Vervain affection



So this will be Silas/Bella story... Hope you will like it.

"Angela... We both know he was no good for me and for the record I didn't leave Forks just because of him..."

Klaus just got locked in living room in Gilbert house and Tyler and Caroline stayed in house in case they need Klaus for something. Elena and rest of the gang had left not even five minutes ago when three supernaturals in house started to hear something, better say somebody. Caroline and Tyler instantly knew who person was and they knew that they are screwed as footsteps and girl's voice became louder and approached house.

"Who is that?" Asked Klaus. He was annoyed and angry, how did those fools dare to do this to him...

"Tyler..." Caroline started in panic. "We need to stop her!" She yelled but, it was already too late.

"Jeremy, Elena, Jenna! I'm home!" Girl yelled.

All eyes were on her, Tyler and Caroline didn't know how they will say this to Elena and how will things go from now on, but they knew it won't be good. Klaus was just speechless, he couldn't believe how this day turned out to be. He was actually thankful now that he got locked in living room, how couldn't he be? There, by doors, she was standing. Young woman with an oval face with fine bone structure, wealthy brown curly hair and almond-shaped, deep brown eyes with thick dark lashes. A doppelgänger.

"Bella." Caroline gasped.

"Um... Caroline, Tyler... Who is this?" She asked looking at Klaus. "Where is my sister, Caroline?"

"She is out... This is Klaus." Caroline took deep breath. "Are you bleeding?"

"I don't think so..." As Bella spoke Caroline turned her back to Bella. Bella might don't know that she is bleeding, but veins that popped around Caroline's eyes do. " Caroline, are you ok?"

Caroline didn't even notice when Bella approached, but then sweet smell of Bella's blood entered her nostrils and then there was no turning back. In flash motion Caroline attacked Bella, pinned her to wall, sank her teeth in soft skin of Bella's neck. Caroline had never tasted sweeter blood and if Tyler didn't push her back, who knows if she would be able to pull back, it was that good. Bella was in shock, tears were rolling down her cheeks and Tyler didn't know how better fix this than by compelling her to forget about this and clean herself in kitchen.

"Now look at that, a human doppelgänger walks inside no knowing anything about vampires... Fascinating. How long did you think you could keep her away from me?" Klaus enjoyed all this too much, but in his defense he was just surprised.

"Shut up Klaus." Tyler said as he was helping Caroline up, she was confused, she had only once lost her control and that was when she was first turned into vampire.

"What will we tell Elena?" Caroline asked Tyler. "Bella wasn't supposed to be here, we should have stopped her from entering."

"Well, I am glad you didn't." Klaus smiled. "Now if I can get to use her blood to make more of me, you all might survive." Klaus already had plans with new found doppelgänger, but he was more amazed with fact that she had no idea what was going on. "Elena never mentioned she has such a lovely sister, I wonder how many things Elena didn't mention to Bella, Jenna's death maybe?"

"She hadn't told her?" Tyler suddenly asked. "Makes sense why she didn't appear on funeral, but why didn't Matt tell her? Tell me she at least knows about John?" Tyler was now stressed, it won't end well if Bella was kept in dark.

"I don't know, but if Elena didn't tell her, then Matt surely didn't. Bella only spoke with Jeremy, she hadn't called anyone other since..." Caroline really didn't want to finish that sentence.

"Since Saint Elena slept with Matt. I get it." Tyler shook his head, his head was about to blow.

"Bella will kill her." Caroline muttered. Tyler nodded his head.

"Elena should be thankful that she is vampire now." Tyler agreed with Caroline.

"As entertaining as that would be to watch I need my guarantee that my girl will go without scratch." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Don't drag Bella into this." Tyler threatened, but threatening Klaus was just ridiculous.

Before all drama with vampire, werewolves, witches and Klaus... The gang's biggest problem was fact that Bella left to live with Uncle Charlie on other side of continent because of Elena and well, Matt. Matt and Bella were dating, they were happy, but then Elena grew jealous of her twin and sabotaged her. Elena slept with Matt, pretending to be Bella and then when Bella found out what happened she didn't even say she was sorry. Instead Bella and Matt broke up, Bella left and Elena got Matt.

Last time anyone saw Bella was on her parents funeral, she didn't even know they weren't her real parents... Caroline remembers how heart broken Bella was, crying through whole funeral and whole day after when Caroline's mom drove her to airport. Caroline also remembers that she only spoke with her mother and Jeremy that day, Bella couldn't even look at Elena then. With all that on mind, Caroline wondered how will Bella react when Elena finally spils everything.

"Hey, Elena..." Caroline answered her phone when it rang. " We have a little probl-..."

Caroline didn't finish her sentence, she was to shocked to do so. In front of her very eyes Bella appeared and managed to stake Tyler, he fell on floor and then Bella shoot him. Caroline could recognize wooden bullets, recognize yes, but escape them, not so. Bella managed to shoot Caroline and once she was down, Bella injected both, Tyler and Caroline with vervain. As Klaus was staring at her in awe, she picked up Caroline's phone.


"Guess again." Bella said.


"Hello, sister." Bella smiled darkly.

So I came up with this idea when Silas first appeared on show, and thanks to my other story I dare you, I am writting this now. This will be Bella/Silas story no matter what I do with charachters.

I hope you like it and sorry for mistakes,

Wicked Daphne