," Prim said with a smirk. "Pity."

Peeta gave his sister-in-law a chastised smile. "The only family that matters is the one right here," he said, squeezing Katniss's hand between his own. "You and Cara. You're everything to me."

"You've got a funny way of showing it," Johanna chimed in from her bed.

"Jo-" Katniss protested.

Johanna held her hands up in surrender. "I know, I know. Calm down." She gave Peeta a once over with a sigh. "You seem like a good guy. And she's determined to protect you," she said with a thumb wave toward the other bed. "But I believe in calling people out when they fuck up. How else can you fix things?"

Peeta nodded. "You're totally right."

"I know I am, Lover Boy," Johanna scoffed. "Now, she's still dopey from hormones and drugs and just the shock of having a person ripped out of her body. So she might not be thinking clearly, but I am. So I'll be the one to tell you: she needs to be in there with the baby, as much as possible. And you need to keep that ... woman you call a mother away from her, unless you are there to buffer her from the crazy."

Peeta turned his gaze back to his wife. "I will, I swear. I'm so sorry Katniss. I wasn't thinking."

Katniss nodded, drawing courage from her roommate. "You can't leave me like that again. I need you. And I need to be with her."

Shame filled his eyes. "I can't believe I was gone so long. I was just so proud to show her off, and there always seemed to be someone else waiting to come in -" He shook his head. "It was wrong. I won't do it again. I promise."

He leaned in and kissed her lightly before looking back to Prim. "Did you want to take Prim down to see her niece?"

"Oh, no." Prim stood up, shaking her head vehemently. "I'm not going to add to this problem."

"Prim," Katniss began, but her younger sister would hear nothing of it.

"Nope." She pulled out her keys and adjusted her purse on her shoulder. "I'm heading out." She put her hand on her sister's knee. "I'll stop by later this week, once Mom gets here. There'll be plenty of time to visit then. The two of you have enough on your plate without having to play tour guide, too."

"I'm sorry, Prim." Peeta offered.

"No, really, Peeta, it's fine," she insisted while giving him a quick hug. "I came to make sure Katniss was okay, and I can see that she is. But I know my sister, and what she needs right now is time and space, not more people traipsing in and out of her room." Prim gave Katniss a hug and walked toward the door. "Get some rest. I'm going to let everyone know that you aren't having visitors right now."

"Thank you, Prim." Katniss said.

Prim nodded at Johanna. "It was nice to meet you."

Johanna gave the blonde a grin and nodded back. "The pleasure was all mine." She glanced at her phone to check the time and climbed down from the bed. "Well, rounds will be over now. I'm heading back to the NICU." She paused and turned to Katniss and Peeta. "Care to walk down together?"

Peeta looked to Katniss who gave him a small smile. "Yeah," she answered. "I think we will."

The days passed quickly. While the couple hoped Cara could be moved to the regular nursery, she was still small, struggling with her temperature, and developed a mild case of jaundice. The doctors insisted it was safer for her to stay in the NICU, so Katniss and Peeta spent as much time as possible at her bedside, learning the ins and outs of caring for a newborn. While the nurses were there to help, they insisted on doing every diaper change, every feeding, and holding Cara as much as possible.

Prim was true to her word and kept their families at bay for most of their stay. They allowed a few short visits, but Peeta was much more conscious of keeping them brief. And Katniss was in charge of the visit when her mom finally arrived to meet her first granddaughter.

"Where's Lover Boy?" Johanna asked as they walked to the NICU together. They gave their names to the nurse on duty who called to their respective pods before buzzing them in.

"He went home to do some laundry and get a shower." Katniss shrugged on a gown and adjusted her sleeves before stepping up to a wash station. "My mom's coming today, so he wanted to give us some time."

Johanna mirrored her actions, scrubbing her hands and arms beside her. "Ah. Are we happy about this visit?"

Katniss looked at her from the corner of her eye. "What do you mean?"

"You know, are you happy to see your mom? Are you close?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm happy." Katniss shrugged.

Johanna studied her as the timer ticked down. "What does that mean? Is she like the monster-in-law?"

Katniss shuddered. "God, no, she's nothing like Peeta's mom. She's a perfectly pleasant person. It's just…"


"Yeah," Katniss replied gratefully. She worked on her fingernails and tried to find the right words. "She's a nurse, and she worked a lot when I was little. Usually nights, so it seemed she was never really around. When Prim needed help with her homework, or my dad couldn't figure out dinner, it fell on me. I learned to live without her at an early age, you know?"

Johanna nodded, but stayed quiet.

"And then…" Katniss wasn't sure why, but she felt comfortable with Johanna. They had forged an unlikely friendship over the past few days, and she respected her roommate's open, unapologetic nature. It encouraged her to open up about her own feelings.

