Do you have any idea how many RWBY Ideas that I've gone through before my d*mn brain settled on this one?! DO YOU?!

RWBY/Devil May Cry

RWBY/Sonic the Hedgehog

RWBY/Kamen Rider Gaim

RWBY/Jump Stars

Oh thank God my brain settled onto RWBY/Final Fantasy! Hopefully this won't end up as a piece of crap because I just gone with the flow! Literally, this whole chapter was just me thinking up stuff on the spot and somehow it managed to turn up okay! *Laughs like a madman before sobbing like a madman* Ah... I hope I'm able to finish this story... .

Disclaimer: Symbolic Joker does not own RWBY or Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts or anything else that appears here that originated from other series or media in the form of songs/lyrics/items/terms/attack name/attack effects etc.

Episode 0 - The Fantasy Begins

Blue eyes radiating with power snapped open.

Blue eyes then darted around the room, searching the area for anything that was remotely familiar or at least recognizable. All these eyes saw was a white-walled room, with machines connect to the body to signal it's health. 'I'm in... a hospital?' The owner of these blue eyes thought in confusion. Groaning, he sat up and hold his head in pain. He turned to the window next to his bed, and saw his reflection on the glass surface.

Only to find a face that barely resembled his own.

"What the... ?" The young man muttered in confusion as he edged closer to the window to get a better look at his reflection. He could still see his old face in this new one, though at first glance anybody could easily mistook him for someone else. But then, he realized that his eye color was different. There were now blue that seemed to glow a bit, when his original eye color was brown.

His hair though, was the same. In color only. It was now much spikier then it used to be, and he had a lot more hair now if he thought about it real hard. Not only that, he could see some accents of blond around his hair.

"Oh my God... ." The young man's eyes widened when he heard a woman's voice said that. Turning his head, he saw a red haired nurse gasping at him in shock, before running out of the room while yelling out for a doctor. The young man stared at the door, before lying back onto the bed as he decided to wait for the doctor to arrive.

'I'll get the full story soon enough... .' The young man thought as he stared at the white ceiling. 'In the mean time, I'll just have my imagination keep me amused... as usual.' The young man thought back to all the times where he let his imagination flow as he waited for something whenever he didn't have any portable video games to keep his brain amused.

A few minutes later, a doctor rushed in with the same nurse (along with a few more), which caused the young man to sit himself back up. "Dear Lord... he really is awake!" The doctor said in a disbelieving tone.

"He is?! Let me see him! Let me see my baby!" An unrecognizable voice belonging to a woman yelled out to the doctor. The nurses and the doctor quickly made way for a blond woman who had her hair tied up to a pony tail run into the room. The young man saw that the woman also had three distinct fringes that were pretty large and seemed to resemble his smaller fringes in a way.

The woman also had blue eyes, though unlike his; her eyes did not seem to glow at all and seemed to be in a slightly lighter shade. The woman gave off a motherly feel, though currently the young man noted that feeling was now a worried and distressed feeling. She wore what the young man would associate to a mother or a housewife, as she wore a country-like orange dress with a white apron over it.

The woman hugged the young man, who was very confused on who this woman was and his relation to her. "Oh Cloud, my baby... ! I'm so glad you're alright!" The woman sobbed as she continued to hug the young man before taking a moment to kiss his forehead before continuing hugging him, holding so tight like he was going to leave her and never comeback.

The young man decided to let the woman hug him, knowing that she had to let go of him sooner or later. He was still confused, but he wasn't going to push off an obviously distressed woman just because he wanted answers. Though, he was thankful that the woman let go of him a few seconds later, as she noticed that the young man she was hugging was not hugging her back or apologizing for his foolishness.

"Um... ." Was the only smart thing the young man could say.

"Claudia, let me examine him for a moment." The doctor said, putting a hand on the woman's shoulder. The woman hesitantly nodded before giving the doctor some space. He quickly took a seat and pulled out a flashlight and pulled the young man's eye open and flashed it with the flashlight. As he had no warning, the young man obviously flinch though calmed down when he realized what the doctor was doing.

"Hm... ." The doctor hummed as he opened the mouth next before moving his fingers to an ear before swiftly snapping it and then quickly tested the other ear as well. "Anything wrong?" The doctor asked, though only gotten a firm shake of the head from the young man as a response. "Cloud, what's the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked, and noted the confusion in the young man's eyes.

"Cloud... ?" The young man asked in disbelief, shocking the woman.

"Oh dear... . This may not be good... ." The doctor noted, before the woman quickly grabbed him and began shaking him.

"What's wrong with him James?! What's wrong with my baby?!" Her distress was making her a bit hysterical, though occupants in the room did not really blame her.

"Claudia, you know nobody has ever survived a Dust Explosion before, especially an explosion of that magnitude. It was a miracle that we found Cloud's body intact and that he was still alive." The doctor explained, with the young man noting that his name was Cloud to these people. While he was very confused on why they thought that and the term of 'Dust', he decided to let them finish their conversation to see if he can get more on the story.

