This was inspired by a trip I took to the Bilmore House in NC because I am a cheesy sap at heart and I love stories with a beauty and the beast feel to it

but be warned that this does have some sexist undertones to it because of the time period but dont worry our Mikasa shows him whats up

The rating will also most likely go up

so yea I hope you like it and let me know what you think c:

Disclaimer: I do not own SNK/AOT

These parties were tiresome for Levi, he was the first to admit he was not a socialite and did not get on well with all the stuffed shirts in the room. They were loud, full of smoke, and usually were a waste of air. The men were chatting in the billiard room of the estate Levi was currently visiting, the room was ornate with dark brown moldings across the ceilings and cushy red chairs with small tables surrounding a large pool table that looked wonderfully handcrafted although no one was currently playing.

It was usually his friend Erwin that managed to drag him to these things, Levi only agreed to come if there was some benefit to his company. Most of the people in the room regarded Levi with a begrudging respect and knew not to mess with him.

It was known that he built his fortune and company up from almost nothing unlike most of the legacies in New York. He was left with a failing business by his shitty father and after spending a few years on the streets as a notorious criminal, he was able to gain the wits that lead him to become who he was today. People knew him for being ruthless and cutthroat in how he ran his business, he made sure no mistakes were made and no one ever screwed him over. He owned more land than anyone else in this room and he alone controlled the railways and steamboats in the entire country, he could decide the fate of a single company in an instant.

Erwin Smith was a key contribution in the success of his business so for that Levi was eternally grateful and he was able to form a strong friendship with the man that benefitted not only both companies but both people as well.

Levi could be social when he wanted to but it was hard to make true friendships in his world. Most people were backstabbing and corrupt with no idea of the meaning of the word loyalty. Erwin was one of the rare people who understood what it was like live in poverty. He built his own company from the ground up and was a prominent manufacturer of steel and iron. Together they were an unstoppable team that was launching the country into a new era of industry and growth. They wanted more than just a great business, they wanted a world where people were able to learn, build and share their resources to provide a better life for the people who were living in such shitty conditions as Levi and Erwin both experienced as children.

Levi looked around the room over his glass of brandy and saw several men who were currently trying to fight them tooth and nail. He was carefully watching the stock exchanges and what these companies were investing in. He would make sure to know everything about a company that was a threat to him and he could wait very patiently for one small error that would be useful for nipping a problem in the bud.

"Levi, what are you plotting now" Erwin chuckled. He refilled his glass of Brandy and eyed Levi thoughtfully. Levi sat down his own glass and leaned back in the red wing backed chair silently.

"I know that face, Levi. Don't act like everyone is the enemy, it's bad for business" he scolded playfully. Levi rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink. This party was becoming dull fast and he wanted to leave soon but people kept asking about the summer home he was building in the southern mountains.

"I have plenty of friends Erwin, but I prefer to keep my enemies closer" Levi retorted sarcastically. He knew his attitude tonight was rather unpleasant but he couldn't bring himself to care. He normally tried to make polite conversation to stay on top of matters but he couldn't tonight after the stress of having a company attempt to betray him. He cared about his company more than he did about the feelings of some rich assholes.

"Levi, you know one company is no match for you" Erwin reminded him. Levi knew this but if he were to pull out of something as large an oil company and it were to fail he would cause hundreds of men to lose their jobs. Levi was many things but he was not some who could ruin the lives of all those innocent people.

"hmp" Levi snorted. He was tired of his friends annoying telepathy. It made him uneasy at times. Erwin offered a cigar to him and he shook his head, those things gave him splitting headaches.

"You know what you need?" Erwin asked suddenly with a grin plastered onto his smug face. Levi didn't want to know what Erwin thought he needed. Levi sighed and eyed him wearily.

"What do I need? Pray tell" Levi wandered out loud. He took a long swig of his drink while he waited for his friend to speak.

"You need a beautiful wife to go along with that beautiful house you're building" he answered pointing directly at Levi. Levi choked on his drink and it caused Erwin to laugh at him. Levi wiped his mouth with a cloth on the dark oak table and sighed heavily.

