Author's Note: Well, this is the first in a new series. Most of these stories will probably be unrelated, give or take a few I'll somehow relate together. They'll be based off of Six Word Stories, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to send them to me on my Tumblr! I promise I haven't given up on Partnered By Fate, I am just having major writer's block with it so hopefully writing these will help me work through it.
Six Word Story: "Her fault because skirt was short."
Kurt sat on the couch in the loft completely engrossed in whatever program he was watching.
It was becoming a ritual for him to end up home alone, Santana and Rachel had decided they needed to spend more time together since their argument, claiming to need the "bonding" time.
Whatever that meant.
He definitely wasn't complaining though.
The more time the two of them spent together getting along, the less time they spent arguing which was a good thing for him.
He was in the middle of an Elizabeth Taylor documentary when he heard the rustling and grumbles coming from the hallway, sounding like a drunken struggle and a lovers quarrel.
Which definitely wasn't a rare occurrence in the dingy Bushwick apartment building.
He turned the volume up louder, not wanting to pay any attention to the noises coming from the hall as per usual.
Until he heard the very familiar voices of his roommates becoming clearer and louder.
Kurt rose from the couch and quickly made his way to the door, people did not take lightly to the noises that came from the hall. The super of the building received hundreds of noise complaints a week and Kurt definitely didn't want to be written up on account of his roommates.
Sliding open the heavy door and poking his head out Kurt caught sight of the girls quickly.
Rachel was storming down the hall in front of a pouty looking Santana. The smaller singer's face looked pinched in anger, her jaw set and her eyes angry.
"Come on, Berry." Santana slurred drunkenly as she wobbled behind Rachel, trying to keep up.
"Santana, do NOT talk to me." Rachel spat as she reached the apartment, pushing past Kurt to get inside.
Kurt stared at the duo, "What happened?" He asked, thoroughly confused.
Rachel glared hard, "Why don't you ask Santana?"
Santana stumbled into the loft, holding onto Kurt for support as she unstrapped her rightfully self named "hooker heels" and made her way over to the couch.
Kurt stood by the door with his hands on his hips, "Well, I'm waiting! What happened that caused the two of you to argue probably the whole way home and up to our door?"
"Her fault because skirt was short." Santana mumbled out drunkenly with one arm over her eyes as she laid on the couch.
"Ha!" Rachel let out, clearly unamused.
"I'm confused. Whose skirt and whose fault?" Kurt asked with his patience wearing thin.
Rachel stood abruptly from the chair in the kitchen, stomping her way over to stand behind the couch with her arms crossed tightly. "Santana practically mauled me on the dance floor!" She shrieked out dramatically.
Kurt stared at the two girls, taking in Rachel's angry expression and Santana's slightly proud one. "Santana...I mean, OUR Santana and you?" Kurt asked in confusion, gesturing between the two girls.
Rachel nodded quickly, "We were having a good time and she just had to ruin it being her usual handsy self."
Santana scoffed, "I don't know why you're so mad."
Rachel stared at the girl in disbelief, "Are you serious right now? You mauled me, Santana!"
Santana rolled her eyes as she sat up facing the two behind her, "So I put my hands on your thighs, big deal. We were just dancing, Berry. Is it cause I'm a lesbian? Who knew you were a homophobe?"
Rachel gapped at the girl, "I am not a homophobe. I think my entire life proves how pro-gay I am, Santana! I just don't appreciate being groped by my friends in public."
Santana waggled her eyebrows suggestively, "Are you saying I can grope you in private?"
"What? No, Santana!" Rachel shrieked, throwing her hands up in exasperation.
Santana sighed, "Look I don't know why you're complaining. You should be flattered really. You're hot, Berry. You can't blame me for wanting to get all up on that."
Rachel's face flushed at Santana's brutally honest compliment, "Santana, while that's very...sweet, in your own weird, Santana way, I-"
"I think I'm going to head to bed, you two seem to have this under control." Kurt said quickly, a weird look taking over his face as he rushed past the two.
"Also I'm going to put in some earplugs so...feel free to get rid of the sexual tension that's polluting the air right now." He added as he pulled his curtain closed tightly.
Santana smirked suggestively at Rachel as she listened to the boy get into bed.
"I told you it wouldn't be difficult to get Porcelain to put earplugs in and leave us to 'work our issues out'."
Rachel grinned as she walked forward to the couch so she was standing over the Latina. "You're so sneaky, baby." Rachel whispered, placing a delicate kiss on Santana's lips.
"I just wish Kurt wasn't going to be home tonight so I could wake up in your arms." She added with a pout.
Santana grabbed Rachel and pulled her over the back of the couch so the girl landed on top of her.
"Well, he did say we could work out our sexual tension." She whispered against Rachel's neck.
Rachel let out a happy sigh, "Yeah but then he'd ask questions and I just don't feel like getting scrutinized by him just yet."
Santana hummed in agreement, there was definitely no way she was ready for the Kurt Hummel Judgement Express either.
"We can just snuggle then, I'm sure he won't say anything about it. It wouldn't be the first time he's caught us in your bed." Santana said as she breathed in the girl's scent.
"Yeah that's true. I can't wait until Blaine moves in." Rachel said thoughtfully.
"Why? Cause Lady Hummel will be too wrapped up in the Warbler to catch on to our relationship?" Santana questioned, rubbing small circles on Rachel's back.
Rachel laughed softly, "Yes and it'll be less obvious when we find a place of our own because we can't handle living with them."
Santana frowned, "But I like the loft, why can't Ladyface and Dippity-Do Not Add Any More Gel find their own apartment?"
Rachel shook her head at her girlfriend's lack of a filter, "We'll figure it out when the time comes, okay? But for now I'm exhausted so let's go get our cuddle on."
"I think I'm rubbing off on you a little bit." Santana said with a grin as she allowed the girl to lead her to the bedroom.
"Oh, honey, I think you rub off on me way more than a little." Rachel shot back suggestively, getting comfortable in bed wrapped up in Santana.
Kurt laid in his bed with a small smirk playing on his lips.
His roommates thought they were so sly, sneaking kisses and touches when they thought he wasn't looking, holding hands under the blankets during 'Roomvie Night Fridays.'
He pulled out his phone and opened up his conversation with his fiancé.
"PezBerry has definitely just been confirmed. Competition for the loft must begin immediately."
Out PezBerry was also definitely on, but he'd keep that fun for himself.