Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended


Chapter 6

"Dattebayo!" = Normal Talking

'Damn that bastard!' = Thought

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" = Jutsu/Techniques

"Damn you Madara!" = Bijū/Boss Summon Talking

'Damn you Madara!' = Bijū/Boss Summon Thought

Naruto noticed someone rushing at them and said "Stop for a second" when he recognized him.

"Naruto why are we stopping we need to find Sasuke-kun?" Sakura said before a large man landed in front of them. All of them except Naruto took fighting stances.

"It's fine."Naruto said "This is one of the Sannin. A ninja of Konoha, Jiraiya."

"So your finally showing me respect, huh kid. Anyway what's happening in the arena?" Jiraiya said serious.

"We are being attack by sound and sand ninja. The Sandaime is trapped in a barrier with Orochimaru." Naruto said

"What?! With Orochimaru?! Alright kid, I got to go help him but there are some snakes summons at the east entrance that need taking care off. Go get rid of them." Jiraiya said as he jumped off the roof top.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up." Naruto said as he jumped off as well.

"But we're supposed to be saving Sasuke-Kun!"Sakura yelled indignant as she saw him jumping away.

Naruto bit his thumb as he arrived at the east entrance and saw the snakes attacking.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamaken and Gamahiro!" Naruto said as he summoned two of the biggest Toads he could.

"Ah Naruto… is Konoha being attack?" Gamaken asked as he noticed where he was and that it was being attacked.

"Yes. I need you two to take care of those snakes. I am needed elsewhere." Naruto said.

"Though I'm pretty weak, I'll try my best." Gamaken said as he jumped at the snakes Gamahiro following closely behind.

Naruto rushed back in the direction they were heading to before.

Jiraiya landed on the rooftop. The Anbu quickly surrounded him before standing down.

"You are Jiraiya-sama, correct?" The lead Anbu said.

"Yes. Report, what's going on inside?"

"Hokage-sama has engaged Orochimaru. We cannot enter due to the barrier surrounding them. Do you believe there is a way to enter Jiraiya-sama?"

"Yes come on." Jiraiya said as he jumped back down to where the Kage had been sitting.

"This type of barrier has an obvious yet not so obvious weakness. We can easily get through from the bottom as there is no barrier there. Or else they wouldn't be able to stand inside." Jiraiya explained as he created a Rasengan which he used to break the wood wall. They all quickly entered and Jiraiya destroyed the ceiling quickly passing through onto the roof. The Anbu followed him shortly afterwards.

They arrived just when the coffins opened revealing the Shodaime and Nidaime.

"Sensei! Jiraiya yelled as he jumped next him. The Anbu appeared surrounding the Hokage shortly afterwards.

"Jiraiya!" Orochimaru yelled in anger.

"Jiraiya so, you were in the village after all." Hiruzen said

"It's been a long time eh, Saru?" The Nidaime said as he got out of the coffin

"Ohhh…It's you. Hmmm… you've grown old haven't you, Sarutobi." The Shodaime said as he noticed him.

"I would not have thought I would meet with you two brothers again in a situation like this… it is regrettable."

"This is bad." The Anbu said as they assessed the situation.

"Please make you preparations to be defeated." Hiruzen said.

"Edo Tensei huh, this youngster is the one who summoned us with the taboo arts, huh, he's quite something." The Nidaime said.

"If that's so then, Sarutobi, I guess that would mean that we would have to fight against you and your student, hmmm. " The Shodaime said right before Orochimaru stuck a Kunai into their heads and fully activating them.

[With Naruto]

Naruto had finally caught up with Sakura.

"Where's Shikamaru?" Naruto asked.

"He stayed back to hold off some ninja that were following us." Sakura explained.

"Where is Sasuke?" Naruto asked Pakkun

"He's in that direction." Pakkun said as he indicated ahead.

"Alright. You guys go back and help Shino. He was fighting that puppeteer guy when I passed by. He is probably injured. I will catch up to Sasuke."

"No! Sasuke needs our help." Sakura complained.

"You'll only slow me down. Go back I mean it. Gaara could kill you in an instant. Also Shino could be dying right now."

"What!? Dying?!" Sakura said.

"Probably, it isn't the first time puppeteers use poison to weaken their opponents."

"Fine I'll go back but you have to save Sasuke-kun." Sakura said as she ran back lead by Pakkun.

Naruto rushed ahead at full speed. The moment he arrived he saw that Gaara was about to attack a downed Sasuke. He rushed forward as Gaara was mid air and kicked him into the ground. Gaara quickly reacted and landed on his feet. He jumped onto the branch ahead of Naruto.

'Naruto!' Sasuke thought as he tried to push back the curse seal.

'Crap has the Jinchūriki transformation progressed this much. I need to end this quickly before he fully transforms.' Naruto thought, when he noticed his opponent's condition.

Naruto started forming hand seals but Gaara rushed forwards trying to pass by him aiming to finish off Sasuke but Naruto was able to intercept him and kick him into the opposing tree.

Naruto rushed through hand seals, when Gaara was still in flight, and drew two shuriken he quickly channeled Wind chakra through then and yelled "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

His chakra decreased exponentially as he had to channel Wind chakra through the new shuriken too. The thousand shuriken rushed forward faster and sharper than before.

Gaara raised his sand shield in time however it was destroyed after most of the shuriken pierced it. Gaara yelled in pain as the Shuriken remaining pieced his flesh.