"Why, it was also a miracle that Miss Lockhart survived relatively unharmed and conscious!" The doctor noted, with the woman named Claudia growling slightly at the name.

"Yes, the Mayor's daughter... ." Claudia noted with a bit of anger, in a tone that said that she blamed whoever Miss Lockhart was at Cloud's predicament.

'Wait... Lockhart? Like Tifa Lockhart?' Cloud thought in confusion as he noted that the nurses were shifting a bit uncomfortably at the name. Cloud look at the door, and saw a silhouette near it. 'Who's that? ... Could it be that Lockhart girl? Should explain why the nurses are uncomfortable by this Claudia woman's anger... .' Cloud noted that the situation would not end well should the Lockhart girl entered the room.

"Claudia... ." The doctor warned. "You know Cloud was only saving a fellow citizen."

The woman sighed in response. "I know, I know... ." The woman noted herself, though still sounded a bit bitter. "It's just doesn't feel fair, you know? That she's able to walk and talk like nothing happened while my poor baby could possibly be brain damaged!"

"Amnesia." The doctor corrected. "Cloud could possibly only have amnesia. If that's the case, I'm sure his memories will return in due time."

"Is that so... ?" Cloud finally spoke up, surprising the two. "Then... can you explain to me what had happened to help me jog my memories?" Cloud knew he was lying, his memories were perfectly intact. Well, most of them anyway. However, he needed to know what happened that caused him to land in the hospital.

"Cloud? Are you sure dear... ?" Claudia worried over Cloud like a mother hen, which Cloud didn't felt surprise since the woman acted like she was his mother. Cloud noted that she was possibly worried about him stressing himself in his current condition. Cloud merely gave a firm nod in response, and turned to his doctor who merely sighed in exasperation, like he dealt with this before.

"Well Cloud... I don't know what happened specifically but you were around the Dust Mines." The doctor explained, with Claudia supplying with the story saying that Cloud had informed her that he was taking a walk around town to help clear his head over something. "Well, in any case; there were tourist in town and Miss Lockhart was chosen to be their guide. Her father found that she was old enough to protect herself, it helps that she was trained by our residential martial arts master Zangan himself!"

"Lockhart... ?" Cloud decided that he needed a first name as the girl they were talking about was right outside the room, even if they didn't know.

"That's right. Tifa Lockhart, the Mayor's daughter." The doctor saw that Cloud clenched his jaw and his eyes widened a bit at the mention of the name. Perhaps it triggered a memory?

"Tifa... Lockhart... ?" Cloud acted like the words rolled of his tongue, though on the inside he was panicking at the name. 'Tifa Lockhart?! But she's a video game character?! Wait... Cloud... ? Oh my God... don't tell me I'm Cloud Strife?!' Cloud thought with panic. With hesitation, he asked: "Um... where exactly are we... ?" Cloud feared the answer.

"Hm... that bad huh? Then again, you were practically at point blank of a Dust Explosion... ." The doctor noted, though Cloud was confused at the term of 'Dust'. As far as Cloud knew, whatever 'Dust' was it did not exist in the Final Fantasy VII Universe. "Well Cloud my boy, we're currently in the small town of Nibelheim, Vale."

"Vale... ?" An extremely confused Cloud muttered, though he didn't let much of his confusion show.

"That's right, Vale. One of the four Kingdoms in the continent of Vytal. The Kingdom with that is considered as "Sanctuary" from the creatures of Grimm."

Cloud can't help but frown at the term for those creatures. He had a grasp on where he was, but it didn't make sense. 'Better confirm it though... .' Cloud noted before asking: "The World we live in... is it named 'Remnant'?" Cloud questioned, with Claudia and the doctor smiling happily at his question. The nurses whispered to themselves, most likely gossiping at his recovery.

"That's right my boy! Do you remember anything else?!" The doctor asked, as Claudia looked happy that her boy seem to be in good shape, physically and mentally.

"Remnant... , Vytal... , Vale... , Dust... ,Grimm... , Hunters and Huntresses... , Combat Schools... , Schnee Dust Company... , White Fang... ." Cloud began listing off terms for the doctor, with him and Claudia smiling wider and wider as Cloud listed the terms. Though, the last one caused their frown a bit but nonetheless they were happy that Cloud's amnesia didn't seem that bad.

Cloud himself, was quite frustrated to learn where he was. 'This doesn't make any sense! Why are characters from Final Fantasy VII are in RWBY?!' Cloud thought, though notes to himself that he should learn what happened in the story that had caused him to be landed to the hospital. "Okay... . I've got a good grasp on where I am now... . But now I'm curious why I'm in the hospital... ." Cloud wondered, causing Claudia and the doctor to frown.

