Light. I saw nothing but blinding light – the essence of Granas dancing in my mind. All my life I believed this light was what would save the people… that this light was the only thing pure. I cherished it and dedicated my entire life to it. But then… something changed. It was extremely sudden, like the swipe of a sword slicing through the wind. Some strange darkness managed to seep in, stopping the light from dancing. Soon, I could see nothing but darkness in every corner of my mind. But still, I knew that Granas was there somewhere, and I clung to the hope that it would triumph over the darkness.

But Granas never returned, and I was left with that ugliness, tormenting me and restricting me from living. Then I learned the truth. That light was never going to return, because it did not exist. It could not withstand the evil, and died under its grasp.

But what did that leave for me?

Yet again, everything began to change. The light appeared and stripped the darkness from my mind, saving me like I had always prayed it would.

Only, the light wasn't the Granas I had always believed in so unconditionally. It wasn't the thing I had always cherished with my entire life.

It was—the light was – me.