Authors Note:

1. Only two or three more chapters and this arc will be over with and man does it feel good to get this close

2. This chapter I feel like it's good but I love to hear your guys opinion this chapter has been one I've been trying to figure out the right thing to do with this chapter for a long time.


Minato raised his wife's sword in the air and sent a strike down to finish his daughter off that's when he heard a clash of metal looking down he saw a familiar face.

"Sorry sensei I can't allow you to hurt Ayame-chan any longer." The man who blocked Minato's blow said.

Ayame looked up at the man in front of her the one who protected her. "Kakashi-nii-san." Ayame said as she began to raise up ready to fight with her brother.

Minato pulled his wife's katana back taking a few steps. "Kakashi-kun are you sure this is what you want to do?" The yellow hair hokage asked.

Kakashi rose from his knees grabbing Ayame by the hand and helping her up. "Minato-sensei I ask that you back down and retreat please don't make me fight you." Kakashi asked.

"You know I can't do that Kakashi-kun, my dear daughter has been infected by the demon and needs to be put down for her own good." Minato replied in a cold voice.

"That's bullshit Minato-sensei you know for a fact the demon hasn't infected anyone! Ayame-chan is the same loving girl she's always been." Kakashi said looking back at Ayame and knowing even if her features have changed she hasn't.

"It seems like your father before you Kakashi-kun you've turned out to be a disappointment." Minato gave a sigh looking at the ground. "I honestly thought you would understand what I'm trying to do Kakashi-kun." Minato reached into his back pocket pulling out a three-pronged kunai.

"Minato-sensei please I'm begging you stop this I don't want to fight you!" Kakashi yelled out.

"If you don't wish to fight me then stand aside and allow me to put down that demon." Minato said now walking forward. "Make your choice Kakashi-kun." Minato then began to walk toward Ayame.

Kakashi watched Minato prepare to attack and looked back at Ayame only to see her eyes staring back at his, her eyes showing the amount of love and trust she has in him.

Kakashi looked back at Minato who was about to walk past him when Kakashi pulled out his kunai and raised it up swinging it at the mentor.

Minato ducked and jumped back dodging the attack. "So, you've made your choice then?" Minato asked.

"Sorry Minato-sensei but I won't allow even you to hurt Ayame-chan." Kakashi said getting into a fighting stance.

Ayame now standing up right. "Kakashi-onii-san let's end this together!" Ayame said her hair turning an even darker red as the kyuubi's chakra began to flow through her body even faster growing by the minute.

The two ninja's each moved to one side of Minato, they both nodded to one another and Kakashi and Ayame charged forward at Minato the hokage seeing this jumped in the air flipping backwards and dodging each attack.

The two keep on the attack, Minato used this chance to throw one of his three-pronged kunai at both of them each dodging them, the kunai's lodging themselves into the ground behind him.

"Fire jutsu great fireball technique" Kakashi yelled as a giant fireball formed in his hand as he threw it at Minato.

"Fox jutsu demon claw!" Ayame yelled out as a giant red chakra filled claw formed around her hand as she went down for a slash at Minato at the same time.

Minato looked up seeing both attacks within inches of hitting him. "Hiraishin" Minato whispered to himself and instantly disappeared and reappearing shortly after behind both Ayame and Kakashi with one of the three-prong kunai's he had thrown previously in his hand.

Ayame and Kakashi techniques hit the ground causing a massive explosion and destroy the area around it.

The two looked at one another. "Kakashi-nii-san what was that?" Ayame asked herself never having seen this technique before.

"That technique is why they call him the yellow flash of Konoha it's called Hiraishin" Kakashi explained having seen this technique when on missions with Minato.

"Any idea what weakness it has?" Ayame asked Kakashi.

"Sorry I've never had to deal with it before and I've never seen a foe find a single weakness in that technique." Kakashi answered looking at Minato obviously trying to form some kind of plan to counter that technique.

Kakashi then pulled down his mask that was covering his eye revealing his sharingan. "If were going to take Minato-sensei down we're probably going to have only one chance and when that chance happens we can't miss it."

Ayame nodded her head. "I won't miss it, I'll kill this bastard." Ayame said becoming more feral as the battle continues on.

Minato looked around the battlefield having seen the destructive power of the two and began to place three-pronged kunai's around the battlefield preparing for each and everything that could go wrong that would cost him this fight.


Ino, Shikamaru and Choji were all watching as their fathers moved closer to them each of them weapons in hand there eyes cold showing no remorse for what they're about to do.

