I don't own anything
"Mr Jackson!"
"Mmm... Yeah?"
"Do you think that it is acceptable to be sleeping during my class?"
Percy winced. It was bad enough the teacher didn't like him from getting terrible grades, now he was caught sleeping during class.
Mark, the guy sitting next to him, sent him a sympathetic look as the teacher wrote a detention slip and handed it to him.
"Don't be late, or you will be having a talk with the principal about your behavior."
He stared down at the little slip of paper that completely ruined his dreams of getting home early and taking the car down to the beach for a swim. He even might've been able to IM Annabeth today. Now he would have to stay at school for an extra hour or so until the teacher finally decided that they'd had enough torture.
"Mr. Jackson! Would you like another week of detention?!"
"Ummm... No?"
A few giggles came from the class, which just made the teacher look even angrier than she already was.
"Pay attention to the lesson!"
The moment after the bell rang, Percy was out of that classroom. He had lunch next, than math, than science, than Spanish... The day couldn't end soon enough.
While he was picking at his lunch(if you could call it that) and staring moodily into the distance.
"Wha's wrong, Perce?" Sarah asked
"He got detention." Mark informed everyone, his mouth full of the cafeteria food.
"I was supposed to go to the beach today." He said sadly.
"Dude.. the beach will be freezing right now. It's only February!"
Percy didn't get to answer, being cut off by a loud crash and a familiar voice.
"Annabeth? What the Hades are you doing here?!"
"Long story. We need to leave!"
"Wait, wait, wait. Slow down!"
"Okay, so a bunch of kids from Camp J. were visiting Camp and Octavian said some things and people got angry and the Ares cabin has already started executing battle plan number 31." Annabeth said, all in one breath.
"How did you get here so fast?
"I got Nico to shadow travel me here. I couldn't use the camp vans 'cause Argus is repainting them."
"Where's Nico now?
"He went to Camp. J to go tell Reyna what's happening."
"Why did you come to tell me? I can't do anything!"
"Idiot. You're the only Greek the Romans actually like!"
"Well.. there's Piper, and-"
"Piper's somewhere with her dad! Now, come on!"
"Okay, Okay I'm going!"
"Where the hell are you going in the middle of a school day?" A confused voice asks
Two heads swivel towards Sarah, and they both fumble for a second before Percy says
"Yeah.. Well I gotta go, so cover for me? Oh, you know what, don't even try, I don't think I can get into even more trouble." He said grumbling slightly
"Come on!" Annabeth said, tugging on his arm
"Oh, and by the way, this is Annabeth."
"Nice to meet you. Now, if you don't mind, we gotta run so.. bye!"
The two run out of the cafeteria doors, still bickering back and forth.
"I'm gonna get in so much trouble for ditching school!"
'Just use the mist! Your mom won't care, it's and emergency!"
"You know I can't use it that well! Anyways, how are we supposed to be sneaking out of this place?"
"You can use my cap. I'll just go through the office. I got one of those visitor badges"
"The camp is in danger and you take the time to sign in and get a visiting pass?!"
"Oh, shut up. If I hadn't, there would've been two of us and only one cap."
"I woulda thought of something!"
"Sure, Seaweed Brain."
Their voices fade away, and everyone looks at each other in shock. This time, Mark voices the question everyone's been thinking.
"What the hell where they talking about?"