Hello another chapter updated. after this. i am not promise for regular update. And for your info. the name i used in this story doesn't related with anime. just for reference only. Enjoy!
For somebody who said 30 years on prison for Dursley... Hey this is my story. i could write what i want. But i thought it was enough for abusing more than 5 years along with bullying him all day and made him worked even he didn't get any salary.
Chapter 16
Japan (several days earlier)
"Minister, based on Gringotts' information, we will have young Potter and his family in here for couple days."
"I know Kakashi. You need to do your work as head of DMLE. Don't worry about them"
Kakashi nodded his head and said,"I only hope that we can maintain this peace. And from one of aurors, there is an illegally organization that wants to summon our greatest dark lord, Orochi."
The prime Minister surprised and nodded and said," You can make any decision Kakashi. I only hope that we don't suffer any deaths from your decision. It's more than we can handle. Our counterpart can't do anything due Pasific agreement after world war II. We can ask for emergency unit from Pasific auror headquarter if we need."
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Yes, come in !"
"Sorry to disturb you sir. I have asked to bring both of you to meet the emperor."
Prime minister and head of DMLE surprised and nodded and left the room.
Several times later
"I can't believe what the emperor wants we do."
"Yeah, Kakashi. I sense something which I haven't sensed it before when I came to emperor after becoming prime minister of Magic."
"What do you mean minister ?"
"I felt something ancient, and magical when we walked to meet our king counterpart. When I was still your subordinate, I hadn't feel about it. But today we can feel the different."
"Isn't it from our ancient artifacts ?"
"I also think about it. But many times I came visiting the emperor, I don't feel anything about it."
Kakashi frowned abit and said,"Do you think it's a bit suspicious with the timing ?"
Prime minister thought for a while and nodded and said," You're right. I felt it after we fell down several days ago before because of that magical wave."
Kakashi nodded and said," Yeah, it totally confuses my whole department. Even our unspeakable confused about it."
Prime Minister thought a while and said," Can you call our eldest auror, Mr. Miyamoto Musashi ? And I want you to accompany him to meet me in my private home for dinner ? You can also bring your wife and your children. My family wants to meet you too after our last meeting. After all you are one of my son's godfather."
Kakashi nodded and said," I will try to come. My wife and my children will be delighted when hearing this." And went out of the room.
Prime Minister then called his home and told his wife about it. He asked her to help entertaining Kakashi's wife and his children. He told her that he needed discussing something important and serious with his trust elder auror and head DMLE after his meeting with emperor. His wife knew about the seriousness about it and agreed.
Night, prime minister's home
The minister ate with his family and his friends. His children were happily chatting with Kakashi's children. He smiled and nodded his head to his wife and announced that he, Kakashi and Miyamoto would like to discuss something important and took their leave.
Dinner room
"Lacus, do you know what they will talk ?"
"I only know that he felt something different when he met the emperor this morning Rin."
"You don't mean..."
"I think so. That's because we had felt that magical waves before, it was made something different about our ancient artifacts in our muggle world."
Rin thought for a while and told her that she had read about it before and it really totally frightened her. Lacus didn't believe and asked about it. She then call her elf to keep their children a check and went with Rin to library.
Prime Minister's private room
After entering the room, he casted several protections, locks and prevention for anyone outside the room to hear what would be chatting.
He turned to face his co-worker and said,"Okay, since it only us, drop our formality. And the problem is I felt something mysterious about one of our ancient artifacts, 'The Necklace Yasakani no Magatama.'"
Miyamoto surprised and said,"it's odd and Kira, I think it's best for us to prepare something for upcoming event even we don't know when will happen."
Prime Minister and Kakashi nodded. Kakashi said,"When I was a prime minister, I had read something about this happen long time ago that our ancient dark lord will rise… I am really surprise if it happen again now."
Prime Minister (Kira) replied," I think so, I will need to contact our counterpart to help us cover the training session."
Kakashi said,"We also want all of our resource to help us check and set several safe guards around our other artifacts 'Mirror Yata no Kagami' in Ise and 'Kusanagi sword' in Nagoya."
"Actually before Kakashi called me, I was on my way back from Nagoya after visiting my death comrades monument. I also feel something mysterious and powerful. It seems that it waits somebody to show up."
Prime minister and Kakashi surprised and nodded then said," So what's our move Musashi, Kakashi ?"
"It seems that our ancient artifacts start to act strange after that last magical wave…"
Kakashi and Musashi nodded and Kakashi said,"I think it's best that I go with my trust aurors to Ise."
"And I will return to Nagoya to check about it."
Prime Minister thought about a while and nodded and said," Bring your only trust aurors who will not leak about it."
"I think I will lead a small group. Maybe only 3-4 people to help us move faster to our destination. How about you Musashi ? do you need another aurors ?"
"No need Kakashi. Thanks for the concern."
"I think you need a friend for this Musashi… How about Nicole ?"
"You mean … the one who likes to play piano in his free time ?"
"Don't underestimate him. He is the best stealth wizard we have."
"Okay… if you sure that he will help us."
