Alright! The exciting conclusion to my pot boiler fic for Attack on Titan!

Mikasa trailed after Armin, not what she was used to but whatever. They were going to see Dr. Hanji, who may or may not still be grieving over the loss of all the titans (except Eren). Armin's plan was relatively simple. The hardest part would be finding a way to convince Hanji to help them since this might be Illegal… okay this is definitely illegal.

"Hey Hanji," he started casually and cautiously as he entered.

Both he and Mikasa were surprised, she wasn't sulking or crying or hysterical or anything. She was just sitting at a table with a blanket over her legs, sipping tea while looking out a window.

"Oh hello Armin, Mikasa, how are the two of you?"

It was freaky to say the least.

"Oh, uh, we're fine… you seem to be fine… as well?"

"Yes well… eventually they were all going to have to go anyway. There was nothing I could do. Even with all of my knowledge and power I was unable to protect them. It's Bean all over again…"

She continued to ramble.

"Her nerves are shot," said Mikasa robotically.

Armin was glad, this is exactly what he was hoping for, he felt like Lelouch, "Hanji, do you think you could make a Titan?"

"TITANS ARE MY TRIGGER," She screamed starting to cry and throw things.

"I mean someone made Eren, so why not make friendly titans?"

Hanji lifted her head and the glint of light turned the lenses of her glasses white, "Well actually I was planning on doing something like that anyway. You see I would like to become a titan and study myself. I have a formula but it hasn't been tested… Hahaha! And no way am I testing myself!"

Armin laughed, "That's fine, that's fine. In fact I have just the test subject for you…"

"Armin maybe we shouldn't," said Mikasa quietly.

Armin laid out a portion of the plan. He made it seem like it was just a friendly suggestion.

"How would I get him to willingly accept the injection," Hanji asked.

"Just say it'll make him taller."


Cut to Levi sitting in Hanji's office.

"This better be important, I was in the middle of something."

"You can go back to courting trouble later. Look I've… got this injection."

"What about it?"

"I made it especially for you! Yes, uhhh, haha! It'll make you taller?"

Levi made a very angry face and ripped his sleeve off at the same time, "Put it in."

"I'll ignore the obvious joke," she said readying the needle.

Armin went running with tears in his eyes to the training ground, "Eren! Eren!"

"Oh! Hey Armin, Levi's been showing me some awesome tricks and fighting techniques. Isn't he cool?"

Mikasa came out of the ground and grabbed onto Eren's ankle, "WOAH WHAT!?"

Mikasa rose from the ground with a dark shadow surrounding her, "There's a titan."

Eren, "what!?"

Armin, "Kill it Go Titan and Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Eren, "You know I really don't want to go Titan…. Titan… TITAN! TITANS ARE MY TRIGGER!"

Eren bit down on his hand and went super nova and become a titan once more. Across the training field there was a new unidentified titan. He was really handsome and cool looking but… he was kind of short for a titan? He roared and was chasing Dr. Hanji.

Eren ran at the unidentified titan. He bashed right into its angry face. He turned, saw Eren, assessed the situation and ran after Eren. The fighting style was familiar. Actually the new Titan seemed to be familiar with Eren's style of fighting and even Eren had a bit of Déjà vu fighting the new beast. And then it happened. He struck Eren and made the boy titan wannabe fall to his knees and then he kicked him in the face. So calm, so graceful. Eren knew who this titan was, but how did he come to be? The answer came when he fixed his vision of Hanji. Still the chance to beat the crap out of Levi didn't come everyday… Oh yes.

Eren took this fight into the forest with the bog ass trees. They rolled around and scrapped for hours, no one wanted to mess with their titan powers. Yes it rhymed. Finally they came back, two titans holding hands and skipping around. They turned human again.

Levi grabs Hanji and kicks her face in, "WHAT WAS THAT!?"


"Armin," Levi echoed.

The short, menacing, captain approached the cowering taller blonde.

"Armin," he said again with Eren in tow.

Armin turned to Mikasa for help, but all that was there was a note that said, 'told ya so.' Armin fell to his knees. Today… he was going to die.

"Why did you do that," scolded Eren, "You know Titans are my tigger!?"

"I- I- I just… I just wanted you to love me Eren! I didn't want you to leave me, not again!"

Mikasa came back out of the dirt, "DIE!"

She started beating up Armin and Levi joined in just because. When his face was black and blue Eren shoved them both off, "Armin don't be stupid! Of course I love you, I've always loved you."

"Y- You," he spit out some teeth and smiled, "You do?"

Mikasa punched him again.

"Yeah, we've been friends for years, and you helped me wipe out the titans without having to become one. I love you man, you're a true friend. No one could ask for a better friend. I hope in the next life we're friends again buddy."

And then Levi walked over to Eren and put his arm around his waist.

"And I love Levi too," Eren smiled, "But in a totally different, romantic, and passionate way. Actually I'm glad you turned him into a titan, otherwise I never would have realized my deep, underlying, romantic, passionate feelings for him."

And then Levi got on one knee, "Let's get married!"

"Oh Levi! I didn't think you could get any shorter!"


Mikasa punched Armin again and The End.

Yay! Crack fic is done!