Thank you for reading. Here's chapter 10.

ChallengeKing: Thank you, Teddie is a ship I enjoy mainly because it reminds me of an ex and I as well as brother and his current girlfriend. The boy and girl next door that the guy is somewhat nerdy and they both see the good in people.

I am glad you are looking forward to the chapter.

Fanfic-Reader-88: Freddie doesn't feel happy for what Sam has said though he should have expected it based on their established relationship in the show. (Though as mentioned when Carly talked to Melanie, it is weird considering Sam and Melanie are half-Xandarian themselves.) As for Gibby, with the Tasha situation Freddie is pretty justified. As for Carly, it is a different story because he may not love Carly like 13 year old Freddie did but he still cares for her and she cares for him. As Freddie said, hopefully distance helps rebuild their relationships after Carly moving on without overtly telling Freddie so.

Tori getting hunted is a lot different than Freddie. Freddie is getting hunted based on his being. Tori is getting hunted for being bitten by some random spider that was altered. As for the girl that looks like Tori, we shall see what that comes out to.

Pbow: Freddie may not be on the show but he was a long-time part of the show and as any of us know who has watched X-Men movies and television shows or read comics, facts never get in the way of their agenda. Also to be fair, while Carly has separated herself for being a mutant-lover, you still have the (altered) video that was shown with Nevel getting hit by the buttersock.

As for the first big step, it is always that way with any cause. There's always a first shoe to drop to lead to a domino effect. mutanthater8 feels that getting rid of a comedy webshow who had a mutant on it, will be the first step towards total elimination.

I always liked the Tori-Freddie dynamic (sadly they only interacted so long in iParty with Victorious) and it is one of my two favorite pairings. Plus you add in two similar teenagers who haven't really had success (or lack there of) in love, and are attractive then you may expect them to get together.

Thanks for the support.

PD31: Sam's attitude is mostly due to Sam being Sam. She only had her mother and still ragged on Freddie (even while dating him.) Could it also be something she doesn't like in herself, we shall see.

Was anything glowing in Carly's jewelry box an Infinity Gem or Stone (as they are in the MCU,) we will see.

SoraOblivion62: Thank you.

I admit the Carly/Melanie deal was a bit of a deus ex machina but it was planned from rather early on. Plus I was able to combine things that are in Marvel (the comics, cartoons and cinematic universe) to make it flow. Reading it back, the Puckett twins are kinda Star Lord-esque mixed with being half Xandarian. There are other shows in there too that I do give nods to. When I finally get chapter 10 done and posted, I hope to have that clearer. (Sadly my other story that I started took up my time and a bit of the muse.)

As for the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reference, knowing the Victorious universe, it was an easy Easter Egg to drop in. I'm surprised that no one else picked up that throw-away line.

June 19, 201110:40 PM

Outside of Soundstage 21, Dingo Studios backlot, Burbank, CA

The shooting has finished up on The Runaways, Dingo's first Marble Comics movie since buying the company two years before. The movie is based on a comic about six teenagers who were the children of super villains in the comics that became super heroes. The group is made up by Nico Minoru, the daughter of dark wizards; Alex Wilder, the son of mob bosses; Chase Stein the son of mad scientists; Molly Hayes, the daughter of mutants born with the powers of invulnerability and super-strength; Karolina Dean, the daughter of aliens with the power to turn solar energy into blasts and create force fields; and Gertrude Yorkes, the daughter of time traveling criminals who has telepathy. The cast for the movie are all teenage actors. Alyssa Vaughn is playing Molly, Ashley Blake is portraying Karolina, Wendy Lee is playing Nico, Harper Thomas playing Alex, Logan Reese portraying Chase and Lola Martinez rounding out the cast of the team as Gertrude.

The project was shot quietly, like a close secret with the studio just naming the director and a few of the older actors for the project. The core cast was not announced, as they wanted to keep the cast under wraps until the upcoming SuperCon panel for Marbel Studios. Reports weren't allowed on set like they normally were. Marbel Studios and The Dingo Company wanted to have the big reveal with the announced release date for December. The Dingo Company wanted their first original Marble movie to have a lot of buzz. The actors were set to appear at the D33 event for The Dingo Company.

Lola sat out of her trailer taking a sip from her water bottle. For the 19 year old former PCA student, this was the first major for she booked after a few minor roles and a few extras spots in movies and television shows. Her hair was dyed purple for the role of the daughter of time-traveling criminals with a telepathic to her pet Velociraptor. Lola sat in catering when the familiar face from PCA that was also in the movie showed up behind her.

"Hey, do you have time for a friend?" the former male PCA student asks.

Lola smiles and informs, "Yes Logan, especially for the boyfriend of my friend. How did Quinn take you being my love interest in the movie?"

