She tries to fell herself, when she is feeling most disgusted at herself, that it is the work of the Kyoka Suigestu. But inside she knows that is not the case, Ichigo has grown to known Aizen too well. He takes pride in his illusions, there was no doubt about that, but he took even greater pride in breaking someone down with his words and skill. Even after the breaking of Absolute Hypnosis, Hinamori had wanted to save him even after he had stabbed her, even after he had caused her stabbing the second time, she still wanted to save him from the darkness. But Hinamori could never bring herself to see the truth, Aizen was not consumed by darkness, he is darkness.

Hinamori never learned that, and she was now dead to prove to others of the folly of loving Aizen. If Ichigo has any pride left, it is the fact that she has not brought herself to love this God of darkness and souls, even if she shared his bed. Yes, she had learned to fear him, respect him, and even be in awe of him, but never to love him, and oddly not hate him either.

Yet, she should hate him. He has stolen her world from her. She doesn't know how much of her family and friends still live, but she knows even if they breathe she will more than likely never see them again. He has brought her down from a great warrior into a mere slave. She should hate him, but she does not. She reasons it's because if she hates him, that will give him more power than over her than he already has. So she keeps her neutrality to him. Or at least tries too.

She knows he tries to get a rise out of her. He may made her into his docile doll, but he still likes to see her fire, her air of defiance. And Ichigo wants to show it, but she knows well enough that if she does it will be used against her. Every meal is a test. Every touch and every fuck is a test.

His calm and polite voice telling her of what the atrocities his arrancar armies had committed. The way he so casually explains the people who are tortured and killed to define his reign. That good damn smirk when he uses his spiritual pressure on her when she gets feed up enough to attack him.

Oh, how she has fallen. Of course, the only thing worse than his spiritual pressure is what he does after. Whether it is at the table, or after (or even during) a fuck. He pulls her into his arms and strokes the orange hair that he has made her grow long. He whispers comforts with that smoothing voice of his. What's worse of all, for a few moments she wants to believe it.

She remembers in school learning of the myth of the most beautiful angel who became the devil. The myth fits the man who holds her, so perfectly. He is beautiful, Ichigo will not lie to herself about that. It is not just his face, but his voice, his actions and grace. Aizen has crafted himself into the perfect being, like Lucifer though, his beauty is only a trick, a distraction from the pure darkness and temptation that Aizen is.

During her hours that she is free of him, she walks along the mostly deserted corridors of the palace, not wanting to be in her room, where she feels like a songbird in a gilded cage, she doesn't want the turncoat shinigami and arracanars to see her. Occasionally, she will see her former enemies who will look at her with either gloating, neutral, or worse of all the occasionally pitying eyes. She hates to run into women who envy her position and see her as Aizen's temptress. She laughs at such a thought, openly and bitterly. To accuse anyone of being a temptation to Aizen is the height of naivety.

It is one morning, where she is sitting with him as he sips his tea and tells her in a voice, not arrogant, but smooth of his how he has finally crushed his final shinigami resistance and only a few outlines remained. Who would soon be hunted down.

"I thought the defeat of my enemy's and my secure position as Soul King would be the prize I took the greatest pleasure in, but I have found it is not." Aizen sits down his tea cup and looks up at her with that smirk she despised, but made herself not hate. She keeps her eyes blank as she looks at him. Not saying a word.

"The prize...I have taken the most pleasure in is subduing of the creature so powerful, strong, and rare that once no man could ever think of touching her." He pushes a strange of orange hair out of her face. For the first time in months, Ichigo looses her composure and weeps in front of Aizen.

It is too damn true...he has molded and subdued her into exactly what he wanted. He had drowned her in his poison and changed who she was.

She was forever trapped by this man who had stolen the throne of heaven.

This was written totally on a whim. I don't know if I'll continue it, or just leave it as a oneshot. Just depends if I get anymore inspiration for it.

Also if you are a you are a yoai fan here to flame me for writing a Fem!Ichigo, please go away. Your flames won't make me change or delete this story. There are plenty of Male Ichigo/Aizen fanfics out there for you.