Hello lovelies! I can now vouch for the fact that Herobrine wrote that chapter. I talked with him, he says he won't do it again.

Anyways, onto the chappie!


I lay there in the temple for a while, just refusing to believe that there was a world beyond the Aether and this temple. My desperate illusion, however, was shattered by two frantic pairs of wingbeats. I raised my head to see both Moon and Blaze in dragon form (update on that- Blazie is now part enderdragon) Moon's scales shimmered in the fiery light coming off of Blaze's spine ridge, which was currently aflame. From the worried and sympathetic looks on their faces, I must have looked pitiful. Starlyte, Princess of the Aether dragons, curled up in a ball with tear stains drawing lines down my face. I shook myself and snorted smoke, evaporating the tear tracks as I slowly got to my feet.

My besties rushed me, curling around me in the dragon form of a hug. When a third dragon joined, I was surprised for a spilt second before I caught a glimpse of rusty red eyes. I bit back a relieved smile as Ty curled around the three of us in a sort of protective gesture. I stretched my neck and nudged his jaw with my snout, giving him a grateful look. He just smiled softly and nudged me back. I nudged my besties in thanks as well, the both of them just curling a bit tighter around me in response. The four of us sat like that for a bit, just letting me piece my heart and soul back together, before I shifted slightly. Slowly, the other three uncurled, letting me stretch. Ty shot me a questioning look.

"I'm ready now," I answered, nodding. The four of us exited the temple and took to the skies, flying back towards home. On the way back, however, I started having second thoughts. What if I had gone through the portal? Would they have come after me then? If I had gone back to the Aether, would I have stayed? I shook myself free of the mental pit I was digging myself into and focused on the feeling of cool night air under my wings.

When we returned, I was shocked to find everyone yelling their heads off at Jerome.

"What the heck, man!" Brice shouted, shooting the Bacca an angry look.

"What did Star ever do to you?" Mitch added, pointedly not looking at Jerome.

"It's not as if you can talk, anyways. You're no more human than she is!" Seto yelled, magic sparking in his eyes. I watched for a moment, then dove, landing quietly. When no one noticed I threw back my head and roared, shooting white-gold fire towards the heavens. That got their attention. They all froze, then turned to look at me. Blaze tossed me my pendant and I slipped it on, shrinking down to my human form.

"Hey guys," I offered, a ghost of a smile flickering across my face.

Dead silence. Then Jerome rushed me. The boys' voices rose in protest, but they were abruptly silenced when he almost tackled me in a hug, his shoulders shaking visibly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he whimpered over and over again. My whole face softened, and I hugged him back.

"Shhh, it's okay, I forgive you," I whispered. After a moment, he relaxed, then pulled away to look down at me. I smirked.

"Why is it that I'm a dragon and still shorter than you?" I asked, my voice laced with playful exasperation. The Bacca let out a relieved laugh and threw an arm around my shoulder, turning to look at the boys.

"We're good!" I declared, smiling. Everyone cheered and crushed each other in a group hug, Ty, Blaze and Moon joining in as well.

(Unknown POV)

Unbeknownst to the group, a pair of eyes watched in the darkness of the forest.

"I will have those immortals. If the dragon needs to die, then, well…" the voice trailed off, and another voice came from the darkness.

"What do you need me to do, Master?" it asked.

"I need you to befriend the dragon," the first voice hissed. There was silence for a moment.

"Then what?" the second voice inquired. There was a hissy-sounding laugh.

"Then, my dear minion, I want you to kill her," the first voice cackled, the echoes of it's laugh staying long after it and it's minion had gone.

I know, not the longest chappie, but all you lovelies needed the fluff. Now we get into plots and evil and all that fun stuff.

Anyways, Review!

Flames will be used to torture Star in the next chappie!

Oh, and remember: the night is yours, my friend, and the sun is setting!
