Hi people!

I'm so so sorry for the delay. I don't know if you know but I struggle with depression and anxiety disorders for a while and I haven't been feeling good lately, but I promise I'm trying my best to continue this fic.

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you.

Ch. 17 - My...


At 9pm Mark knocked at our door, we smiled and left. I was wearing a short black tight dress with heels, and Cory was wearing jeans and a polo. Kevin and Matt also went with us, I realized that was supposed to be a boy's night. But I would never in my life let Cory come alone, I saw girls staring at him like they wanted to be fucked by his huge form. As soon as we walked in Cory held me by the waist and I kinda liked the idea of him being possessive of me. We sat in a small table while the Cory, Mark and Matt went to the bar to get us drinks.

Kevin and I were talking when a man sat beside me.

"Can I talk you cutie?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No. I'm already talking if you didn't notice and it's not with you!" I said and he chuckled.

"Hottie, if you want to hook up with this guy I need to tell you that he looks so gay. You need a real man." The way he insulted Kevin made me see fire. I tried to stand up but Kevin held my hand.

"It's okay, don't let this asshole ruin our night." Kevin said and I nodded rolling my eyes at the strange man. Still, he didn't give up.

"C'mon, just one dance?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I have a boyfriend and even if I didn't I would never dance with you." I said and I felt him grabbing my hand and pulling me to him, Kevin also stood but Cory came to my rescue.

"What the hell is going on here? Take your filthy hand out of my girlfriend!" he yelled and the guy let me go. Cory pushed me behind him and stared at the guy. "GO!" he yelled and when the guy was leaving he said something he shouldn't have.

"Tell your girlfriend to wear more clothes, she looked like a whore anyway." The moment this left the guy's mouth Cory punched him. Mark, Matt and Kevin came to push Cory away from the guy but he managed to punch Cory in the mouth before going away. I saw blood and I started crying hysterically. We left the place and went back to the hotel, his lower lip wouldn't stop bleeding.

"You don't need to cry babe, I'm okay." He said hugging me tight. As soon as I calmed down I started to clean his mouth, it wasn't anything much but when I saw blood earlier I panicked. He was holding ice to his lip while I was doing my night ritual when Ryan knocked on our door.

"So, I heard that Cory got into a fight?" He asked and Cory and I looked to each other.

"Well, the guy called her whore and pressed his body against hers when she was pushing him so he would let her go." Cory explained and I looked straight to Ryan's eyes.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"Matthew." I didn't even let him finish, I marched to Matt's room. I knocked on the door and as soon as he opened up I slapped him.

"What the fuck Lea?" I glared at him.

"What's your problem with Cory? Tell me! Why did you tell Ryan about the fight? He was just DEFENDING me!" I was about to slap him again when Cory held my hand.

"Lea, don't." He said with Ryan beside him.

"I need to know why he's trying to sabotage Cory." I said and Matt turned to me.

"I'm not trying to sabotage anyone! I just thought he needed to know since you guys have an interview tomorrow, he can't show up looking like this!" Matt tried to explain himself.

"It looks like he bit his lip, I don't see a reason for them to not go there tomorrow." Ryan said and we both agreed. "I just want you two to let me know when something like this happens, and you, Matthew, I'm sure you meant well, but don't do this again." We all nodded and he looked at me and Cory while we were walking back to our room. "It's time for you to go to sleep and be freshen up tomorrow morning! And Cory, you did the right thing no one messes with our Lea, right?" We all laughed.



Unfortunately after a week of Dreams it was time to go back to reality. We were arriving in LA this night and since we were two weeks away from Christmas we'd shoot for a week and then we would only return in January 15th. Lea was sleeping by my side inside the plane, I looked at her and smiled. She was so beautiful and I loved her so much, I was a coward though. I was so afraid of telling her how big my love was. I held her hand and she opened her eyes slowly.

"Hi!" She said and I played with her hair.

