Hey everybody! This is the second story I've published. If you read my other story, "What it takes to show courage," then you know Ahsoka goes crazy. This story is similar in plot, except for an unexpected twist. Mwahahaha! Sorry for the similarity, but from what I plan to do, there is just so much potential. My friend helped me write "What it takes to show courage," so I consider this a re-write, only with some added and dropped details. I try to write from everybody's point of view, but it will mostly be Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-wan. Hope you guys enjoy it! Ps: The title may not make sense, but it was the best I could do on short notice. I plan on writing about 10-15 chapters, but I hate cliffhangers as much as you do, so if you guys want me to keep writing, I am not one to disappoint! Well, here's chapter one:

Prologue: Dark, heavy mist swirled around her. Ahsoka was in a field, dry and barren of any life. She looked around to see if she could spot anything, but all she saw was the black mist. Then suddenly, the mist cleared, revealing a hooded figure. The figure stood still as a statue, its yellow eyes gleaming beneath the hood. Ahsoka did not know what to think. Then the figure started walking toward her, moving ever so slowly. Ahsoka tried calling out to it, but there was no reply. The figure approached her, lifting its hood. Before she could see a face, her mind started racing with visions. Horrible, evil, awful visions clouded her sight. Visions of her friends entered her mind, visions of them dying at the hands of the figure. She tried to make them go away, but the blood-curdling screams of her friends only pressed louder. She screamed at the figure to make it stop, but she became weary. The hooded figure started to disappear, until all that remained was a thick blackness.

Chapter One

Ahsoka screamed. Her eyes were wet, as she re-envisioned her friends dying all around her. She felt somebody shaking her, until her eyes opened. Anakin was standing over her, looking very concerned. Ahsoka sat up with a gasp, still shaking from the terror she had just experienced. "Ahsoka, wake up! Wake up, it was only a dream!" Anakin continued to shake her, until she sat up. He wiped a tear from her eye, and held her up. "I-I'm sorry Master. It was just a bad dream." He scoffed, which made no sense to her. "It was just a bad dream, huh? Ahsoka, you were screaming bloody murder! Are you sure you're not hurt?" There was a look of worry in his eyes, and hers filled with tears weren't helping anything. "Yes, I'm fine. Too bad I won't be able to go back to sleep now. Sorry for waking you up." He smiled, partly out of relief, partly out of humor. "It's alright, Snips. I didn't sleep well either." The truth was, he had been sleeping very soundly, and he was very tired, but he didn't want her to feel bad. "Do you want to go to the cafeteria and get something to help you calm down, maybe like a cup of tea or something?" Ahsoka smiled, and nodded her head. "Thank you Master. That sounds great." They got up, and headed down to the cafeteria. When they got there, there was almost nobody there. A few clones, and the kitchen droid made up the crowd. But that made sense, because it was 2:00 in the morning. Anakin led Ahsoka to a table, and went to get her some tea. While he was gone, Ahsoka ran through her nightmare again. How awful it was to see all of her friends die. And who was that hooded figure? What did he want? Oh well, she thought, it was just a stupid dream. Still, it had scared her very badly. Her Master might be able to help with that. Ahsoka was so glad she was his Padawan. He always made sure she was taken care of, and he was a really great friend. Anakin walked back over with a cup of tea in hand, and sat down. He handed the cup to Ahsoka, who took a nervous sip. "Thank you, Skyguy." By the way she drank, Anakin knew that whatever dream she had, it had deeply disturbed her. "So, do you feel like talking about it? It would make you feel better." She knew that it would make her feel better, but it was a hard dream to explain. "Well, I was in a field, when this dark mist showed up. There was this hooded figure, and he walked up to me. He had these weird, yellow eyes, and then he pulled his hood down. I couldn't see his face, but he showed me these…visions." She had Anakin's attention now. "Visions, you say. What kind of visions?" Just thinking of them made her eyes water. Anakin watched his Padawan struggle to keep from breaking into tears. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and tried to comfort her. "Its okay, Ahsoka, just tell me what happened. You're safe here, with me." Hearing him speak like this reassured her. She gathered herself, and continued with the story. "He-he showed me visions of my friends dying, like you, Obi-wan, Padme, Rex, Master Plo-Koon, everybody. He showed me him killing them all with lightning, coming out of his hands. Oh Master, it was awful!" As hard as she tried to keep the tears away, she couldn't help it. Anakin hugged her, while she desperately tried to control her muffled sobs. "It's alright now. You are safe, right here. Nobody is going to kill anybody. It was only a dream." She continued to cry into his back, while he held her close.