"What the hell do I need a wife for?" Levi hissed. Erwin better be glad that the tea didn't get on his shirt, it would've stained.

Levi's time was taken up by work, he would never be able to find time and get married.

"A pretty young wife would make you seem more pleasant than you really are" he informed him. Levi rolled his eyes.

'"I've made it this far without a wife, I think it'll be okay" Levi sighed. He didn't really feel like discussing this nonsense. It was clear to him that this was a ridiculous idea.

"Listen to me Levi. All jokes aside, you need someone to pass your company down to and your fortune. If you died tomorrow what would happen to everything you've worked so hard to build? It would be a waste to let all that fall to ruin" Erwin explained seriously. Levi thought about what his friend just said. He was making sense but it still didn't explain exactly how he was going to be able to spend time finding someone who would want to marry him.

"Erwin, I appreciate the thought but it's not something I have time for" Levi tried to reason with him.

"You only need to spend enough time choosing an eligible young lady and then once you marry her you can sit back and work. Then all the potential business partners will be so impressed by your estate and your beautiful wife that they will fail to notice your sour attitude" Erwin said to him with a grin. Levi narrowed his eyes at the man sitting in front of him. He always pointed out Levi's demeanor, like it had an effect on how successful he was.

"The only part of your reasoning that makes any kind of sense would be me needing an heir" Levi stated. He didn't particularly like small kids but he would need someone to take over after he was too old or died.

"Then it's settled, I already have three young daughters from great families that are prime candidates" Erwin sang and pulled out a newspaper from his pocket. Levi's mouth fell open as he watched him.

"What the hell Erwin, have you been planning this?" Levi asked incredulously. Erwin chuckled as he handed Levi one article. Levi looked at it and read the headline that said 'Braus Inc. to build new skyscraper'.

"This is family has an 18 year old daughter who I heard is very pretty but apparently a little eccentric" Erwin noted, Levi continued to stare at him in disbelief.

"Right, she's probably not your type. Here look at the Reiss family, their daughter is 17 and she's a Duchess" he explained to Levi while handing him another article about the debut of their daughters coming of age.

Levi was still in shock that this man was actually already planning this out but he figured he shouldn't be surprised, this man was constantly plotting something.

"And you accused me of plotting" Levi whispered sarcastically while looking at the photograph of the little blonde girl. Neither of the two girls were ugly but he was still put off by the idea of an arranged marriage. He knew that many people of their social status did it, it was frowned upon marrying someone of a lower class. Levi didn't necessarily believe in class systems but he had to abide by them if he wanted to keep his business's reputation intact.

"I admit it, I was looking into this for a while but you should know I am just looking out for you" He claimed. Levi looked at him suspiciously but said nothing.

"Did you say you had three?" Levi asked hoping that the third girl would seem more appealing.

"Ah yes, the only daughter of the Ackerman family" Erwin told him. Levi's head instantly shot up when he heard the family name.

"You mean the Ackerman Publisher Co.? They had a daughter?" He questioned Erwin. He was interested in this because they were gaining a large amount of recognition from all across the world. Levi's goals in this life was to take his company global. If they could write articles to publicity for his company then it could do wonders for his plans of expansion.

"Yes one in the same, they do indeed have young 19 year old daughter, although I have no idea what she is like, they keep her locked up so no one knows exactly what she looks like or how she acts. I have however heard rumors from people that her father is trying to have her married soon" Erwin mentioned.

Levi set his lips in a thin line. He could marry this girl and potentially help set his company on the way to an international scale or he could not get married as he wanted and potentially give up this opportunity. He thought about it silently but realized his mind was already made up when he heard who the family was.

"Well, I guess I should see for myself" Levi decided. Erwin gave him a triumphant smile.

"I knew you would come around" He cheered, taking a swig of his Brandy. Levi nodded his head and took a sip of his own drink. This decision would definitely have consequences but he couldn't foresee if they would prove to be positive or not yet.