"Well it took her a little bit but she relented because it's you and it is part of being an actor to kiss on screen. So long as it stays on screen," Logan informs as he takes his seat next to her.

Lola nods and questions, "Speaking of Quinn, what is she doing now? I haven't heard from her at all since graduation."
"She's an assistant teacher at some special school," Logan explains.

"Assistant teacher, wow. She got that one year out of PCA?" The Latina actress asks. Logan nods in agreement. "I always thought she would end up as an inventor or engineer or something because of Quinn-ventions. Didn't you?"

Logan rolls his eyes knowing the truth but being sworn to secrecy by his girlfriend and mumbles, "She is still inventing… sort of"

"Oh, awesome," Lola exclaims. "You're lucky to date her Logan and don't you forget it. Is she doing it on her own time? What about college?"

Logan smirks and states, "She is doing part-time but the school took a lot of credit and she is doing inventions on her own time."

"Just like old times I take it," Lola comments with a smile before taking another sip from her water bottle. "So how are things between the two of you.?

Logan takes a swig from his water as well before remarking, "Well, the two of us are good. She's glad I got a job that should be a big deal. She's happy with herself so I am happy."

"Awww, she really changed you didn't she?" Lola inquires before hugging him.
A paparazzi snaps a photo of the hug as Logan returns it. "Yes but don't tell Zoey. She'll rib me forever," Logan concedes.

Lola smirks as she breaks the hug and comments, "Why, she has Chase wrapped around her finger. That boy is whipped."

"I can imagine," Logan replies as they hear a rustling in the bushes where the paparazzi was.

Lola looks at Logan and asks, "Did you hear something?"

"I'm not sure," Logan answers confused.

"Was it a paparazzi?" Lola queries concerned about the possibilities of the cover of The Runaways movie project.

Logan shrugs his shoulders and states, "I'm not sure. Should we just go in your trailer?" Lola nods and leads Logan to her trailer.

"I don't want this to be found out, Dingo isn't going to like this at all." Lola rambles.

June 20, 2014 20 12:00 PM

Aspault Cafe, Hollywood Arts High School, Los Angeles, CA

The summer session at Hollywood Arts started with just two weeks off from school after finals. Freddie was set to go through orientation the first day while for his friends who were returning students had a half day. Though Tori and Jade promised that the friends would stay for lunch to try and spot the flour attacker. Jade also planned to do that for after orientation let out.

Freddie brought over three new students to the usual table. Two students at about the age of Freddie and one a little younger were with him. "Mind if they join?" The former Seattleite asks.

"No not at all," Tori responds with a welcome smile.

Jade shot him a look. She turned to her fr-enemy and kids, "Looks like the boy friend is making friends already. That one girl looks like she could be competition to either of us."

Tori she's a quick frown to get fr-enemy before inducing jersey, "I'm Tori, Freddie's girlfriend."

"Hi I'm Phoebe Taylor and this idiot, is my twin brother Max. We're the children of Thunder Man and Electriss. Nice to meet you," the teenage brunette replies.

"Nice a pair of legacies here," Andre comments causing Phoebe to blush at the compliment.

The good looking teenage boy to her left rolls his eyes and corrects, "I'm not an idiot. Phoebe is just jealous I got the good looking genes of the family."

"I'd say," Cat agrees staring into his eyes.

Rex turns to his keeper and connects, "Looks like you got competition for Red."

"Not so loud Rex," Robbie quietly commands.

Jade looks at the youngest and raises her pierced brow at her before questioning, "And why are you here little girl?"

"Well I am Katie Knight, I am the 13 year old sister of Kendall, the brunette so-called heartthrob of the barber shop quartet," the youngest girl snaps un-phased by Jade's question. Jade smirks at the response, impressed that the barely teenage girl had claws like she did.

Beck looks at her and queries, "I thought you had to be at least 14 to go to Hollywood Arts?" Jade looks at him with a glance that questions why he was to ask that knowing he was old enough to be teacher assistant at the school.

"Well I am advanced for my age. I am in ninth grade and I have technopathic abilities so I can interact with technology and I am a master at computers. My powers came at 13," Katie replies.

Tori looks at the cute boy who is nods seated next to her and whispers, "Looks like you have someone you can play World of Warlords with now besides Spencer."

Freddie shrugs his shoulders in response. "Only if she wants," her brown-eyed boyfriend replies in a whisper before giving her hand a squeeze. Tori smirks at her boyfriend before kissing his cheek.

Jade puts his elbows on the table and briefly smirks at the happy couple before she drops her smirk as she looks at the twin children of superheroes and asks, "Well we now know she's a technopath, what do you do have for powers? I hope she can morph into an animal and you have to morph into something with water." Freddie laughs at the reference Jade made.

"Actually that would be funny," Phoebe comments.

Max grins and replies, "Yes, if I could turn into the animal while you turn into water."