"My dad died when I was eleven. And after, she cut way back on work, but it was like… She was there, but she wasn't really there. She walked around in a fog most of the time. By the time she finally got help and moved past her grief, I was already sixteen. Prim was still young; she needed her. They became really close - shopping together and gushing over boys. But my mom and I, we never really … bonded."

"I get it." Johanna replied. "Too little, too late."

The timer finally indicated the three minutes were up, so the women grabbed towels and dried off their arms and hands, the skin raw and chafing from the repeated washings.

"Sometimes –" Katniss shook her head. "Mmm. Never mind."

"What?" Johanna moved forward and the second set of doors opened automatically. They walked into the unit but Johanna moved against the wall and waited for Katniss to finish her thought.

"It's nothing. It's just – sometimes, I think that's why I was so scared to have kids. Why I'm still so scared. It's like… I don't know how to be a mother."

"Well that's just bullshit," Johanna muttered, turning around and walking deeper into the unit. Katniss walked behind her until they reached pod 7. Johanna cocked her head to encourage her to follow her in. The nurses nodded in recognition as she moved to Asher's bedside.

Johanna spoke in low tones, her eyes never leaving her son. "I never really had a mother. She took off when I was a toddler, and we never heard from her again. None of the women my dad took up with after that could be considered mother-worthy, either."

She reached in and adjusted the hat on Asher's head. "But the second I found out about this guy, I realized, none of that mattered. Whatever fears I had, the doubts about my abilities - none of those mean a thing. Because the second he entered my life, like it or not, I became a mother. So the way I see it, I could either sit around and feel sorry for myself, or I could step up and take care of him."

Her eyes met Katniss's across the incubator. "You're already doing a better job than you think. You're there. You're trying. Every day. That's all that matters."

"Thanks." Katniss gave her a small smile. She leaned in and brushed Asher's hand lightly. His tiny hand reached out and grabbed onto her index finger. "How's he doing?"

Johanna looked up at the monitor on the wall. "Well, his O2 levels are in the 90s, without any extra oxygen, so that's awesome. We're on day two of that. He hasn't had a seizure in over a week. And the latest tests show the brain bleeds have started to resolve. All in all, I'd say he's doing damn well."

"Sounds like a good day to me." Katniss smiled and gently extracted her finger from the baby's grip. "I better let you two get to your visit now." With one last nod to the nurses, she headed down to pod 12 to prepare her daughter to meet her grandmother.

By the end of the week, both Katniss and Cara were cleared to go home. While Peeta left to get the car seat and a few other last minute essentials, Katniss packed and repacked her bag. She double checked all of the nursing supplies and equipment she'd accumulated, shuffling around her bed checking drawers and flipping over sheets and pillows to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.

"What are you so nervous about?" Johanna asked from her bed. She didn't look up from the gossip magazine she was skimming. "You should be dancing for joy to be getting out of here."

Katniss chuckled. "I am glad. I'm just also a little bit… terrified."

Johanna dropped the magazine beside her. "You'll be fine, brainless. Just don't think so much. Go with your gut."

"Thanks," Katniss replied quietly. She sat on the bed and began refolding her socks. "What about you? When are they saying…?"

Johanna shrugged. "He's got a couple more weeks at least. Things are looking better, but we've still got a long road ahead of us. And since I've proven to be a fall risk…" She wiggled her wrapped ankle with a smirk. "I bought myself a couple more days in these cozy quarters. After that, I'm finally moving into the family rooms. Portia told me yesterday that one is opening up, and she's made sure it's mine."

"That's great news." Overnight family rooms were offered to parents of NICU patients, but they were in limited supply. Only a handful of rooms were available compared to the dozens of patients in the unit at any time. Often families that lived farther away, like Johanna did, had to resort to expensive hotel rooms.

"Yeah." Johanna smiled. "Finally seeing a light at the end of this tunnel."

"Who's in the mood for something hot and sweet?" Their attention was drawn to the door where Peeta was juggling the car seat, several bags and a cardboard drink carrier with three steaming cups.

"Didn't realize you were into swinging, Blondie," Johanna winked.

"Very funny, Johanna." Peeta answered with a smile. He handed Johanna a cup and a wax bag. "Thought I'd stop at the bakery on the way in. Felt like celebrating." He put the rest of the items down on the bed and leaned forward to give Katniss a kiss.

"Mmmygawd," Johanna mumbled through a mouthful of pastry. "This is amazing!"

"You don't waste any time, do you?" Peeta laughed, handing Katniss her cup and sitting down beside her. "You're lucky Jon was working this morning. His cinnamon buns are second only to mine."

Katniss put her free arm around his waist and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'd tease him for being ridiculously vain if it wasn't true."