The moment Naruto successfully channeled chakra into the shuriken; he started forming another jutsu. Chakra swirled in the palm of his hand.

Naruto rushed forward, the jutsu still half formed, the moment the shuriken hit Gaara.

"Rasengan!"The jutsu finished forming the moment before Naruto slammed it into Gaara's back, destroying most of the sand and sending Gaara spiraling into the ground.

"Pant…pant" Naruto jumped back next to Sasuke feeling tired. He had used up all of his remaining chakra everything seemed blurry.

"Hey… Sasuke… you okay?" Naruto said as he stood in front of Sasuke as Sasuke laid his back against a tree trunk.

"I'll be fine what about you?" Sasuke said as he managed to push back the curse seal enough not feel a lot of pain.

"Are those marks from the curse seal?" Naruto said as he saw the marks recede.

"How did you…!? Did Kakashi or Sakura tell you?" Sasuke said shocked.

"No I mentioned what happened during the 2nd task to my teacher for the month and he told me the highest probability of what he did to you." Naruto explained.

"So information about this seal is common knowledge." Sasuke said

A sudden crash shocked them from their slight peace.

"Mother, mother wants your blood!" Gaara yelled from the ground as the sand started engulfing him destroying the trees surrounding him.

Naruto stared in shock. "He survived all that. Crap I'm all out of chakra.'

Naruto grabbed Sasuke and jumped away just in time as everything around Gaara was destroyed.

After they got a safe distance away Naruto turned around and saw the Ichibi.

'Crap I'm going to need the Boss to fight him. I used up all my chakra though. I guess I'll have to use that. Hey, Kyuubi give some of your chakra!'

'Fine I hope you can handle it.' Chakra engulfed him as the Kyuubi started pumping chakra into him.

Naruto bit his thumb enough to draw blood and quickly went through the hand seals for the summoning jutsu before yelling "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gamabunta!"

"HUH, that's the Ichibi, isn't it. Hey kid do you expect me to fight a Biju?" Gamabunta said.

"Sorry boss. I tried to defeat him before he transformed but he just wouldn't go down. I even hit him with a Rasengan after I hit him with wind infused shuriken and he still got up. That Jinchūriki was crazy."

"Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu" They heard Gaara say.

"Crap! They real Biju is going to come out to play." Gamabunta said as he drew his sword and jumped back.

"Hahahaha! I'm finally out! Hiyahooo! And here's someone I wanna kill, right off! Futon …"

"We're gonna jump!" Gamabunta warned as he jumped up into the air.

"Renkudan!" The Ichibi yelled as it released a wave of wind where Gamabunta was earlier.

"Suiton: Renkudan" Gamabunta said as he released balls of water down on the Ichibi, from mid air, which collided and exploded with the balls of wind the Ichibi had released.

"Gamabunta dodge! There is still one left." Naruto yelled as he noticed to ball of compressed air.

Gamabunta tried to dodge however it exploded right in his face.

"Yeah I did it! I killed him, I killed him!" The Ichibi said cheerfully.

"That Hurt! You pumped so much damn chakra into the ball you threw at me!" Gamabunta said slightly bruised.

"Okay we need to wake up the medium. I can't take too many of does."

"Alright I know what to do just get us close." Naruto said as he started gathering chakra in his hand.

"Alright here we go! Hold on tight!" Gamabunta yelled as jumped forward ready to slice the biju up at the slightest hint of failing of him attacking.

Gamabunta attack the Ichibi with his sword cutting the Ichibi's hand. The moment they came close Naruto jumped into the air with Rasengan in hand and buried it in Gaara's stomach. Gaara's eyes snapped opened wide in pain as he was sent flying released from the sand. The Ichibi started crumpling.

Gaara fell to the ground face first. Naruto quickly followed landing on his feet. Naruto was panting as he realized how much chakra he had used.

"My Existence will never be extinguished. It won't be extinguished! There is no way that I would let it disappear!" Gaara yelled from the ground.

Just then Naruto realized that Gaara was like him. He was alone just like he had been.

"Don't come any closer!" Gaara yelled as Naruto started walking towards him at a slow pace.

"The pain of being alone… is not an easy one to bear…your feelings… why is it… that I can understand your pain?" Naruto said as his eyes watered. Gaara stared wide eyed at him. "But… I already have many people who are important to me now… I won't let you hurt those people important to me. Even if you try to kill them I will stop you." Naruto said.

"Why? Why do you go so far for other peoples' sake?" Gaara asked as he saw Naruto's conviction

"They saved me from the hell of being alone… They acknowledged my existence…that's why they're all important to me…" Naruto explained.

"Love…"Gaara whispered remembering something.

Sasuke landed next to Naruto just as Kankuro and Temari landed in front of Gaara.

"That's enough… It's over…" Gaara said as he contemplated what Naruto had told him.

'It's the first time I've seen Gaara this beaten up' Kankuro though as he looked at Gaara. "Alright" Kankuro said as he picked Gaara up by the shoulder and jumped away with Temari following closely behind.

[Earlier with Hiruzen and Jiraiya]

Hiruzen quickly went through some hand seals when he noticed the Wave of boiling liquid rushed at him in great volume. He quickly jumped onto the wall of rock he had just created and instinctively yelled. "JIRAIYA!"