"You would say that you goof," Phoebe retorts with a pout.

Max shakes his head and remarks, "Whatever, nerd. Anyway we currently have freeze breath, heat breath and telekinesis."

Cat looks at the new happy couple and questions, "So how was your first day at Hollywood Arts Freddie of iCarly?"

"First off Cat, I'm not from iCarly anymore," Freddie says causing Cat to frown. "Second off it was fine. I had orientation and power testing so far."

Tori smiles and questions, "So what did they find?"

"Well, I found out my random knowledge of the Spanish language is infact a power, I am omni-linguistic," Freddie replies.

Tori kisses his cheek and comments, "Que s caliente Freddie."

"Gracias Tori, me alegro de que usted piensa que es caliente, bebé." Freddie responds in Spanish. Jade rolls her eyes as Freddie continues. "And I could turn into fire, launch fire and even fly but for now my solar powers is enhance speed, strength and endurance."

Jade shoots up her pierced eyebrow again and queries, "So wait, we have our own personal Johnny Storm here?"

"Jade," Tori shouts trying to defend her boyfriend. "Freddie is not like him at all. He's not as reckless as Johnny is. Plus he's annoying and Freddie isn't."

"Even with his talk of Galaxy Wars?" Rex asks raising dirty looks from Tori, Jade, Freddie and even Robbie.

Robbie smacks Rex on the back of the head and scolds, "Rex, that's not cool. He hasn't even talked that much about it."

"What, I'm just asking what we're all thinking. Freddie wears his love for that movie on his sleeve," Rex defends before slapping Robbie back.

Freddie smirks before looking at Rex intently before replying, "Yes, I do love it. However if you continue to mock me for it, I will scorch you when I have my powers straight."

"So you don't have your powers set?" Cat inquires. Freddie nods his head causing the Red Velvet colored hair miracle to frown.

"Why does that surprise you? New students are often learning their abilities and developing new ones when they join Hollywood Arts," Andre explains. That

Jade takes a sip from her coffee and smirks before responding, "Sure he isn't some kind of a life-model android decoy?"

"I can assure you, I am not Jade," Freddie insists. Tori shoots Jade a dirty look at her comment. Jade just shrugs her shoulders and goes back to sipping her coffee.

Katie smiles and kicks her feet up and smirks at the interactions of her fellow students. She puts her hands behind her head and replies, "This is much more entertaining than watching the barber shop quartet practice at the Palm Wood I'm sticking with this group."

"Awww thanks," Jade sarcastically replies not wanting their already packed group to become bigger than it needs to be. She is fine with Freddie being added for Tori's sake but she hoped that the Thunder Twins and Kendall's little sister were not going to be full-time additions to their group.

June 20, 2011 1:40 PM

Mr. Gibbons Office, GibCorp Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA

"Danielle, I hope you got this under control," Mr. Gibbons commands from his seat at his desk.

The woman who previously was the CEO of Paradise Valley Chemical Plant sitting on the other side of the desk from him noded and confirmed, "I have Vince trying to track down this Lola Martinez girl. The only new information we have is that she graduated PCA two years ago."

"For your sake, you better find her soon," Mr Gibbons gruffs. "I bailed your company out out of charity. The board thought I was crazy for buying our Paradise Valley Chemical Plant 17 years ago. Your fiasco with GC-161 with our lead scientists' sister ruined your company." Mr. Gibbons' tough exterior fades away and he looks to the brunette woman in a power suit with a compassionate look. "The board thought I was wrong when I brought you on as my vice-president here at GibCorp. This is was to keep you on board because despite your failures, you should be a CEO. The accident with GC-161 was your only problem and I want that to stay that way Danielle."

Danielle cracks a shy smile and replies, "Thank you."

"Someday, you can be a good replacement for me as CEO at GibCorp, we just have to ride this storm out," Mr. Gibbons states.

Danielle nods as Vince's voice is heard on the two-way, "Mr. Gibbons?"

"Vince, I hope this is the news I've waited forr," Mr. Gibbons replies with a smile.

"It is, we found her," Vince remarks.

Danielle joins Mr. Gibbons with a smile of her own. She orders, "Good, Let Andrea know."

"On my way, Ms. Antron," Vince comments before the two-way stops.

June 20, 2011 1:45 PM

GibCorp Labs, GibCorp Office, Los Angeles, CA

After the meeting in their CEO's office, Andrea looks at the computer screen in front of her, testing the lobster suit from the computer. Due to the recent meeting, Andrea has been trying to get the suit perfect so GibCorp can find and track down Lola Martinez. She has had to put in a lot of hours at her work, which while not unusual was more tedious than normal. She looked at a picture of a teenage girl with dark blonde hair in a pair of overalls wearing a baseball cap. She pauses from her work sheds a few tears. A young blond haired man walks into the room.