"Hm... . Well, I guess it's not that much of a surprise that you don't remember much. The trauma must be suppressing your memories." The doctor concluded, with Cloud muttering out a slightly sarcastic "Right..." which Claudia lightly slapped his shoulder for. "Well Cloud, as I said before; you were passing by the Dust Mines. My guess that you heard that Miss Lockhart and some tourists were trapped in them because some of the construction workers messed up." The doctor did not input that only one construction worker messed up because he was sure Cloud hasn't even met the man before incident.

"And then I helped them?" Cloud supplied, with the doctor nodding in confirmation.

"That's right, you managed to get all of the tourists out. In fact, you were carrying Miss Lockhart to safety before you noticed that you two wouldn't escape the blast radius in time and decided to protect her by sacrificing yourself. Or... so we thought."

Cloud stayed silent as he tried to think back to the incident. He had no doubt that he might not remember, but he had to at least try. Thinking back hard enough caused Cloud to gain different kinds of visions from 'his' life that lead up all the way to the incident. "A... a sword! I remember a sword!" Cloud muttered after gasping in pain, with 'his' mother by his side in worry while the nurses circled him to see if he was alright.

"Hm... ." The doctor scratched his chin in interest, and was thankful that Cloud seemed to be fine despite the mild panic attack he had. "Well... ," The doctor started after Cloud shoo'ed the nurses away after insisting he was fine. "... eye witnesses did claim that something fell from the sky and landed right in front of you two as the explosion reached you." The doctor noted. "And officials did found quite a large sword right in front where your body collapse on Miss Lockhart." At this, the nurses giggled as Cloud could faintly hear steam coming from near the door to his hospital room, surprisingly.

Cloud opted to ignore what was going on outside of his room as he continued the conversation. "... That sword... . It protected us... somehow." Cloud didn't know how or why, but the Buster Sword in it's Advent Children-beyond design had fallen from the sky and somehow protected him and Tifa from the Dust Explosion. "Still... it doesn't explain... this." Cloud gestured to his hair and eyes.

"Ah yes. Truly, you're a living freak of nature, so to speak." The doctor stated, getting a glare from Claudia and his nurses at his choice of words. "You see Cloud, that sword must've somehow allowed your body to absorb some intact Dust from the explosion. Even Miss Lockhart got affected, though she's only to be noted to have an increase in physical capabilities. My guess is that since you were protecting her with your own body, it absorbed more Dust than Miss Lockhart's body."

"So what are the changes in my body then... ?" Cloud asked, as he needed to know what happen to himself. He had a pretty good guess at what happen, and noted that some power-hungry individuals would try to replicate what happened to him and Tifa on some poor people.

"Well, your hair had been majority dyed black." The doctor noted. "It would seem it activated some other genes you gain from your father. Your eyes were brown like your father's before this happened, in case you've forgotten." At that, Cloud touched his eyes before looking at Claudia, who only smiled sadly.

"Yes. You look just like your father." Claudia said in a wistful tone. "You would've looked like an exact image of him had your hair came out black instead of blonde like mine. And now, those eyes of yours are blue like mine, with a majority of it being black like your father's... ."

"My guess is that the reason why your eyes are now in a slightly darker shade then Claudia's is because of the Dust flowing through your veins."

"Dust in my veins huh... ." Cloud muttered, with the doctor mistaking it as a question.

"That's right. Your body is now producing a high quantity of elements that are only found in Dust, similar to Miss Lockhart though her body produces a lot less then yours." The doctor noted. "Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised if you can cast Magic without any help from outside Dust." Cloud merely hummed at that, noting that he would test that theory when he got out of the hospital.

"So... where is the sword now?" Cloud asked, knowing that he needed to become the owner of that sword lest it fallen into the wrong hands.

"With the authorities of course! They're still searching the database to see if it has an owner!"

"And if it doesn't have one?"

"Then it'll most likely be send to the best scientists in Vytal, where hopefully it's secrets can be uncovered for the betterment of mankind."

'Meaning it's impossible to get my hands on it at this point.' Cloud resisted to roll his eyes at the information. Instead, he opted to get off the bed and started stretching.

"Cloud, what are you doing?!" Claudia obviously wanted her son to get more rest, as despite the fact it's been a few days since the incident, her son had just woken up from unconsciousness.

"Stretching. Then I'm going to take a walk around the hospital to see if there's anything wrong with my body." Cloud explained, as he continued stretching.

"Well, it'd be better if you don't walk around in that." The doctor noted at the hospital gown Cloud was wearing, which showed his butt for everyone in the room to see. The nurses were blushing at how perfectly shaped it was, with Claudia screeching as she just realized her son was pantless.

"Hold on baby! I'll get some clothes for you!" Claudia said as she rushed out of the hospital to get some more appropriate clothes for her son, with the doctor sighing at Claudia's antics.