"Tou-san please stop this I'm sorry if I did something wrong." Ino pleaded to her father who didn't respond, No it wasn't even that this man looked at her in disgust.

As the three grown men moved within inches of the three genin they each felt something coming and as they looked up they saw a massive snake summon above them ready to attack.

The three men each jumped out of the way dodging the snakes attack but unintentionally Shikaku dropped his jutsu allowing the children to move freely.

The three genin took this time to duck down through an alley way running as fast as they could each of them with tears in their eyes remembering the looks those men who they called their father just gave them.

They ran and ran until turning around any corner they saw having no idea where they were or if anyone was following them.

They ended up hitting a dead end surrounded by walls.

The three genin then heard footsteps behind them as they each took a fighting stance ready to fight their fathers.

Rounding the corner into the alleyway wasn't their fathers but an older man with a eyepatch. "Geez kids these day so much energy." The older man smiled at them.

Shikamaru was the first to get back to his senses as he looked the man up and down. "Who are you and why don't you have a headband?" Shikamaru asked.

"Oh, I was asked to not wear one today by my boss." The man started to move forward still smiling as he held his hand out. "my name is Ao and if you want to live I suggest you come with me." The older man said.

The three genin looked at one another each of them nodding their heads. "I suppose we don't have a choice." Shikamaru said knowing if this man was working for Konoha he probably already had ninjas surrounding them.

The man named Ao and Shikamaru shook hands. "Where are you going to take us and if you are indeed saving out lives why?" He asked.

"I was told to save anyone of interest and I believe saving three future clan heads would be very interesting." Ao said as he watched the genins reactions. "As for where I'm taking you to well it will be out of Konoha and will be a safe area." Ao added as he turned around and began to walk.

The three genin began to follow him. "Who sent you out here to save people?" Ino asked the older man.

He looked back at her with a smile adorning his face still. "My apology but I can't give that information out yet."

Ao and the three genin then made their long journey out of Konoha.

Kakashi and Ayame vs Minato

The three ninjas began their attack once more. Kakashi and Ayame were on the offense and Minato was dodging each and every one of their attacks as though it was nothing using the Hiraishin whenever they got to close for comfort.

The battlefield was now littered with three-pronged kunai letting him move around the battlefield freely and without interruption.

"Fire Jutsu Great Fireball" Kakashi yelled out once more throwing a fireball out of his hands toward Minato.

"Hiraishin" Minato said as he moved to the left just enough to dodge the attack without taking any damage.

Kakashi watched as Minato did this his sharingan helping him track Minato's movement easier but still not effective enough to stop him.

"Fox jutsu fox fire!" Ayame yelled out as two orbs of red chakra formed around her body she charged Minato alone. "Attack!" She yelled out as both of the orbs flew toward Minato.

"Hiraishin" Minato said dodging to the left once more moving just enough to not get his by the blasts. "is this the best you two can do?" Minato asked the two seeing his daughter becoming increasingly angrier.

"Ayame-chan calm down and let's continue this attack" Kakashi said looked over at his adopted sister.

Ayame was breathing hard but hearing her brothers voice calmed her down. "Ok Kakashi-nii-san." Ayame replied.

"Ayame-chan I want you to attack with everything you got and I don't want you to stop." Kakashi asked of his sister who looked at him with questioning eyes but nodded her head agreeing.

"Fox jutsu Fox flame" A barrier of fire covered Ayame's body. "Fox jutsu fox claws." The nails on her fingers grew her hand became to shape differently as her hands became claws.

Ayame jumped forward with incredible speed faster then she had all fight, this caught Minato off guard and when she swung her right hand she was able to barely cut him before he dodged completely.

Minato put a hand on his throat as he felt a little blood coming from his neck it was only a scratch but just a little deeper and it could have been fatal. "So, it seems your getting serious." Minato said as he then felt a jolt of pain in his neck as it felt like his blood was on fire.

"Damn." Minato whispered to himself not knowing why this wound hurt so badly.

"With my fox flames surrounding me anytime I touch someone it begins to burn away at their body no matter how small the cut is." Ayame said with a feral smile her long canine like teeth showing.

Minato eyes widened for a moment before relaxing again the pain was intense but it wasn't growing worse it seems.

Ayame once more charged forward just as fast this time Minato was ready. "Hiraishin" Dodging to the left just enough to avoid getting hit by Ayame's claw.

"Fox Jutsu Orb of flame" Ayame yelled as an orb of red energy covered in fire flew out toward Minato who ducked it easily.

Ayame then jumped forward and went for a swing which Minato once more dodged with eased, she then looked up and behind Minato's shoulder.

