The Youngest Ootori

Life has its twists and turns, ups and downs, like a rollercoaster.

Life is a game. Some win, some don't.

Death is the finish line, we all have the same endings, but in different ways.

Some control others.

This is Life.

I recalled the ending words from the book that I read while pacing around. Why was I pacing?

Well, let's say you're about, ah, a minor lost in a foreign place.

Yeah… I'm lost.

In a mall.

In Japan.

And I'm panicking like HELL right now. Can hell even panic? What am I even doing? I'm fluent in Japanese, why am I panicking? I can just use my cell and-


My phone died.

I know this isn't much of a big deal for some, but I'm a bit spoiled and whatever BUT not too much. Now people are staring at me. Great.


"Watch where you're going, you might hit someone."

"Ah! Gomenasai!" I bumped into some really tall person.

"Are you okay?"

"E-eh?!" Argh! I'm too ashamed to admit I'm lost! I'm 13 ½ and already 5'2", and being as I am a lot of people expect a more mature way of me.

"Ah, you see-"

"Are you a tourist?" Yes! I'm a tourist!

"Well, I'm not really raised here so, uh..."

"You are lost?"

"EXACTLY! I've already tried my cell and it won't work!" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You do realize you could've called a guard to help you?" That sentence struck me. I face palmed.

"Ugh… you're right, what was I thinking? Uh… thanks." He nodded, and looked at melon flavoured corn flakes with an amused expression. I left to find a customer service.

"Kyoya-senpai?" I turned to see a girl call out to the person who I bumped into. Huh, Kyoya…

"Sumimasen?" I say at an employee at the customer service. "I'm a bit lost-"

"Satokira!" I hear someone yell. I look where the voice came from. It's my mother.

"Mom! There you-"


We hear someone from the intercom. Wait, Kyoya? I look around and see Kyoya-senpai looking very furious. I'd feel quite furious if I were in his place too, I'm sure.

"Come on, Kira. Let's go home."

Here we go~
Come with me~
There's a world out there that we should see
Take my hand~
Close your eyes~
with you right here I'm a Rocketeer

I remove my ear phones and look around the hall. Class 3-A where are you? Whenst art thou?

"Hahaha~ I know... Hey, I know planning this is too early but why not scare them at Halloween?" I hear a girl say.

"The Hitachiins are bound to do it too... I like a competition." her companion smiles, her eyes shining behind her glasses.

Darn it, if I knew there were other people wearing glasses, then I probably wouldn't have bought contact lenses...

"Um... Excuse me? Sumimasen?" I say.

"Oh?" the two girls say, looking up with identical faces. Twins

"Do you know where... Uh... Class 3-A is?" they smile and each grabs my hand.

"You must be the transferee~" glasses says.

"We're classmates then!" the other one yells.

"Uh- I'm Satokira-"

"We know."


"I'm Miki, blind one is Miko... We're the Nakashima sisters." Miko makes a face at that statement.



Up up here we go~
Where we stop nobody knows~

The music is still spilling out of my earphones. The song is halfway when we reach the classroom doors. The Nakashimas are sweating while I'm kind of out of breath.

"Okay, I guess we could go in now, right?" I say, turning off my sounds.

"Left." They chorus. Miko knocks on the door. "Konoga-sensei?" she says. "We have the transferee, Satokira Kategawa..." Konoga-sensei nods and ushers me in. The room is very... Clean. . The walls are a nice beige colour with glass windows on the sides. The chairs and desks are sturdy and wooden, a nice chestnut colour and polished. The teacher is a regal looking man... Probably in his mid 30's I guess...

"Alright class, settle down. Here is our transferee. Be good to her. Miss Kategawa? If you may, introduce yourself now."

I am told to stand in the centre front. Everyone is quiet and all eyes are on me. Even if I'm a bit nervous but I just shrug it off. It's not like I'm not used to this.

Before I start, I give a bow. Once I straighten myself I begin to speak, they are obviously hungry for information, or bored out of their wits. Probably the latter.

"Konnichiwa, Ohayo guzaimasu minna." I say in a clear voice. They seem startled for my suddenness.

"Watashi wa Kategawa Satokira desu. I am 13 1/2 years old. I am the only child to Sumatse Kategawa and Felicity Sarosa-Kategawa, who are both lawyers and have a high stance in the judicial court." I hear murmurs of "Ferishiti? Fairy city?" and a half American person saying "Very shitty? Hehe~ "I force down my laughter which causes a weird sound from my throat

"Anyway... I hope you will treat me well because I treat you as you treat me with some exceptions. If you want to know more on me, just check my bio data or something. Arigato~" I do a final bow.

"Okay, thank you Miss Kategawa. Just... Sit over there behind Kuson." I nod and sit on the vacant seat.