"I swear... that woman... ." The doctor said to himself. "In any case Cloud, I suggest you take a few minutes to rest and take your walk after your mother comes back. It'll be easier for the both of us that way." The doctor told Cloud, who nodded in defeated agreement as he got back onto his bed. The doctor told the nurses to come along, but was forced to drag them out as they were daydreaming over Cloud's ass. Luckily they were in their mid-twenties or that would be all-kinds of awkward.

Cloud waited for a few seconds, before finally calling out: "Alright Tifa, everybody's gone. We have time to talk before my mother comes back." Cloud called out to Tifa, and briefly wondered if she left since she didn't come in. But then a few seconds after he thought that, the Lockhart girl made her way into his room.

"Hello, Cloud... ." A nervous Tifa greeted, unaware that Cloud was just as nervous as she was as he was now talking to someone who was supposed to be a fictional character, but instead was in the flesh. Both stayed silent as they wondered what they could say to each other. "Um... here... ." Tifa decided to get something out of the way first, a dark red piece of fabric that was in her hands.

"What's this... ?" Cloud asked in confusion.

"Your cloak." Tifa answered, to Cloud's surprise. He wasn't surprised by her answering him, but he was surprised by her answer itself. "I'm sorry... it was slightly burned in the Dust Explosion... . I know how much it means to you, being a birthday gift from your mother and all." Cloud couldn't help but briefly wondered if 'he' was a mama's boy at this point. "I... tried sewing the torn parts back for you... but... ." Tifa muttered, with Cloud frowning and taking the cloak of her hands to find that there were many self-inflicted injuries from trying to sew with no knowledge on it beforehand.

"... You tried your best." Cloud thanked her, giving a her small smile that caused Tifa to react with a big one in response. "You didn't cut off the burned parts did you?" Cloud wondered, with Tifa panicking at the question.

"W-Well, since it was yours and made from your mother, I didn't want to take apart something that didn't even belong to me with everybody else not knowing it was me with me, so... ." Tifa stuttered out, before finding the floor very interesting to the point of sliding a foot in a circle over it.

"It's alright. In fact, I prefer this way." Cloud said, to Tifa's surprise. "It'll remind me of the day I risked my life to save people, a majority of them being complete strangers to me. It'll remind me... how much of a good person I am, despite constantly thinking otherwise." Tifa was in slight awe at Cloud's words, but then stopped at his last few ones.

'Does Cloud think he's some... useless bumb?' Tifa couldn't help but thought, but since Cloud seems to know so much about the world around him, Tifa decided to ask; "So... your memories... ?"

"Well... , it's still jumbled up, and I think there's going to be some facts that I won't know about despite everybody else knowing it." Cloud explained, with Tifa letting out a sad "Oh" in response. "Hey, how are you holding up, Tifa?"

"P-Perfectly fine!" Tifa stuttered in surprise, again. She didn't expect the lone wolf to be such an... endearing person like this. She lightly blushed at her choice of words. "D-Don't worry about me! In fact, today's the day I get out of the hospital!" To her dismay. She wanted to get to know her hero a bit more. 'Wait... hero?!' Tifa thought in shock. 'Where did that come from?!'

"I see... ." Cloud muttered. "Hey Tifa... , did you get a good look on that sword that saved us?"

Tifa gave a nod at that. "Yes, actually." She began to think back about the incident, where Cloud's body was pressed against hers... . 'Stop that! Stop that right now!' Tifa cursed her hormonal body. Sweet 16 her ass! Whoever thought that 16 was a good age to be considered as a full-fledge 'adult' didn't went through what she was going! "It was... a giant butcher knife." Tifa was too busy trying to keep her mind in check to give Cloud an accurate description, causing the young man who's blonde hair that had been dyed black by magical dust (pun intended) to sweatdrop.

"The shape I remember... . I just wanted to know there's any specific designs on it." Cloud clarified as Tifa shook her head to get her head straight.

"Yeah!" Tifa nodded, with Cloud being confused at the answer as he thought she was shaking her head as a sign of 'No'. "It was pretty tall, just as tall as you maybe! It had a red handle, and some gold designs on the pommel and near the hilt. Then there were the two holes on the blade."

"Black blade... with a silver edge?" Cloud interrupted, but gotten a confirming nod from Tifa.

"Yes, that's right. It was also wrapped in bandages for some reason... ." Tifa noted in confusion.

'So, the Buster Sword is in the design introduced in Advent Children... . But wrapped in bandages like it's Kingdom Hearts counterpart... ?' Cloud thought to himself on the sword's appearance. 'Funny... that was what I... ?' Cloud thought to himself before memories flashed in his mind.

Cosplay Convention... .

Cloud Strife... .

Kingdom Hearts... .

Advent Children... .

Crisis Core... .

Cloud had only thing to say when he remembered what happened. "God damn it... ." Cloud muttered as he realized something he should've figured out the moment he found out that Final Fantasy VII characters were in the world of Remnant aka RWBY.

'I'm in a f*cking self-insert story!'

"Cloud Strife, I presume?"

