Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Rosario + Vampire
Chapter 1: Freedom
Bum…bum…bum. These are the only things that he hears…the constant sound of his heart-beat along with drive to win for the ones he loves the most. He desperately tries to open his eyes but all he sees is darkness, with nothing keeping himself from falling into the abyss. Worried, he starts to wonder of those who put their faith in him and if they made the right choice. He was called hero, in the village that now accepts him and child of prophecy by those who respected him. His name is and always will be Uzumaki Naruto, son of the great Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and former Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, Uzumaki Kushina. He is the light that will always shine in the darkness but that statement would be false now given the situation that he was in.
Our hero finally opens his eyes to see that he was bond by chains that restricted his movement. The whiskered blonde could now only watch helplessly as the one man he dedicated to stop, massacre the entire population of the elemental nations. This one man is known as Uchiha Madara, but he could now be called the new 'Sage of Six Paths' with the newly obtained power from his former ally Uchiha Obito.
Madara was now on the verge of activating the Infinite Tsukuyomi, with the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki finally within his grasp. Naruto, on the other hand, was on the verge of letting everyone he knew down. The blonde ha to think of something or else everything that he fought to protect would be meaningless. There was no way in hell that he would let this man win because he knew in his heart that it couldn't end this way. He then desperately tried to break free of his restraints, but to no avail, and as soon as he moved his head to the side he found that his friend, Kurama the Kyuubi, shackled down just like himself.
Both human and fox looked at each other in relief as both were glad that the other was safe from harm's way. Kurama let out a toothy grin as an attempt to relieve anxiety, but to most it would prove to be menacing. Although the fox's grin was indeed scary, the blue-eyed teen gave his own signature cheeky grin back at the giant tailed-beast. There was no denying that now both of them were the best of partners even after a short time.
Kurama was the first ne to break the silence by saying, "It looks like I've dragged you into this mess huh…gaki." The fox took his time to analyze the situation they were in, "Looks like we're both royally screwed if Madara keeps this up."
Naruto smiled then replied, "Well if I wasn't busy making sure that your ass wouldn't get dragged in here, then we wouldn't be in this mess."
A bit offended the Kyuubi shot back, "My fault? And just who was idiot that decided to get distracted and help out they're friends and get us sealed in here! Huh!"
"You got me there." Answered the blond while he scratched the back of his head. It was amazing really, both of them were captured but both had time to get a joke out of the other. They had both come a long way but the cheers of both of them were soon ended when Madara's figure came walking at them both. Naruto then glanced at the man and said in a sarcastic tone, "Well if it isn't mister knock-off himself. Pleasure to see that your still here Madara."
"Still able to make jokes when I have already captured and drained all the chakra from your body. You amuse me to no end Uzumaki." Madara replied, making sure that our whiskered hero could move a muscle, "If it were up to me I'd be finished with you by now but seeing how your life is connected to the Kyuubi's, ending you would prove disastrous for my plans."
"What?" Was the intelligent remark of the blonde, while still keeping his composure.
"Since your mortal mind cannot comprehend what I have just explained then I will break it down for you." The Uchiha exclaimed, and with the flick of his wrist, he made the shackles of Naruto seemingly increase, causing Naruto to hit the floor…hard. Madara then placed his foot atop of the blonde, "From the moment you were born, the essence of the Kyuubi lived and died with you. So even if I managed to extract the Kyuubi from your body, it would disappear for a millennia because of the death of you."
Our whiskered hero moved his head to make eye contact with the Uchiha. Despite the fatigue he was felling, Naruto replied, "So…you need me to get the Kyuubi but you can't kill me?"
"Then what will happen if I manage to break out of these chains and ruin your plans?"
"That is unlikely to happen because these chains were made by the Rikudou Sennin himself to restrain the Juubi." After the brief explanation of his restraints, Naruto felt like there was nothing that he could do in the situation he was in right now and that felt a bad feeling in Kurama's head. Madara proceeded to resume his plans and left Naruto and Kurama to their fate.
After a few minutes of silence Kurama started to shout, "Oi Uchiha! You better make sure these shackles are on tight because this gaki is known for doing the impossible time and time again!"
Naruto looked at his beast partner questionably and asked, "What was that all about Kurama?"
The fox looked at his human container with a furious gaze, responding with little sympathy in his voice, "Don't give me that pathetic look gaki, we both know that you have done the impossible time and time again, but still you come out on top. This situation is no different; so prove to me that you are the same Naruto who promised my brethren their freedom from Madara's control!" Roaring a bit on his last sentence.
Naruto looked at Kurama with sheer amazement because out of all the people who had faith in his cause, it was Kurama the nine-tailed fox who assisted him in his reassurance of his beliefs. The whiskered blonde waited for a moment and began to chuckle a bit after the realization. He looked up at his toothy companion and relied, "You're right Kurama…you're absolutely right."
"Of course I am" Replied the giant fox, "Now what do you intend to do to break out of this prison?"
"This!" The blonde shouted as he used all the power he had left to break free of the chains and bond him and Kurama. Thanks to the massive spike in power, the restraints shattered, leaving Naruto and Kurama to be free.
In no time at all, Madara reappeared into the chamber sensing something had gone wrong. Before he could figure out what, a certain whiskered blonde attached himself to the villain, with a grin on his face. After Naruto had latched himself onto Madara's body, the chains that were used to bind the Kyuubi, came out of Naruto's body and restrained Madara of his movements as well as chakra. Naruto smirked knowing that he had proved Madara wrong as he stated, "Guess you were wrong about those restraints huh Madara?"
"A minor setback to a major operation young one" The Uchiha looked the blonde straight in the eyes, with a stoic look, "You know full well that these shackles will not hold me down for long right?"
"Of course! Which is why I had my friend charge up before you came here." The blonde responded.
"What!?" Yet another intelligent remark, this time by Madara himself.
Flashback into Naruto's and Kurama's mind link
'Kurama I need you to focus all of your chakra into one powerful attack' Naruto said through the mental link he and the fox shared.
'I can do that easily…but how will you get his to stand still long enough for me to hit him?' the fox questioned. He then looked at his blonde-headed partner who only smirked at the question. Coming to a realization Kurama instantly replied, 'You can't be serious? What about your dream of becoming Hoka-'
Kurama was then interrupted when Naruto responded by getting in position and saying, 'What good is becoming Hokage if I can't protect the ones I love the most. I'd sooner die protecting them then let this man take their free will.'
Kurama paused for a second before responding, 'You sure about this gaki?', earning only a nod in response, 'Then I have no regrets for what happens next.'
Flashback End
Madara's eyes widened as he saw the massive form of the Kyuubi create a large sphere of pressurized chakra in the air that was at least ten times the size of a small mountain. The mountain sized sphere was hen condensed into a small ball, giving even more destructive power.
By instinct, Naruto commanded, "Now Kurama!", and on that same command the ball of destruction was fired. Before the ball could hit, Naruto took what little time he had left to explain to Madara, "If I die…then you die…and I'll go on happily knowing that I freed my world you're your corruption and grasp!"
Naruto remained silent as the last sound was made by Madara, whose voice was consumed by the explosion. Kurama stayed knowing well that he could not escape an explosion of this magnitude. The only thought that entered his mind while he smiled was, 'See you in the other world…Naruto.'
And so ends the story of Uzumaki Naruto and Kurama…or so it seems