Hello! This is my first Soul Eater story! I usually write Sonic the Hedgehog or PPG Stories but I thought I'd give this a go! I'm going to try and update this as frequent as a I can along with my two other ongoing stories This is a Kid x Maka fic but I'm currently writing a soma fic! SO stay tuned
this will contain no Soul shaming ;) he'll get a good ending along with the rest.
well i'll shut up now and let you read! haha reviews would be great
I do not own Soul Eater or any character's mentioned in this fic.
"You're an idiot Soul." Maka said as she walked into her room
"You're just being uncool Maka! There's nothing wrong with me letting another girl live with us for a few days."
"Soul, unless she plans on paying rent I don't want her around."
"You're just jealous Maka!" Soul yelled as the light haired girl threw a book at him from her room
She came out with three bags full of her stuff "I'm moving out. See you at school Soul." Maka said as she opened the door
"Oh yeah!? Well have fun trying to find another place Maka!" Soul yelled as the door to the small apartment slammed shut.
Maka ran down the stairs and down into the streets of Death City.
"Humph. Stupid weapon, seriously I don't want to hear them all night long every night. One night was bad enough." She shook her head and walked into the street carefully making her way towards a cab to take her to tusbaki's house.
"30 Death Ave please." She told the cab driver as she got in. He nodded and drove ahead. And that's when it happened she saw a large cat crossing the street.
"Stop!" Maka cried and that's when everything went dark.
Maka arose in a bed at the infirmary at the school Naigus carefully watching her as she woke up.
"Ah finally awake I see." Naigus said in a calm tone
"Where…Who am I?" Maka said as she sat up
"What's wrong with her?!" A voice Maka had heard before said but she couldn't quite remember
"She has amnesia Soul, and apparently it's worse than I predicted." Nigus said writing something on her clipboard
"oh no Maka!" Patti said getting closer
"Kid please control her." Naigus said looking at the dark haired boy who had his arms folded across his chest
Maka began to firmly sit up and touched her head. "Ouch, what happened to me?"
"You were in a car crash two days ago. You were in serious medical condition and were brought back here."
"Why can't I remember anything?" Maka said frustrated
"Amnesia, common in accidents similar to yours. Tell me Maka is there anything you can remember?"
"I remember my childhood…My papa and mama taking me to play with Lord Death's son."
That's when all eyes turned to Kid.
"You knew Maka when you were little!?" Soul yelled at Kid whose eyes were also in shock he had long forgotten those days of playing around with the death scythes young daughter.
"We used to play as young children yes. Why do you guys think we connected so easily here at the academy? It's also the reason I respect her more than you Soul." Kid said with a smirk
"Oh this is so cute! Just imagine a little Kid playing with a little Maka!" Liz said squealing
"Then it's settled. Today you will go home with Kid until more of your memories come back." Naigus said
"And if they don't?" Maka said with a look of worry.
"Then you'll just have to make new memories. There's nothing wrong with that, a fresh start can be good for a person Maka."
"What about me? She is my meister how am I supposed to work now?" Soul said with a frustrated tone
"She will eventually return to be your meister Soul, she just needs a few days rest to regain some of her memories and regain some normalcy to her life."
"So why is she going with Kid then?" Soul said irritated
"As I can recall you did say she was moving out. Plus Kid is the last person besides her parents which are currently unavailable due to circumstance."
Soul backed away and crossed his arms. As everyone looked back to Kid who had a slight pink on his cheeks. He knew keeping Maka at his house would prove to be a new distraction.
The end of the day came sooner than Kid thought and he was leaving the classroom to go pick up Maka
Once he entered Nigus had already prepared her daily medicine to keep her on track and her bags were put neatly by the door. Kid noticed that Maka had three bags and the symmetry was off but he decided to overlook it for now.
"Alright you ready?" Kid asked as Maka came from the bathroom
She had changed into a green lacy shirt and dark jeans that made her figure look perfectly symmetrical to Kid. He blushed at the thought
Maka nodded and followed Kid out to his dark car. It wasn't as cool as Soul's motorcycle but still cool nonetheless
Wait how did she know that Soul had a motorcycle?
Maka shrugged it off. It must have been a snippet of a memory that had come back. Naigus had warned this would happen as soon as she got back into some sort of routine.
In the car Maka sat next to Kid as he drove. "So my address is 8 Death Lane, perfect placement for a perfectly symmetrical house if I do say so myself." Kid smiled and glanced at Maka who was looking out the window.
"You really only remember your childhood?" He said
"Not really, just parts of it where I was happy. I guess I was at my happiest when I was playing some silly game with you. Ones where I was the princess and you were the Death Prince that rescued me from the evil kishin." Maka laughed and Kid blushed remembering their childish games.
"Are we I mean were we still close like that before my…you know accident?" Maka said questioning him
"Well I didn't go to your school for a while since my studies happened at home. I just started going to the Academy recently. I thought I could use the extra knowledge. We became friends again here but no one knew that we knew each other as children until you told everyone today."
"Was I not supposed to?" Maka said looking down at her hands
"No, it never really mattered. I think it was just a long forgotten fact." He said shrugging
The rest of the way to his house the two teens were silent only thinking about what the future days could hold for the both of them.
"Well, welcome home Maka." Kid said taking her bags and dropping them on the floor of his house.
"It's quite big." Maka said in awe
"The guest room is right up those stairs and to the left across from my room the door is painted black. If you need anything ever please feel free to knock."
"Thank you Kid, for everything. I knew you had a choice to not let me come and stay but you did and for that I'm really grateful." Maka said taking her things and heading towards the stairs
"You're very welcome Maka. Patti and Liz should be home very soon. Until then you should unpack and make yourself at home. Just don't mess with the symmetry okay?" Kid said cringing at the thought
Maka laughed and began to walk upstairs "Don't worry Kid you can trust me." Soon she disappeared into the room as kid was left standing at the bottom of the stairs with a grin on his face.
"Maybe this is a second chance at all those years I missed with one of my best friends." He kept smiling as he walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner for the night.