"Yes?" Cloud stared at the man in front of his door, and to his surprise it was Ozpin. Ozpin the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. To Cloud's credit though, he acted like nothing was wrong, steeling himself so he didn't say something extremely stupid. "Wait... you're... Professor Ozpin, the current Headmaster of Beacon Academy." Cloud 'noted', with the man nodding in confirmation.

"That's right. I see my reputation precedes me." Ozpin noted. "This is my colleague, Glynda Goodwitch." Ozpin introduced to the blonde, green eyed woman wearing what Cloud would assume at first glance; clothing a teacher or a business woman would wear. "May we come up." Cloud silent nodded and made way for the two Hunters to enter his home. He led them towards the small living room, and gestured them to sit down.

"Cloud? Who was at the door?" Claudia asked as she entered the room, only to find Ozpin and Glynda waiting for. "Who are they?" Claudia wondered.

"Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch, teachers from Beacon Academy. They're Hunters." Cloud quickly explained, with Claudia nodding in understanding. She quickly went back to the kitchen to make tea and served it to the teachers, though Ozpin's cup was coffee as he requested it. "So, what brings the current Headmaster and a teacher from the most prestigious academy of all of Vale to my doorstep?" Cloud question, though was light slapped on the shoulder by his mother for his bluntness.

"Well... ," Ozpin began, though took a sip of his coffee. "... we have read the reports on your accident. Despite the miracle that occurred, we would've left you alone instead of seeking you out like this." Ozpin explained.

"However, we have made note on the fact that you now hold a weapon." Glynda stated, referring to Cloud's Buster Sword. Cloud thought back to how the Buster Sword ended up in his ownership. His mother, rushing back to their home to get appropriate clothes for her son for one of his many little walks, saw that the Buster Sword was standing perfectly upright in the middle of Cloud's room. Claudia understandably called the authorities, who admitted the sword somehow went missing but did not want the public to panic. After all, swords just don't disappear into thin air, right?

However, even after being returned to the authorities, the sword always returned to the exact same position it was in before whenever Claudia returned from the hospital. Eventually, Cloud put at end to the damn cycle by staking his claim on the sword. People tried to convince him that it was better that he didn't own the sword, but Cloud shut them up by being able to lift the sword with one hand when it took about 9 or 10 officers just to carry the sword back to their HQ.

Tifa was called in to see if it was because of the Dust their bodies produced that allowed them to wield the sword. While Tifa was also able to lift the sword, she had to use two hands and looked considerably strained from the effort. Seeing that the sword saved their lives and only Cloud was able to easily wield, the Buster Sword ended up in his hands.

Much to his happiness, though he didn't show it to anyone.

"So what? You want me to join your school... ?" Cloud question, though on the inside he was giggling like a schoolgirl that had a crush on a boy. It sure saved him the trouble of somehow trying to get into Beacon Academy.

"Quite frankly, yes." Ozpin confirmed, and Cloud resisted the urge to scream "YES!" in victory.

"However... ," Glynda interrupted, bringing down harsh reality into the conversation. "... you will be tested to see if you're worthy and so we may evaluate your abilities."

"... I see. Very well." Cloud muttered out his answer. "Since me and Tifa are probably the only two people on Remnant that has Dust flowing through their veins, it's understandable you want to see any differences between us and Hunters-in-training." Cloud didn't miss Ozpin and Glynda briefly staring at each other the "Dust flowing through their veins" part. It made Cloud realize that a certain SOLDIER may be in Remnant as well. 'God damn it... .' Cloud cursed to himself before thinking back to Tifa. "Speaking of Tifa... is she going to be tested as well?"

"Yes." Glynda confirmed. "She has accepted our offer to become a student at Beacon. You two will be tested at the same day, here at Nibelheim." Glynda explained, causing worry to appear in Cloud's eyes. "Don't worry, Zangan had shown us a training area that would be perfect to be used for your test." Cloud didn't miss the familiarity in Glynda's tone at mentioning Zangan. It meant the two (and most likely Ozpin as well) knew each other personally.

"Thank you then, for giving me this gracious offer." Cloud said, standing up and bowing in respect at the two. They nodded in response before taking their leave. As the two teachers walked further and further away from Cloud's house, Glynda spoke up to Ozpin.

"You are such a bleeding heart, do you know that?" Glynda asked, as she took out her Scroll and checked Cloud off as one of the many students that Ozpin gave a special chance to attend Beacon. She noted that all of them had decided to start their years at Beacon next year, with the only exceptions being Cloud and Tifa who wasn't even asked that question yet. She wouldn't be surprised if they to said that they would like to attend Beacon next year, where they would be 17 years old, the age where one usually start their years at Beacon, just like all the other special cases.

Ozpin merely smiled in response. "I have a feeling that we will have a few interesting years that will come." Ozpin noted as Glynda passed her Scroll where Ozpin checked to see if all of the special students that he had personally visited were there and been accounted for. He was unsurprised to see all of the names had been checked out.

