Hello, my dearies.

I apologize for being gone for so long. There has been quite a bit going on in my life as of late, which has prevented me from finding the time to work on my stories like I want to. Because I do want you all to be aware of what is happening, I am going to go into as brief of a detail as I can about it.

Back in November of 2014, my mother was informed that my grandmother had moderate to severe dementia and Alzheimer's as well as stage 4 kidney disease. This is not including deteriorating hips and lower back, walking pneumonia (which we were finally able to get cleared up so she is out of risk for it), stomach problems, constant UTIs, and who only knows what else. Because of her having to move in with us, I was forced to get a job so we would be able to keep our house and pay the bills.

Then last year in August, on top of me finally being able to start some classes for the medical field I planned on going into (which I had to drop in January), I was forced to take on a second job because my father, who is a Vietnam Veteran, was placed on full insulin and seizure medication after his stroke in March of 2014 and had suddenly started showing antibodies for Hepatitis C. I just found out that everything that is wrong with him is from when he was exposed to Agent Orange back in the 70s while on the aircraft carriers. Things have just gotten worse with him, though thankfully he is now getting better.

Now, because of all of this my mother's health has started failing. She is a heart patients and has had to have two stents put in back in 2010. Caring for her mother and my father has really brought down her health, so I have been trying to care for them with the help of my youngest sister who spends most of the time out of class helping our mother when I'm at work. It's just been a stressful situation for all of us, especially since we keep having family and friends pass away.

Work, school, things at home, and things in my personal life have kept me from working on my stories like I want to. I am planning on in May (which is when I am graduating, and thanks to my advisor it is with just a general degree so I will be able to come back and pick up the classes I dropped without having to repeat) sitting down and reading through all of the chapters I have up, editing, and then republishing them for you all, as well as posting up the other chapters that I have briefly worked on.

I am deeply sorry for the fact I haven't been on nor updated for you all. BUT chapters will be up soon, I promise!