"Mmmph." Johanna took another large bite, licking icing from the corner of her lips. "I've always admired your buns, Blondie, but this takes things to a whole new level." She quirked an eyebrow at Katniss. "If he's half as good in the bedroom as he is in the kitchen, you better never let him go."

Katniss laughed easily and squeezed his arm. "Trust me, I don't plan to."

Peeta kissed the top of her head. "Oh! I almost forgot." He reached behind Katniss and handed her a bag. "I got that thing we talked about." Katniss nodded and took the bag from him. She walked over to Johanna's bed and handed it to her roommate.

"What's this?"

"It's just a little something from us… a goodbye gift."

Johanna squinted her eyes. "Why? I don't need a gift."

"Just open it. It's nothing, really. Just something we thought you'd appreciate."

Johanna removed the tissue paper and pulled out a small jar filled with green beads. She stared at the label with a puzzled look on her face.

Katniss looked at Peeta, unaccustomed to silence from her roommate. "Can I -?" she indicated the glass in Johanna's hands. Johanna nodded and handed it over. Katniss unscrewed the top and removed a liner from under the lid before screwing the cover back on. A mild scent of spicy pine immediately filled the room.

"It's one of those gel scented things… From that fancy candle store?" Faced with her roommate's stoic expression, she found herself rambling nervously. "Obviously you can't have open flames around here, but I thought you'd like something to remind you of the woods. Maybe put it by Ash's bedside? So he can get familiar with the scent…"

Katniss looked to Peeta for support. "I hope we didn't offend you," he began. "We just thought-"

"No." Johanna shook her head. "You didn't offend me. It's great… It's…" She looked up, her eyes brimming with tears. "It smells like home." Katniss smiled in relief.

Johanna wiped at her eyes. "Ugh! The two of you better get out of here. Your sappiness is starting to rub off on me."

"Oh, Johanna, we'll miss you, too." Peeta laughed. He moved to the bedside and gave her a big hug, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "You take care of yourself, okay?" He packed the rest of the bags together and grabbed the car seat. "I'm going to make sure we're all set at the nurses' station," he told Katniss, nodding toward the hallway. He gave Johanna one last smile before slipping away to give the women a chance to say goodbye.

Johanna watched as he retreated into the hall. "He's really a good guy."

"He is," Katniss agreed. "I'm very lucky."

Johanna met her eyes. "You both are. Don't forget that."

"I won't."

Johanna nodded seriously. "Okay." She straightened her shirt and placed the jar on the end table. "So listen, I don't do big weepy goodbyes. It was nice having you for a roommate. Now go get your man and your baby and go home."

Katniss chuckled. "Yes, ma'am." She cleared her throat and twisted her wedding ring on her finger. "Hey, Jo… I just wanted to say, thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome, brainless."

"Well, I think everything's in order," Portia announced. "Cara passed the car seat test and all your paperwork is complete. You're ready to start your new life as a family."

"That's it?" Peeta asked incredulously. "We just pick her up and walk out of here?"

Portia smiled. "That's it. You're free to go."

He squinted, his blue eyes twinkling. "Seriously? You're not gonna send security out after us or something?"

"Not unless you steal some of the furniture on your way out," Portia laughed. "She's your baby. No one's going to stop you from taking her home."

Katniss stared in wonder at the bundle in the car seat. "I still can't believe it. Are we going to be able to do this?" She reached out and touched the tiny fingers poking out of the sleeper - newborn sized, but still too large. "What if-" She shook her head, too overcome to even put words to her fears.

"Hey," Peeta replied softly, stepping closer and pulling her back against to his chest. He leaned his chin on her shoulder and reached around her to gently stroke Cara's cheek. The baby rooted toward his fingers in her sleep. "I know this is scary, but it's like this for all new parents. We'll figure it out, together."

They thanked Portia one last time, and she pressed a card into Peeta's hand. "The contact info for the NICU. If you have any questions, we're here to help." She gave Katniss an encouraging smile. "I know you'll do fine, but you aren't alone. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it." Peeta gave her a grateful hug, and then picked up the car seat and bags.

As they walked through the automatic doors for the last time, Katniss was drawn to the memorial plaque dedicated to baby Rue. She watched her husband carrying their daughter and thought about Rue and all of the other babies that never got to leave though those doors. Deep down, she promised herself she would never forget them, or lose sight of just how lucky they truly were.

Thank you all for your follows and reviews over the past few months. Real life is a challenge - plus I got distracted by a few oneshots I wrote for the Everlark Drabble Challenge - but I am still dedicated to finishing this story. What was supposed to be 2-3 chapters is now going to be at least 6, possibly more. Feel free to check me out on Tumblr (sothereff) for updates on my ever-so-slow progress and other stories I'm working on. Thank you again!