"Soon... ."

"I'm surprised that you didn't speak up, Mom." Cloud returned to his living room, where he was having a talk with his mother.

Claudia merely smiled in response. "How could I? Your dream was practically right in your grasp. A dream that decides your future. I wanted you to have full control of choosing whether or not you wanted to make it reality." Claudia reasoned.

"My dream... ?" Cloud asked in confusion.

Claudia merely let out a melodious giggle at her son's adorable confused face. "That's right. You always wanted to become a Hunter. As you grew up, you became less vocal about it, but I knew it was still there when most just assume you grew out of it. You always pass by Zangan's classes to see him training his students. I offered to pay for those classes so you can get the training but you always denied since you didn't want to waste our money." Claudia explained, not surprised at Cloud's confusion as she knew his memories must be still jumbled up.

"Then there's the fact you pass by the weapon's store to stare at the different kinds of swords. Of course, like I said before you always objected at wasting our money on something that was 'too late to achieve at this point'." Claudia explained. "But now, my baby's dream is about to come true... ! He finally's about to become one of the greatest Hunters in all of Remnant. Always aim for to be the best, your father would say and you took it to heart." Claudia smiled as she fondly remembered her husband and a very young Cloud playing together in the backyard.

"Just promise your old weary mother that you won't forget her... ." Claudia told her son her fear, to be forgotten by Cloud once he gotten far in life.

"Old and weary?" Cloud scoffed. "Mom, you're not even 40. You're still a beautiful woman! So don't say you're 'old and weary' until you're 50 or something!" Cloud grinned before moving in to hug your mother. "You're my mother, and I will always remember you until the day I die." Cloud said as he hugged his mother tightly. Even though technically speaking he had just met the woman a few weeks ago, she was also his mother. He was not forsaken his other parents, but he had accepted Claudia Strife as one of his mothers.

(A Few Days Later...)

"Cloud Strife, your evaluation will begin first." Glynda called out to Cloud, who was talking to a nervous Tifa, as she and others were standing in a clearing near Nibelheim. Zangan was also there, as he wanted to see how far his student had gotten in her training. Some residents of Nibelheim, mostly children and teenagers around Cloud's age, were there as well as this was probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened in Nibelheim.

"Good luck." Tifa whispered to Cloud, and he gave a firm nod in response. Tifa briefly wondered if their choice of clothing might get in the way of their test. Her outfit was composed of a tan leather skirt and a mini vest of the same color and fabric. She had a white and gray sleeveless buttoned shirt under the vest, and wore a black leather belt with a turquoise gemstone on the buckle. She wears brown cowboy boots and a cowboy hat with a strap over her back. It was the tour guide outfit she wore on that fateful day, and she figured it was better that she wore this than that embarrassing outfit Zangan had her wore whenever she trained.

It was to teach not to be too embarrassed when somebody managed to sneak a peek during a fight, as it could cost her own life. Doesn't mean she was going to wear it for a special occasion such as this!

Though she was slightly jealous at Cloud's choice of clothing. He wore a sleeveless dark blue turtleneck tucked into baggy blue pants which were tucked into brown boots with black soles. For some odd reason, Cloud decided to go overboard on the belt department, as he had four grey belts strapped to his shins, two for each leg. On his left leg there was another grey belt strapped near his waist, with the waist itself having two brown belts and two black ones, though one of them had a specific cross-symbol buckle.

Strapped to his right side near his waist was a piece of armor, though Tifa noted it was probably to add coolness to his outfit. On his left arm was a small grey pauldron, with three distinct bolts on it. Trailing his left arm were braces of armor, with one over his brown fingerless glove. Well, it would've been fingers less if there weren't what seemed to be grey armor stitched on it to cover the fingers. His right arm was completely bare, with the only accessory being a matching brown fingerless glove, though there was nothing stitched to it to cover the fingers. He seemed to be wearing another black glove under it that nearly reached his elbow.

Cloud walked up towards the clearing, where Ozpin stood in the middle. "Are you ready?" Ozpin question, with Cloud giving a silent nod in response. Ozpin nodded himself before speaking. "This test is to see if you are worthy enough to attend Beacon, while also evaluating your abilities. You do not have to defeat your opponent, though it is highly recommended that you do." Ozpin explained to Cloud, with Cloud noting to himself that defeating his opponent, whoever it was, would definitely allow him to attend Beacon even if he had no skills whatsoever.

"Due to the nature of this test and with the amount of spectators... ," Ozpin gestured to the residents of Nibelheim. "... I have called one of Beacon's many instructors to assist Glynda to create and maintain a barrier to protect them." Ozpin as a woman walked up to them. She had flowing black hair, with brown eyes that complimented her beauty. She wore a black elegant dress, with Cloud noting she seems familiar somehow. "Cloud Strife, this is Edea Kramer, a teacher at Beacon who specializes in Dust Application." Ozpin explained, while Cloud searched through his memories on who Edea Kramer was.

