The Wolf - I will make this short since I know you would rather read the story than my comments. I hope that you are all enjoying the story and I hope to get it done soon (I know I have said that I would before and have not and I am sorry!). I am hoping that the next chapter will be done quickly so that I can get it to you guys. Please comment and enjoy!

She knew that something had changed after that night. The flame of hope that had once been close to being put out was now burning a little brighter. Katara wandered around the castle till she found a peaceful and blissfully quite balcony. She breathed the fresh crisp morning air trying to remember the last time she had really let herself enjoy anything. Looking down on the castle grounds she felt a jolt of sadness at the way things had become. She didn't want it to be a place that looked so foreboding and lifeless. Bending away everything gaged and sharp the grounds looked like they had when she was little and she smiled at the thought of her and Sokka once playing within them. She stayed out there for some time and eventually Sokka, Jet, and Gyatso joined her.

When they started to talk about how things in the castle had been changing Katara only half listened. She had wondered many times if things were changing because of her or if they were changing because of him. She didn't know if she would ever learn to love him or if he could ever learn to love her but she was at least glad for the company he provided her in the final months. Shingi raced across the field bellow them and it brought a smile to Katara's face. She had been worried that he would still be frightened by her or from the wolves but the healing session with him had done wonders and the beast was happy. Her heart started to race when she saw Zuko walking towards the great beast. She wasn't sure of how to take the new feelings he started to evoke in her but she liked them none the less. When she saw him smiling she got the strangest urge to do something that would make him smile at her the way he did to Shingi.

"I want to do something for him," she announced to her startled companions. All of them looked shocked and amazed that she had said something. "What do you think I should do?" Katara asked annoyed that they would think her so heartless when she had once been so thoughtful.

"Well if Zuko was a woman then I would say flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep," Jet said. Katara was baffled at his blatant disregard for how that might upset a woman.

Sokka beat her to the smack behind the head, "No! One that is not how you have a healthy relationship. Two Katara isn't as shallow as you. And three maybe you should get show him the library? To show him that you are intelligent on a more intellectual level." It didn't seem like a bad idea but it also seemed like she would be trying to show off so Katara put it on the back burner hoping that Gyatso would have some better advice than the others.

Gyatso watched Zuko down below before he decided on what he wanted to say. "He seems like he could be a strong bender. When Sokka and Jet were showing him around the castle he seemed interested in the bending arena. Maybe you should see if he would spare with you. I know it's been a while but it might be fun," the old monk commented turning towards Katara. She smiled at the idea and decided that it was the perfect one and if not the library was always a good second choice.

"Thank you Gyatso! I will go now," she gave the pot a quick peck on his check before heading down towards the courtyard. As she raced down the seemingly endless hallways she forgot to think of what to say to him and was in the courtyard before she knew.

"Hey Zuko?" she hated that her voice made the statement more of a question but she continue forward towards him and Shingi.

"Hey Katara," Zuko had an easy smile and it helped to relax her. "I figured Shingi needed to walk around and not be cooped up in the stables all day." He was trying to make conversation and she appreciated it.

She smiled at him, "I bet that he loves it. I was actually wondering if you would like to spare. I know that Sokka mentioned that there is a bending arena on the grounds. It could be a lot of fun," her voice sounded hopeful and she hoped that it came out casual but on the inside she was extremely nervous and didn't know what to do if he said no.

"Yeah that sounds amazing," Zuko said. Shigni was already walking back to the stables and he was sure the servants could take care of him. "Lead the way."