Levi's carriage pulled up in front of the Ackerman estate in Rhode Island after one four hour train ride and another hour in a horse and buggy. He was still sore from the ride and agitated that Erwin talked him into this. A tall footman stood at the large double door entry way of the large white estate belonging to the family of the woman he would most likely marry.

"Right this way, sir. The others will retrieve your luggage" the man ushered Levi inside the doors and lead him into a large parlor where Mr. Ackerman was sitting at a grand cream colored breakfast table. The room was all in whites. With wispy billowing white curtains across the large windows and gold framed paintings decorated the off-white walls. The floor was made of a white and grey marble. It made him cringe with how much white was in it, it almost hurt his eyes.

"I'm so glad you made it safely, Levi. How was your trip?" Mr. Ackerman bellowed as he saw him enter the room. Levi sat down in an empty chair at the table across from the man.

"It was tiring but the area around here is very lovely this time of year." Levi replied as a butler served him some fresh black tea.

"Yes the flowers are just starting to bloom, but next month is when all the plants truly flourish." He practically sang. Levi cringed internally, he hated small talk about the weather.

"You know I was truly surprised when I received your letter about possibly marrying my dear daughter, I have been watching you since the birth of your great company, truly riding in your trains are the only way I like to travel and your story is very inspiring. I've also heard a lot of talk of a beautiful estate you're building down south." He gushed. Levi was glad that the man seemed to take to him quickly.

"I'm glad to hear that, I do believe I have done the same with your publishers and yes it should be ready in just a few more months." Levi countered with honesty, he was always glad to hear good reviews.

The man laughed loudly. "Oh, you are as serious as people say. I think you and my daughter would get along, she does have a rather dry sense of humor. I have to be honest she has not been brought up as proper as most young ladies in our social circles but I can assure you she is more lovely than all of them put together. Would you like a tour of the house? I was hoping the wedding could take place here, her dear mother would've wanted that" Mr. Ackerman informed him. Levi was surprised that he seemed to agree to the wedding so quickly, they haven't even met yet.

"Sure, I would love a tour" Levi agreed.

Mr. Ackerman lead him through the large gardens were he said he wanted the ceremony to be held and he was informed that just over 600 guests were to be invited if he agreed to marrying his daughter. Levi told him he had no family to invite so they could invite whoever they wanted but he never imagined that large of a number would be attending. Next they went to the ballroom of the estate to show how the reception would be planned.

The room was very large and had a large grand staircase in the centered of it with almost 10 large glass chandlers handing from the tall ceilings. The walls had floor to ceiling windows that opened up to show the gardens. It was a grand site and wasn't all one color so this room was more pleasing to Levi's eyes than some of the other rooms.

They talked about the white lilies and pink roses that his late wife loved, how he wanted the entire night to be remembered throughout history, and Levi was horridly bored with the conversation and he was glad that Mr. Ackerman was so keen on planning the entire thing.

"Where is your daughter?" he asked suddenly while Mr. Ackerman was discussing the types of china he preferred.

He looked up at Levi with a devious smile.

"Mikasa is in her room getting ready, I thought you two would enjoy dinner together this evening alone" he mentioned. Levi instantly felt nervous, he would see the woman he would probably marry for the first time. This was the first time he even heard her name mentioned, it was exotic sounding and nothing like he had ever heard before.

They walked through the last of the wedding details and he was finally able to go to his room and freshen up before dinner, he felt over whelmed but it wouldn't last forever. They would just be married and then all this would be over and he could go back to his normal life and continue expanding his business.

A knock on the door signaled dinner was ready and Levi put on his black coat and walked behind the butler who led him downstairs into a small breakfast room with two places set at the table. He sat down in one of the maroon upholstered chairs. She wasn't at the table yet and he couldn't squash the irritated feeling at her being late.

Levi sighed and drank some of the tea that was already on the table. He sat the cup back down when he heard the door open and a house maid announced the arrival of lady Mikasa. He watched as the door opened all the way and he almost spit out his tea that he had just taken a sip of.