Minato seeing this followed her eyes and saw the orb of fire she just threw was coming back to her. 'Shit' "Hiraishin" Minato said.

Kakashi had been watching the entire time planning his attack and at this moment he realized it was his moment he watched his sensei's move and heard him speak the name of his famed jutsu.

Kakashi charged" Chidori!" Kakashi yelled out his hand covered in electricity as he aimed the attack at a three-pronged kunai.

In the next moment Minato appeared right beside the kunai he was aiming for. 'That was close' Minato thought to himself the man then heard a crackle of lighting behind him looking back he saw the chidori heading straight for his chest.

'There's no time to dodge' Minato thought to himself. "Hirai- "Minato yelled out trying to get away from Kakashi.

"It's to late Minato-sensei!" Kakashi yelled out the two of them meet eye to eye as Kakashi chidori was about to impact his sensei.


Kakashi had just become a genin it was the end of his first day of class and as he walked out he saw Minato standing there. "Minato-sensei I did the best in class no one was better!"

Minato looked down at the boy with a smile. "Kakashi-kun I knew you would do great, how about you come to my place and I'll cook you up some food?" Minato stand offering the boy a hand.

Kakashi's eyes widened as a smile rose across his face. "Minato-sensei I would love to!" Kakashi too Minato's hand as they began to walk to his home. 'I wish I had a father like him.' Kakashi thought to himself.

Flashback End

Kakashi eyes widened when he remembered this moment as he closed his eyes and in the next moment he heard a crash.

Ayame red chakra disappeared having used all her energy in those attacks, She looked around her and when she looked to her left all the saw was a large pile of smoke from Kakashi's attack unable to see the outcome or if anyone was still in the smoke it was too thick.


Sakura's eye's opened as she looked up at the sky. "Man, I can't move." Sakura couldn't even feel her own limps. "But hey I did it I guess."

"I hope Ayame-chan and Naruto-kun are ok." Sakura said not able to think about much more then if her friends had survived this whole ordeal.

In the next moment she heard someone landing above her when she looked up she gave a smile. "Guy-sensei." She said

Guy looked down at her before picking her up in his arms. "Did you succeed in your mission Sakura-chan?" Guy asked.

"I believe I did Guy-sensei but it wasn't easy and I have you to thank for training me so well." Sakura replied.

"Sakura-chan this was all you and no one else you were the one who trained this hard and you were the one who fought this hard for this victory." Might Guy looked over the battlefield and saw just how destroyed it was the fight here had to be intense.

Guy then took off taking Sakura back to camp. "Now then let's get you back to Tsunade-san and get you healed up so we can train more and improve your power of YOUTH!" Guy yelled out.

Sakura only groined inwardly. 'Please don't ever let me become like him!' Sakura prayed to herself.

Kakashi and Ayame vs Minato

Ayame watched intensely as the smoke began to lessen and in the next moment Kakashi jumped out of the smoke and landed beside her. "Kakashi-nii-san we did it!" Ayame said looking at her brother.

Kakashi only looked down at the ground then at Ayame who's feral state had reverted and she seemed back to her pre-kyuubi state. "We didn't." Kakashi tightened his hand as some blood started to drip from his hand as he nailed pierced his own skin.

"Kakashi-nii-san what do you mean we didn't do it I thought you hit him." Ayame said desperately trying to find an answer.

"Just like his otou-san he choked and failed to complete the mission." A well and alive Minato said as he walked out of the smoke.

"I'm sorry Ayame-chan." Kakashi said.

"Your dear nii-san here froze up at the last second, he had me dead to rights the mission you demons had wanted to complete for so long was inches away and Kakashi-kun failed you all." Minato said with a slight chuckle.

"Ayame-chan I'm sorry I just couldn't do it, I couldn't kill Minato-sensei." Kakashi eyes once more meet the ground unable to look at his sister in the eyes.

"Though I must admit that was a lot closer then I expected." Minato said to the two. "But in the end, everything worked out as it was supposed to Kakashi-kun is a failure just like his father and the demon has went through all of her energy." Minato said clutching Kushina's katana in his right hand.

"Now that the demon can't heal herself with that chakra it's going to be a lot easier to put her down." Minato said.

"Kakashi-nii-san please let's fight we can still win this." Ayame said trying to hold back her anger she knew that she needed her brother to win this fight.

Kakashi though was to shaken the memories of those people who called him a failure because of his father was flooding back he really was like his father as failure in every way.