'She seems familiar somehow... .' Cloud thought to himself, as the two shake hands.

"You are a very lucky young man, Mister Strife." Edea commented. "No one in the history of Remnant has every survived a Dust Explosion before, let alone have Dust being absorbed into their bodies that causes them to produce Dust. I look forward at seeing what effect it has on you."

"Now Edea, you sounded like a mad scientist back there." Ozpin noted.

"You know me, Ozpin. I'm quite a Dust fanatic."

"Not as much as your personal students though."

"I hate to interrupt... but can we get this over with already. We have a crowd that's waiting for a show after all... ." Cloud interrupted the two teachers' banter. With the two nodding.

"Very well. Do give us a show Mister Strife." Edea said as she and Ozpin walked towards Glynda. The two 'Witches' as some called them nodded to each other before they concocted a Dust spell that created a barrier around the residents of Nibelheim as well as around them and Tifa. The two Witches also raised a quite large barrier around the clearing Cloud was on.

Ozpin himself began working on a spell before wisps of green Dust energy appeared around him and flew towards the forest around the clearing. Everything was silent for a few seconds, before everyone heard rumbling. 'No... not rumbling... .' Cloud corrected himself. 'Something large his heading towards us!' He concluded, before whatever it was jumped from it's spot and landed right into the clearing, as Glynda and Edea created a hole for it to enter.

"A giant suit of armor?!" One of the residents described Cloud's opponent in surprise. And indeed it was a giant suit of armor, wielding a large sword that seemed to be made out of the same metal as the armor itself. The gaps between the armor glowed green for a brief moment, showing who was controlling it.

"The Schnee Dust Company had graciously given us one of their Giant Armors for the purpose of this test. Do try not to disappoint." Ozpin explained for Cloud, who merely clenched his teeth in annoyance as he realized he had to fight the same type of armor Weiss Schnee battled in RWBY's 'White' Trailer. "Begin!" Ozpin called out, and to his surprise music began playing out of nowhere.

(Play Kingdom Hearts OST - Shrouding Dark Cloud)

Cloud himself looked around for the source of the familiar music, but then put a hand over his chest as he realized he was the one somehow playing the music. "How... ?" Cloud muttered before the Giant Armor attacked by swinging it's sword at him. Cloud quickly reacted to the attack, though by the dumbest means as he raised his Buster Sword to block the strike. Normally, this would be prove to be a mistake (sometimes a fatal one), as anybody doing it would only be pushed away by the Giant Armor's sheer strength.

Surprisingly however, instead of being sent flying from the strike, Cloud remained grounded as he successfully blocked the strike. Though, the momentum of the strike was enough to push him away, with only a flick of a wrist to show Cloud's small discomfort.

"Increased durability and strength... ." Edea noted while Glynda wrote it down in her Scroll.

Cloud grunted before quickly zipping towards the Giant Armor, with Edea noting that his natural speed had increased as well. The Giant Armor tried to cut down Cloud by slamming his sword onto him, though Cloud reacted in time by side stepping out of the attack radius. He quickly climbed the Giant Armor's hand and began whacking at it's head as hard as he could. Ozpin noted that if the Giant Armor took more hits on the head, it will eventually sent flying.

As such the Giant Armor reacted by trying to grab Cloud from it's shoulder, though it's smaller opponent reacted on time and jumped off. The back being open, Cloud began whacking at it sides and surprisingly each strike was enough to push the Giant Armor a bit. Having enough, the Giant Armor kicked Cloud away. Rolling, Cloud used the momentum to get back on his feet, before getting back into his battle ready position as he thought what to do next.

'I'm obviously not strong enough to cut it apart, just like how Weiss was.' Cloud thought, remembering the battle in the 'White' Trailer and how the Schnee Heiress attacks had no effect on the Giant Armor until she used her Dust-related abilities. 'Well... it's flowing through my veins... .' Cloud noted as he tried to conjure up a spell. 'It will work... !' Cloud convinced himself as he began focusing on memories that focused on him sweating like pig because how hot it was.

"Burn!" Cloud said as he shot a Fire spell at the Giant Armor. The attack hit head-on, though it didn't deal much damage.

"Hm... . So he's able to use some spells without the aid of outside Dust... ." Edea noted, and wondered how strong his Fire spell would've been had he have red Dust on his person. Glynda silently wrote down Cloud's abilities as he demonstrated them.

'Fire's too weak! But... I can use spells if I think about the element hard enough! Feeling makes it easier... .' Cloud noted as the Giant Armor charge. However, Cloud focused on dodging as he thought back to the best way to defeat the Giant Armor. 'If I freeze it enough, I can take it apart in one hit! But if my Fire spell is any indication it means I'll tire myself out before that can happen! Thunder might not work, Ozpin is probably controlling it with a spell on his own and that's probably not enough to break the connection!' Cloud thought.