Mikasa was standing there in the doorway. She was wearing a cream colored dinner dress with gold trimming around the sleeves, collar, and ruffles in the bottom of the skirt. The silk material swished as she walked toward the table. He noticed the bodice of the dress was tight which then flared out at the hips and the neck line was dangerously low with dainty pearl necklace around her slender neck. If it had been a public event the dress might cause scandal but he figured her father was trying to show off what would be his after they were married.

Her black hair was pulled up into a lose bun with little curls hanging around her dark grey eyes, the darkness of her hair and eyes contrasted shockingly with her pale skin. He tried not to stare but her father wasn't lying about how beautiful she was. The only thing that wasn't seemly perfect about her appearance was a small scar located on her left cheek, but even then her beauty was not dulled.

Levi was shocked and he wondered how he had not heard any talk of her. Levi had been to many social gatherings and talked to many important people who loved talking about beautiful eligible women but not once had he heard about the Ackerman daughter. He felt that something was not right about that picture. He pondered why such a woman would be hidden by a man with such wealth and power.

He realized that he was staring at her in silence. Levi cleared his throat and tried to think of something to say. She was sitting across from him and she looked uncomfortable, her dark eyes were casted down and they seemed distant.

"You're dress looks lovely, who made it?" he asked trying to think of a conversation a woman would be interested in. He knew only a few designers by name.

She looked down on her dress and then shrugged.

"I don't know" she stated quietly. Levi felt taken a back, most woman and girls he met that came from wealthy families loved to talk about dresses and their designers. She didn't even seemed interested in it at all. She went back looking down and he felt an awkward tension hanging in the air around him. The door opened and a butler with a tray full of food and drink.

They sat in silence as the food was served. The butler announced that they were having roasted quail with various other side dishes Levi didn't really care for. He was too preoccupied with the woman in front of him. She was mysterious and although she was indeed beautiful she seemed to not warm up to him as fast as her father did.

Once the butlers left, she began eating. He took a few bites of his own food and he was glad that it tasted good, but he still couldn't think of something to say.

"My father said you want to marry me" She stated suddenly looking directly at him. Levi was startled again by her strange demeanor, and he eyed her cautiously.

"Yes, that is why I'm here" He answered slowly. After he said that she looked down at her food again and he saw her eyes grow more distant. He took a guess and figured she wasn't too keen on the idea either. He felt bad for a moment but he knew that if he didn't marry her another man would and that other man could be much worse than him. At least Levi knew he would never wish to hurt her.

"You don't seem to like me" he acknowledged, setting down his silverware. She continued looking at her food, almost wondered if she was scared of him.

"I don't even know you" She whispered, he felt bad for her again because he knew that feeling. He didn't know her either but marriage was bound to happen in her life eventually, he didn't know what else she would do and she could certainly do worse off than him.

"I guess that's what this dinner is for" he reminded her. She looked up at him again and nodded.

"I guess" She agreed quietly. She started eating again and he silently cursed Erwin for this idea. He didn't even want this marriage to begin with but he was already here and if he backed out now he could ruin his relationship with her father and damage his reputation.

The rest of the dinner went on similarly. It was very quiet and awkward. Levi didn't know what to say to the girl and he certainly didn't get to know her any better.

After the failure of a dinner her father invited him to his study so that they could chat some more. They talked of random business at first and then they went on a tangent about the estate he was building.

"250 rooms, that is certainly impressive" Mr. Ackerman doted. Levi always felt a since of pride when discussing his almost complete house. It was magnificent and it was the one thing he always wanted in his life, a home. He never had a real home growing up and even now he had a house but it was not truly his, not like this one would be. It was of his own design and he made sure everything would be perfect.

"I wanted to make sure everything was accounted for" he told Mr. Ackerman, who then laughed lightly.

"I do believe after everything you just told me nothing has been forgotten. Now you mentioned it should be done at the start of June?" He asked Levi.

"Yes, it is scheduled to be opened June and I have all the furniture still arriving as we speak" He answered proudly. Mr. Ackerman nodded.

"Good good, then what say you to a wedding mid-June?" he asked seriously. Levi suddenly felt nervous, he wasn't sure this marriage was for the best of causes but he also knew he couldn't back out now.

"Sounds perfect" He lied.