"Sorry demon he won't fight and won't be of use for you any longer." Minato said taking a stance with the katana. "Did I ever tell you how I once trained with your kaa-san with this very katana? She actually tried to teach me how to use it in combat but I always sucked with it." Minato said.

"There was one thing I did learn with this blade, one single jutsu." Minato deepened his stance.

Ayame seeing this prepared for the worst even without Kyuubi's chakra she was still strong she was still able to defend herself.

"Hiraishin of a thousand cuts." Minato disappeared and reappeared behind his daughter.

Ayame looked back seeing her father and in the next moment she saw blood burst from every part of her body,arms,legs,chest, and thighs.

Ayame fell to the ground as the blood from the cuts flowed to the ground surrounding her, she was unable to move she could hardly even breath. 'What happened.' Ayame thought to herself.

Minato wiped the blood from the weapon as he looked over at his daughter on the ground. "This attack allows me to cut each and every one of your nerve's I need to." Minato walked over to Ayame grabbing her by the hair. "Now then demon lets show the world your true face."

Kakashi looked up at his mentor shock in his eyes. 'Why.' He wondered to himself. 'Why does it have to be this way.' Kakashi asked himself.

"Kakashi-kun I will give you some praise you were the first one to see the flaw in my technique I was moving to predictably." Minato said taking note to fix that in the future.

"Because you helped me learn that I'll allow you to leave this village and never return." Minato began to walk by him and to the side of the building.


Kiba and Hana had found themselves a safe place away from all the havoc or so they had thought so, in the next moment three of their clansmen and multiple of there clan's wolves had surrounded them.

Kiba and Hana took a fighting stance and got ready for battle when something unexpected happened in what seemed like a few second each of the wolves and clansmen fell, Someone had taken each of them out in just a few seconds.

A blue haired man with glasses then dropped beside him. "H-hey I'm suppose to bring you back." The young boy said clearly nervous.

Hana moved in front of Kiba. "Who are you and where is your villages headband?" Hana asked noticing this guy was obviously a ninja but had no headband.

"Oh, my name is Chojuro and I'm not suppose to tell you where I'm from." He said in a meek voice.

"Than how the hell are we supposed to trust you!" Hana yelled out at him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." Chojuro replied with a slight bow.

"Nii-san I think this is our best bet to make it out safe we should probably go with him." Kiba said to his sister.

"I know you're probably right." Hana still couldn't put her hands on it but this guy for some reason really annoyed her.

"Then if you will follow me I will lead you back to the camp." Chojuro said turning around and beginning to leave.

The two Inuzuka's following behind him.


Looking over his village Minato saw that most if not all of the villagers had gathered in the village square where they could all watch him in all his glory.

He looked around at his villagers and saw many massive snakes summons coming toward them to attack and murder the last of the village.

As the massive snakes gathered around them it didn't take long for them to attack the villagers but before they could get to them a group of ninjas in black cloaks with red clouds on them struck down the snakes with ease.

The villagers who had closed their eyes expecting death looked around to see each of the snake summons had been killed, the villagers then began to cheer loudly for their heroes.

One of the village women walked up to the shark looking man name Kisame. "Thank you for saving us!" She said to him.

Kisame with a grimace looked up at Minato who only nodded and with that Kisame sighed. "You're welcome now leave me alone." Kisame felt physically sick for having to be nice to this woman but it's what Minato wanted.

Minato took this moment to address his villagers still with Ayame hair in his hands. "My villagers if I could have your attention I must give you all some terrible news." Minato said his eyes showing off a distraught man.

He raised Ayame up showing the villager all of her new features, the teeth, ears and tails the crowd all gasped and began to speak among themselves. "This here is what happened when you get infected by the demon." Minato let Ayame fall to the ground face first.

"Not even my own daughter was safe from this fate I allowed her to be this close to the demon I wanted to believe in the good inside him but in the end, he took the thing that I love the most away from me." Minato allowed a tear to fall from his eyes.

"Hokage-sama it's not your fault!"

"Hokage-sama we still love you"

"Hokage-sama please don't cry!"

The ninja's in the black cloaks all jumped up each standing beside Minato. "Please introduce yourself heroes." Minato said.

The yellow haired ninja with a ponytail moved forward first. "My name is Deidara and it a pleasure to meet you all." He said with a slight bow noticing some of the woman in the crowd were already blushing at his appearance.

The next was the blue face shark man. "My name Kisame." He said before moving back.

Another cloaked figure appeared beside Konan. "Sorry I'm late." He said looking at Konan.

The man moved forward and with a bow said. "My name is Sasori it's a pleasure to meet you all." He then moved back into line.