"Need any help?" The young blond in a labcoat asks.

Andrea looks up from her desk and looks to the young man standing in front of her desk. She wipes away the tears and says, "No Hunter, it's fine. I was just working on the super soldier suit again. Mr. Gibbons had a few new ideas on it."

"I see," Hunter responds turning to the mock-up that was worn at the meeting. "Has anyone signed up as a test pilot?"

Andrea shakes her head and comments, "No we haven't. Mainly because of the issues that other companies had of late with producing new super soldier suits. Oscorp, Hammer Industries, they all have put test subjects into the hospital. I actually thought that Vince would do this on a count that he is the head of security."

"Well, if they need anyone, I'm ready to guinea pig this suit," Hunter reveals.

A door opens with a woosh sound as Vince walks into the lab. He states, "Well we need to get suited up, we found Lola."

"What?" Andrea and Hunter reply at the same time.

"Did I stutter?" Vince asks with a smirk across his face? Andrea and Hunter shake their heads no. "I said, 'Well we need to get suited up, we found Lola. She's doing a movie for The Dingo Company in Burbank."

Andrea looks at Vince and remarks, "How? You said she wasn't around after the field trip."

"Well she was spotted by a paparazzi with a former PCA student who maybe a co-star, on the Dingo Studios backlot. It was posted on OMG. I was alerted by an intern who looked it up," Vince states with a smirk.

Hunter throws up his hands and pleads, "It wasn't me."

"I know it wasn't," Vince comments. "Now get in the suit."

Andrea has a shocked look on her face and questions, "Why, nobody tested it other than that display?"

"Because this is an order. Now stand down or get fired," Vince commands. Andrea backs away and Hunter heads to the closet where the lobster suit is being held.

June 20, 2011 2:30 PM

Hollywood Arts Parking Lot, Los Angeles, CA

School let for returning students at 12:00 PM. The returning students found out their classes for the semester as well as talked with students who they missed over the last few weeks with those on vacation or missions. Tori had her friends stakeout the entrance of Hollywood Arts to protect Freddie fearing that the flour attacker was going to come back. Jade was awaiting in her black sedan with Tori in it while her boyfriend Beck at the roof of the school using his improved senses to try and track down any potential anti-mutant threat.

"Do you see anything?" Tori asks concerned.

Beck shakes his head and replies, "Quiet Tori, shrieking doesn't work on stakeout missions like this is. Freddie should be heading out now. If the flour attacker is going to strike, he'll try to do it now when there's no possible protection."

"I love it when he talks stealthy," Jade quiety comments.

Beck rolls his eyes and see Freddie walking out of the main entrance of the school. "Freddie just exited the school. No sight of the attacker from the mall."

"Do you see him?" Tori queries.

Beck shakes his head as Freddie walks out of the school with Katie. All of a sudden the flour attacker pops out of a bush and hits Katie and Freddie with flour. Freddie and Katie cough due to the flour entering their lungs as the flour attacker runs and gets on a sports bike. The attacker starts up the bike and rides off onto the nearest street.

"I found him, he got Freddie and Katie with flour. He's on a sports bike headed west," Beck commentates.

Tori looks at Jade and states, "Step on it."

"I do what I want," Jade replies putting the car in drive trying to pursue the flour attacker. "Beck said he was going west right?"

Tori nods and replies, "Yes, Beck take Freddie home."

"You got it," Beck relays.

"I don't know how he found the school, Freddie didn't have anyone tailing him going to school other than me," Jade explains while following the direction the bike was heading in. "You saw that no one was with us."

Tori nods and confirms, "Yes Jade, I as there." Tori spots the bomber turning south at the next intersection for him. "He's turning left at the next light.

"Next left, got it," Jade comments as she hits her blinker to merge lanes so she can continue to trail the motorcycle. She makes the turn but does not see the motorcycle. "We lost him. Jamn it."

Tori looks at Jade and pulls out the mask. "Should I try and sling to find her?" Tori asks.

"No there's always tomorrow," Jade replies. "I'll drop you off at Freddie's place. I'm sure he'll need to talk to you. You may not be mastering your powers but you're very good at fixing things. Just look at the time I broke it off with Beck and I wanted to get back together with him. I don't think I could have done that without you."

Tori smiles and says, "Awww thanks. Even if that was a back-handed compliment."

"Don't mention it," Jade deadpans as she makes a u-turn to get Tori to her boyfriend's place. "So you two have your first date and kiss yet?"

Tori's smile fades and droops into a frown before answering, "No. We're going Friday."

"Well as long as it isn't as bad when Cat brought Danny to the Kick Back," Jade remembers.

"Why must you bring that up?" Tori asks.

Jade smirks and states, "Just for that reaction.

Well I hope everyone enjoyed it. I hope it takes less time for the next chapter to get posted. Thanks for reading, review if you feel like it.