Note- I do not own Pokemon or anything in this but my own ideas. Thanks and enjoy. -Twilight Joltik

Cracked Diamond- Prologue

Dawn Echona was absolutely exhausted. She had spent nearly the entire day trying to teach her Mamoswine Rock Slide without making much headway, and had barely eaten since that morning. To make matters worse, there was a contest in Celadon City in only a week's time. She knew she did not have any time to spare, but also that she would not be any use to her Pokémon if she was dead on her feet. Though it was only now a hazy twilight was settling over the Kanto region, she pulled out her sleeping bag so she could sleep. Her Mamoswine looked at her quizzically and grunted in confusion. "But is is still early! We can't rest yet!", he seemed to say.

"Sorry Mamoswine," she sighed. "I'm really tired. We can train more in the morning, first thing."

He nodded and Dawn recalled the massive beast to his Poké Ball. She beckoned her Piplup over to return to his Poké Ball for the night as well. Noticing her, he waddled across the ground holding a bunch of berries. He held them out to Dawn all the while, as if imploring her to at least eat something before sleeping. Dawn smiled at her partner Pokémon's kind gesture. It was nice, even when she was traveling alone through the Kanto Region to know she had friends who cared about her. She choked down the berries so Piplup would stop worrying. They were very bitter, but still made her feel a bit less fatigued. However, they did not help enough to keep her from falling asleep the moment she got into her sleeping bag.

As she slept, she had an odd dream. It started out much like many of her dreams. She was in the appeal round of a contest, using her Mamoswine. Together, they put on a rather beautiful lights display using Rock Slide and Hidden Power. The crowd was awed, and she instantly found herself in the battle round, this time using her Togekiss. They were facing off against a Cresselia for some reason. Togekiss was gracefully firing Air Slashes at the Lunar Pokémon, but not one was connecting. The attacks simply passed through the Legendary Pokémon. Dawn was frustrated by the Pokémon, but as she looked away, she found the Contest Hall and her Togekiss had vanished.

She and Cresselia were floating in a blue, starry void. "W-where am I?", asked Dawn.

"Nowhere," declared a voice. Dawn deducted it must have been the Cresselia communicating telepathically.

"Nowhere?", Dawn repeated. "What do you mean?"

"This place is a void lying in between dimensions," Cresselia clarified. "Therefore, it is located nowhere."

Dawn nodded, though she did not quite understand. "But why am I here? This is a dream, right?"

"Of sorts. And you are here because I require your assistance."

"What do you need my help with?", Dawn questioned. "Why me? What is going on? Wha–?"

She was cut off. "I am afraid that is all I may tell you, but know this, young one. You must be very brave. Use all you have learned, all you have been taught. Best of luck, Dawn Echona."

Dawn started to voice the endless questions buzzing in her head, but before she could, the mysterious landscape began to slip out of focus and blackness overtook her. Dawn knew she was falling, but she did not know where she was falling to.

Dawn jolted awake suddenly. Eyes lazily drifting open, her odd dream floated away from her. However, as she awoke, she began to take note of her surroundings. While she could have sworn she had slept in her sleeping bag in the middle of a field, she soon noted that she was, in fact, in a bed inside a building. That did not make any sense to her; had she forgotten going to a Pokémon Center? Maybe her Pokémon thought she could use a nice rest and had somehow brought her there? No, that wasn't possible; she would have woken up, and her Pokémon weren't likely to do such a thing. But how was she there?

As she willed herself to open her eyes fully, she noticed that she wasn't in any old room– she was in a pink-walled room with a window to her right flooding the room with the morning sun. She jolted up so she could look around more. She noted a lime green carpet on the hardwood floors and a table beside her bed with a Starly alarm clock and red flowering plant perched on it. There was no way around it; this was her own room. At her house. In the Sinnoh Region.

Jumping out of bed, as she prepared to bolt down the stairs and ask her mother what was going on, she noted what she was wearing. The pink nightgown she was wearing was one she had grown out of years ago, but it fit her perfectly. She stopped in her tracks to try to make sense of it all when a calm voice resonated in her head. "Dawn, do you have any clue what has occurred?", it asked.

Dawn remembered that voice from the dream she had nearly forgotten. "Cresselia!", Dawn exclaimed. "What's going on? Why am I at my house? How does this still fit me?", she questioned.

"You are in a world unknown to anyone of your own, young one," stated Cresselia. "It is not unlike the one you have left behind, but you will certainly find differences."

"What do you mean?"

The voice let out a nearly inaudible chuckle. "This is a world parallel to your own. You have been placed here to guide its progress a bit more quickly. You see, this day is the one you are to start your Pokémon journey."

Dawn stared straight in front of her. A parallel world? Time travel? This was impossible, it had to be! But, the more she thought about it, the more it became the only logical option. Besides, the Reverse World was parallel world, and she had time travelled to save Arceus, so how was this any less plausible?

"Okay, I've got it," Dawn stated quietly. Just two questions- why am I here, and how does this nightgown still fit me?"

"I told you, this world is in danger and it needs someone with experience in similar events to guide its progress a bit more swiftly. You were the best candidate, we decided. And as for your nightgown, well, let's just say that you are taking the place of this dimension's 'Dawn'."

"So where is she?"

"She is unharmed and will be returned to her proper self with no memory of the event when this is all over," evasively answered the Legendary Pokemon.

"I said," Dawn reiterated forcefully. "Where is she?"

"In your place. Do not worry, you will not lose anything, as once this anomaly is undone, you all will return to exactly where this all started, what you did hopefully erased. There is something horribly wrong with this world, Dawn, and it is up to you all to fix it. I will speak to you when it is needed."

Cresselia's voice fell silent, leaving Dawn with only empty questions.

Current Party-

Dawn- N/A

AN- I sincerely hope you all liked this. I know this is a bit timey-wimey, but it was either this or a vanilla rewrite.

Also, I need Pokemon to populate the parties of the main characters! The current ones who need Pokemon are Dawn, Ash, Paul, Zoey, Barry, and Kenny. Other characters will appear, but these are the characters I need Pokemon for the most right now. Also, most importantly, please tell me whether you would rather Ash have a Kricketot, Shinx, Nidoran Male/Female or Bidoof and whether you would rather Dawn catch a Ralts, Cubone, Abra, or Zubat. Note they don't necessarily only have to catch just one, but I would like to know what you all are most interested in.

Thank you for reading!- Twilight Joltik