As he did he saw the glare that Konan gave him. "Where the hell have you been?" She demanded in a whisper.

"Sorry I had things to do." Replied Sasori.

Konan gave a sigh and decided to move forward she was the last one here to introduce herself. "My name is Konan I am here to protect you all well and Hokage-sama I am his loyal servant ready to defend all that he loves and put my life on the line if it meant saving a single one of you." Konan's eyes showed nothing but love as she spoke to the villagers.

"Konan-san thank you!" A child from the audience yelled as she looked out she saw it as the boy who was rescued when his mother abandoned him after a snake attack. She gave the bow a soft smile as she moved back into line.

Minato then moved forward. "Some of you may wonder why they're here and it's simple we need ninja's like this, they are call the Akatsuki" Minato gripped his hand looking at the ground.

"I must come out and tell the truth though." Minato said a lot of the villagers had confused looks on their faces. "These ninjas and myself need your help you see they're eight more demons like the one in this village each of them as evil as the rest and to bring peace to this world we must eliminate them all!" Minato yelled out.

"Eight more demons!"

"How will we survive that?"

"Are we all going to die?"

Konan moved forward. "Everyone stop saying that! You have the great hokage…no" Konan looked up at Minato. "He isn't the hokage anymore he has destroyed two demons now he is more than any mere mortal." Konan moved closer to Minato. "He is kami-sama!" Konan yelled in bliss.

"He did kill two demons and now he has the Akasuki!"

"As long as Kami-sama is on our side we can't lose!"

"Kill all the demons!"

In the next moment the Mizukage made her way up to Minato a veil still covering her face as she moved up beside Minato. "Know this Konoha you will have the full support of Kirigakure!" Mei said wrapping her arms around Minato.

Minato looked at Mei. "I told you to leave." He said.

"I couldn't leave you alone my love." Mei replied.

Minato then watched as once more Konan moved forward looking angry after Mei had appeared. "Everyone show your love for Kami-sama take a knee and bow before him!" Konan demanded of the villagers.

They all watched as one by one the villagers took a knee the younger generation taking the knee slower but followed suite.




Minato looked at Konan. 'I need to talk to her about speaking out of line but she did a good thing.' Minato then heard the chants and the power flowed through him he felt the power and respect the love of the village.

In the next moments the Akatsuki took their own knee's bowing before Minato and finally Mei took a knee lowering her head to show the upmost respect for Minato.

Minato allowed himself to be taken by the moment as he dropped Kushina's katana and raised his hands in the air.

'I am kami-sama! Finally, they understand.' Minato was in bliss this was the moment he's been waiting for.

'Its going to happen, I'm going to be able to do it! I'm going to…' Minato felt himself stumble a bit.

'Wait why do I feel so weak?' Minato thought to himself.

Minato opened his eyes looking at the crowd in front of him as they screamed. 'Why are they screaming what happened?' Minato then looked down and saw blood was splattered across his chest.

Minato looked left and saw Konan running toward him in horror. 'Why does Konan look like that?'

He then looked down at the ground and saw his arm lying on the ground and then look over at his right shoulder he saw that his arm was no longer there.

"AHH!" Minato let out a scream of pain that was stopped when he was pulled back and the cold steel of a blade was on his throat ready to slice his head off.

Holding Minato was none over then Mei Terumi who had cut his arm off when he wasn't paying attention. "So much for Kami-sama." Mei gave a laugh.

"Mei I'm going to kill you for hurting Kami-sama." Konan said as paper began to fly around her.

"I wouldn't do anything rash I'll kill him." Mei then gave a smile.

The red headed mizukage then took off her veil and hat she then dropped the henge she was wearing to reveal her true face. "Isn't that right husband."

All the villagers looked up in horror at who'd attacked kami it was none over then Kushina Uzumaki.

"Having to act like that love struck kage was terrible but for this moment it was worth it." Kushina said.

Konan took this chance to grab Ayame-chan holding her in the same position as Minato. "Let kami-sama go." Konan demanded.

The two powerful women stared at one another each with a loved one close to death but which one would break first.

To be continued.


Before we get started with reviews wanna thank you all for sticking with this fic means a lot to me and hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter :)

The Storm Master 567 - Anko is a mystery

Animaman - Hopefully this chapter pleases you with the return of Kushina

Kage88 - Thank you

Sinforged - Hopefully it didn't end to bad this chapter.

NarutoKushina - Kakashi has a bit more life in him..for now :)

pitbull4567 - Thanks for the review :)