However, his thoughts was enough to distract him to the point the Giant Armor was able to grab him when he tried dodging by jumping into the air. The Giant Armor slammed him into the ground, causing Cloud to bounce from the amount of force put into the slam. The Giant Armor then kicked Cloud while he was in mid air, sending the red cloaked warrior tumbling into the ground.

"Ugh... ." Cloud groaned as he tried to regain his bearings. 'Cure... ! I need a Cure... !' He growled to himself as he tried to figure out what to do. 'This thing is stronger than I thought! I'm probably on my last legs... !' Those words caused Cloud to pause before thinking back to it. 'Last legs... ? Limit Breaks... .' Limit Breaks could only be preformed when someone was on their last legs or when they gotten angry enough, video game wise of course. Apparently, if one focus enough Limit Breaks can be preformed willy nilly. 'Well... I'm on my last legs anyway... .' Cloud noted as he got up.

'Only Limit Break I could possibly use is Braver, at the moment.' Cloud tried being realistic. 'Better do the Dissidia variation... . It does more damage the higher you use it. But how am I going to get that thing up there... ?' Cloud looked up to the sky, before back at the Giant Armor. 'Magnet should be good. It's made out of metal after all... .' With a plan in mind Cloud began to think back to moments in his life that did nothing but piss him off, which he had a lot.

He was unaware that the teachers of Beacon were surprise at what he was doing. "His Aura is already unlocked?!" Glynda asked in shock, with Tifa being confused.

"Aura... ?" Tifa wondered what the term meant.

"It is the manifestation of our soul, child." Edea explained. "It bears our burden and shield our Hearts." She cryptically explained. "Normally, Aura remains locked throughout our lives. Only Hunters and Huntresses, along with a select few, knows how to unlock a person's Aura."

"Could it be that the Dust in his body unlocked his Aura?" Glynda theorized.

"Most likely." With that, Edea poked Tifa's forehead, with the poor 16 year old being confused at what she was doing. "... It would seem so. Miss Lockhart indeed has her Aura unlocked as well." Edea confirmed, with Tifa being shocked that her Aura was unlocked. She turned back to Cloud where his Aura was clearly visible for all to see, getting slightly bigger and bigger as the Giant Armor decided to attack Cloud as he was charging.

Practically everyone was worried as Cloud didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon, but then Cloud jumped high into the air; almost touching the tip of the barrier. He then cast a spell the teachers of Beacon didn't think he would know nor be able to cast. "Gather!" Cloud pointed the Buster Sword at the Giant Armor as he said the verbal command for the Magnet spell.

Two small orbs of light appeared, one was blue and one was red. The orbs balls circled each other, creating a large orb of light that began drawing the Giant Armor to it, like it was a magnet. The spell was powerful enough to drag the Giant Armor from the ground and to it, though Edea and Glynda noted that Cloud's Magnet spell missed a very important component.

When used with no training whatsoever; the Magnet Spell will naturally draw in any type of metal while non-metal will not be drawn into the orb. There are no exceptions to the rule, except for the caster's weapon of course. Because of this, using Magnet during a mission when you haven't mastered the most important part would be disastrous as you would not be drawing in your opponents but instead your allies' weapons.

Luckily however, Cloud's opponent was comprised of metal so the spell still performed it's job. Cloud waited as the Giant Armor quickly zoomed to the orb, his Aura keeping him afloat amazingly. When the Giant Armor was close enough, Cloud's Magnet was dismissed as he positioned his swords with one hand on the hilt with the other on the blade itself. "Braver... !" Cloud whispered in what could easily mistaken as silent anger though that wasn't the case.

He preformed his Limit Break, which connected to the Giant Armor and quickly slammed them both down to the ground. A large blue explosion occurred from the force of the attack. Blue smoke obscured the spectator's view of the battlefield, but it dissipated to reveal that Cloud was standing victoriously over the damaged Giant Armor. Proof of this was the fact he had holstered his Buster Sword onto his back while the Giant Armor released green Dust energy from it's gaps.

"... So? Did I make the cut or what?"

BOOM! Finish! Thank God for that!

Originally, I planned on putting in Tifa's fight as well, but I decided not to push my luck. But d*mn... over 8 thousand words over the span of one day? D*mn... . (Actually, it was two days but if I subtract sleep and distractions from today and last night I'm pretty sure it would've been within the span of one day. So there!)

I was also going to include some other scenes, but then I figured they would be better used as Flashbacks. That's right, there's going to be a small timeskip by next chapter! *Hears readers booing at the revelation* ... *Sniff* ... I thought you would prefer this then me taking forever to update... .

Anyway, I hope this first chapter was interesting to you all to the point you would follow! Please leave a review! Criticism will be welcome. Flamers will be ignored but I won't delete your flames because... eh just because. ... . ... I don't know, I'm weird! It's kind of obvious, don't you think?! Anyway, just... just leave this madman a review please... ?