Hello lovelies! Rainwing here and this is a minecraft fanfic that I have decided to share with you all.

Gemstone1225: will you start already?

How did you get here?!

Gemstone1225: I used the hole in the 4th wall.

You have got to be kidding me. How many patches does that wall have on it, anyways?

Gemstone1225: Like a bazillion.

I don't doubt it. Anyways, on to the chappie!


"Lapis!" I called, hoping my blue-collared dog would appear as I walked around the expanse of my house. My other three dogs (Diamond, Coal and Budder) padded along at my heels, barking for their comrade. A few zombies and an enderman strolled along behind me, keeping my dogs to either side of me. I swept into the kitchen to find Lapis licking up the dregs of a bucket of milk.

"Lapis!" I scolded, laughing. The pup yelped and leapt off of the counter. I picked her up and she snuggled close, making little happy squeaking noises. I smiled down at her and carried her into the dogs' room, a room full of plush toys, bones, and dog beds for all of the pups. Budder yapped and rushed into the room, followed by Diamond and Coal. Lapis yipped loudly, so I set her down. She immediately bounded over to the other dogs to play, barking happily. I giggled as I watched the pups play fight with each other, and then got an idea. I left abruptly and headed for my armory. I scooted past a creeper, absentmindedly bidding it good day, and entered one of my favorite and one of the most visited rooms in the house. Swords, bows, daggers, axes, pickaxes, and all other manners of weapons littered the walls, some obviously more used than others. After careful consideration and a few recommendations from the skeleton archer that was there, I plucked my favorite pair of daggers off of the wall, along with a bow and a quiver of arrows.

"I'm going out!" I shouted across the house as I slipped into my favorite jacket, a form-fitting black one with a hood a several pockets (two inside ones and two outside ones). I slipped a small pouch into one of my inside pockets, slung my bow and quiver over my shoulder, sheathed my daggers and left. Coal slipped out the door to join me at the last moment. I let him come. Coal was the strongest and most resilient dog I had, so he would be able to hold his own in the Hunger Games. I climbed onto my black horse, Dusk, and rode towards the city.


When I arrived, there was the usual familiar hustle and bustle about the place, vendors and villagers everywhere. I made my way towards the PVP building, Coal at my heels. I put Dusk in a stable, tipped the stable boy, and walked into the familiar immaculate white lobby of the PVP building. As I approached the front desk, I noticed a knot of people by one of the more famous sign-up desks, the one that the more popular PVP masters usually used. I snorted. From the sound of things, one of them was probably signed up for the Games.

"Is Forest Map still open?" I asked the receptionist as I reached the front desk. She nodded. I smiled and fished a diamond and an iron ingot out of my jacket, placing them on the desk.

"One human and one canine, please," I said, wincing slightly at my choice of words. Hardly human, Star. The receptionist gave me a platform number and gestured towards the thinning knot of people. I froze, then groaned and nodded, making my over to the plate number I had been assigned. I pulled my headset over my head and called Coal over onto my platform. The headset activated, and the familiar white print flashed at me out of the corner of my eye.

'Stardragon has joined the game.' It read.

'Games will commence in 5'






We were all teleported to center, and everyone sprinted for the mountain of chests in the middle. I glanced at the commencing bloodbath, and then ran. Not towards the bloodbath, but into the woods. I listened for cannon shots as I made my way to the ruins, where there was a chest that always had a lot of food. Boom. I winced as the cannon shot echoed over the arena. Being the first to go was always the most annoying thing. Boom. I reached the ruins and opened the chest, grinning victoriously as I scooped out the food and tossed a raw porkchop to Coal. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

"What the heck?" I asked Coal as we ran through the dense wood. The cannon never went off more than five times during bloodbath. Most people had the sense to clear off by then. Coal whimpered, apparently as confused as I was. I kept listening, half-expecting another cannon to go off, but all was silent. For now. I pulled out my bow, slowing down so that we were creeping silently through the woods. At the rustling sound of leaves moving behind me, I whipped around, bow raised. Just a cow, brushing up against the tree as it searched for grass. I shrugged and shot the animal. The more food, the better. As Coal and I kept moving through the trees, I listened. Silence reigned in the arena. It wasn't a nice silence, either. It was the sort of ominous, eerie silence that pressed down on your eardrums and made you wish for any sort of sound, even the thunderous sound of a cannon shot. Every breeze was an enemy's breathing. Every snapping of a twig was a cannon shot. I shuddered. If a master really did sign up for this Games, I didn't expect to survive long. The pouch I had brought pressed up against my stomach as my thoughts wandered. Well, I thought to myself. At least I'll be able to take some people down with me. I jumped as a seventh cannon shot went off in the silence. White print flashed at the corner of my vision, and I quickly read the broadcast.

'NOO! WHY, BAJAN?!' my eyebrows furrowed and I stopped. Coal looked up at me, blinking in confusion.

"Bajan?" I muttered, looking down at Coal. "They couldn't be talking about- no, must be a coincidence." I shook my head and kept walking, only to stop again as more white print flashed, this time rapidly.


'Oh my Notch, BajanCanadian!'

'No way!'

I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. Coal yipped and nuzzled my side, concerned. I waved him off, but inside I was not okay.

"Coal, this Hunger Games just got complicated." I told my dog, reloading my bow with a sigh.

Dun dun DUN! Cliffy! I seem to be notorious for cliffies. Anyways, so yea, Star (if you remember) is supposedly not human, she is buddies with the mobs, and she is playing hunger games with two pvp masters! This should be interesting.

Gemstone1225: I must admit, I want to know what happens next.

Oh jeez, you again Gemmy? Didn't I seal the hole in that wall?

Gemstone1225: *raises eyebrow* this is the fourth wall we are talking about here. There are like a jillion holes in it, no matter how many times fanfiction writers try to patch them.

*sighs* I know, yet still I try for some odd reason.

Anyways, review!

Flames will be used to torture Star in the next chappie!

Oh, and remember! The night is yours, my friend, and the sun is going down!