"Hi Lee!" She giggled.

"Cor, will you go to Canada for Christmas?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No, my mom will probably go to my brother's house and my grandma, who was actually the one who raised me, go to sleep around 10 on Christmas Eve. I prefer to spend it alone than with them, it's depressing. But I'll go there for New Year's Eve. Why?" I explained and she ran her hands on my cheek.

"Do you wanna go to New York with me and spend it there with my family?" All the air magically disappeared from my lungs. I had no idea what to say. Lea kept looking at me expecting. SAY YES YOU IDIOT! I told myself and finally nodded.

"Yeah, of course." I must have grinned like a fool because she rolled her eyes at me.

"I just wanna let you know that spending Christmas with my family doesn't make us official." My smiled dropped a little but I got closer and ran my nose on her cheek.

"If you say so baby. Do you wanna spend New Year's with me in Canada? I'll go to a friend's party in Vancouver." She was about to nod when she seemed to remember something.

"Oh shit! I can't, I promised my cousin I'd take her to Vegas..." I sighed.

"Vegas? Two girls alone in Vegas? That doesn't seem like a good idea." I knew I sounded bitter but I couldn't stand the thought of imagining Lea with another man. And I knew she would probably hook up with someone there.

"And why not? Jon and his friend Theo are coming along. You could come too, you know?" I smiled at her.

"I wish I could go, but I already promised my grandparents that I'd stop by to see them." She nodded pouting. "Who is this Theo guy btw?"

"Just a friend from Broadway, he's nice and handsome!" I playfully glared at her.

"Handsome? Please tell me he plays on Jon's team!" She shook her head.

"No, but you're more handsome and hotter than him." She winked and squeezed my hand.

"Well, let's say that the next time you go to Vegas you're going with me, okay? And please, promise me you'll behave?" She nodded and pecked my hand.

"Of course! But you have to promise me that you'll behave as well in Vancouver, okay?" I nodded and brought her closer to me holding her tight.


I've never been so nervous in all my life. It was December 24th and I was finishing getting ready in Lea's NYC apartment. I still can't believe that she invited me to spend Christmas with her family AND is letting me stay in her apartment with her.

"Are you ready Cory? I've never seen a man take so long to get ready!" She complained and walked inside her room. I was shirtless and when she saw me she bit her lip, oh no, if she keeps up with that naughty face it'll be impossible not to get hard and we really need to go.

"I'm almost finishing Lee..." She cut me off and ran her hand on my chest.

"I truly wish I could have my way with you right now but we're already late." she pouted and I leaned down to bite her lower lip. She grabbed my hand and pushed me away. "I promise I'll let you continue this later on, now please, get ready!" My bossy girl, she had no idea but that made me love her even more.


We arrived at my parents' house and my whole family was already there, my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, all of them. I saw the knowing look they gave me when they saw Cory. My father was the one to save us.

"Little darling, it's so nice to see you. And you too Cory." He hugged as us both and told us that mom was on the kitchen. I held Cory's hand intertwining our fingers, just because I saw on of my cousins staring at him with naughty eyes, and led him to the kitchen. When mom saw us she smiled really big.

"Lea! You arrived at the right time, I so need your help here." She said and I heard Cory laughing.

"Her help? Are you sure?" He said and I elbowed him. Mom laughed harder.

"Just to make the salad, you don't need to worry son, I'm not that crazy." I glared at them. She hugged him tight and patted his back. "Go talk to Marc, I promise not to hold your girlfriend hostage for a long time." I blushed deep red and as soon as Cory left the kitchen I turned to my mom.

"He's NOT my boyfriend!" She rolled her eyes at me.

"So I see we're still in denial?"


I arrived in the living room about one hour later and as soon as I came close to my dad and Cory my grandma held my arm.

"Lea, won't you introduce your plus one to us?" I nodded and then looked to Cory who was staring at me curiously.

"He's my... Uhm, my... Well..."

To be continued.