"I will accompany you to meet him so both of you can go to journey immediately." Kakashi Said.
"If that's all, we will meet again after we have found and put several protections."
All of them nodded and Musashi left with Kakashi to meet Nicole and set the journey for artifacts. Kakashi told Rin (his wife) about the needs to travel and she would tell the children about it.
After all the quests left, Lacus led her husband to their room. She put several protections and said that he had asked Mr Miyamoto and Mr Kakashi to check the artifacts. He nodded and said that it needed to be done before we lost the artifacts to the dark side.
Lacus then told her husband that she had found something interesting in the book that told the history about the artifacts and rumor the power in them. She told him that only one person could use one of the artifacts. He nodded and said that he knew about it and he was curious that he didn't feel anything when he had visited the palace several times before. Lacus nodded and said that it's enough for today and led them to sleep while snuggling each other after their love making session.
The journey toward the artifacts went well. Kakashi and his team in Ise and Musashi and Nicole in Nagoya set several protection and safe guards around the artifacts. After that, they returned to Tokyo to report. Prime minister smiled and nodded. He did his part too. And told to them about it.
Kakashi told both of them to come to secret room in secret area. He told them that this is where he put extremely important and extremely sacred information. Kira and Musashi surprised about it. Kira told ,"How can you don't tell me Kakashi ?"
"I never expect to use it again Kira. It needs my full power level to enter."
"What do you mean ?" Kira applied.
"Y…you don't mean that…" Musashi assumed.
"Yeah Musashi… I created this when I am still regular wizard. I learned much and I had so much power which will lead the destruction toward the area. My sensei told me to do something since at that time we didn't face any serious big scale wars."
"With permission from prime minister at that time along with our king counterpart, i went to somewhere else secretly and used it to make some secret place for making some of it forbidden."
"F..Forbidden why ?" Kira and Musashi said.
Kakashi nodded. "Actually it's not forbidden… but my sensei and our prime minister at that time want to make it their secret hideout for extremely important and secret files. So they asked me to make it forbidden."
Kira and Musashi surprised about this. Musashi then thought,'Was it because at that time, maybe we weren't at big scale war. But we were in very unstable condition with many villains wanted to steal it ?'
Kira thought 'What's really important about this files ? it makes me curious about it.'
"Yes Kakashi ?"
"Don't make any attempt to take the files. I know you are curious. But, these files were forbidden for good."
Kira surprised about it. He nodded and said,"I know Kakashi, I just want to know why it must be hidden…"
"Kira… "
Kira looked to Musashi. And asked ," Yes ?"
"Some of the secret files was part of ritual from ancient darkness and ancient light. Both of them showed too much destruction to living being and we were unable to control the power. Because of that, it must be seal and forgotten for goods. When I was young… I lost my parents because of this."
Kira and Kakashi surprised about it. Kira said,"H…how can ?"
"Kira… stop…"
"It's okay Kakashi. When I was kid, there were many people who have the thirst of knowledge and tried to learn the ancient power, especially these ancient power. There was a person who was able to learn this ritual and did something horrible to his body. After several months, we didn't hear anything from him and we thought that it's safe to return back to our home when a person change his appearance and became more sadistic. He killed almost all of us immediately. His speed was faster than any animals which I had seen. He used that power and made destruction to the land, and air. We were able to kill him because of my luck. There was a small accident that made I immediately able to silent him forever. The prime minister and almost all aurors burned his body until become ash and I was praised hard to become their savior."
Kira speechless learned about it. He thought to himself that he would not want that happen around his family and his comrades. He nodded his head and took his wand and swore his magical vow about it.
Hidden place (somewhere in Japan)
"So Kakashi… is this the place ?"
"Not yet Kira… "
"Wow… it has not change from the last time I visited this place."
Kira, Kakashi and Musashi walked together and towards the center of the place. Kakashi then consentrated his power and punched toward a small hole with the picture of thunder. Kira and Musashi saw the flow from Kakashi's power fulfill the picture and the land in front of them started shaking and a secret passage appear.
"Let's go!"
Kira and Musashi followed Kakashi to enter the room and the door immediately closed and disappear.
"W…What ? how can we go out ?"
"Don't worry about it Kira…" Musashi said.
"It's my safeguard against the thief." Kakashi said. " I wil used my power to transport all of us out of this place after we finish our business."
Inside the plane (several days later)
Harry woke from his slumber. He felt something mysterious powerful from the ground. His worry awaken his wife when she felt something uneasy from their bond. Hermione said thru their bond 'what's wrong Harry ?'
'I... didn't know Mione, I felt something mysterious powerful ? I only hope that we didn't have any problems when we were at the air.'
'Hm... I also felt it Harry, but I didn't think it was a harm. I thought it was from far away. I only felt something tiny that tried to call you Harry..'
Harry surprised and 'I didn't think that it tried to call me... but can you help me to turn the entertainment on ? I found one of the movies I hoped to watch when I had stayed with Dursley.'
Hermione nodded and helped turn on the entertainment in front of him and 'I thought I would sleep again honey..'
'Yeah, go back to sleep Mione. I knew that you had very little sleep when we were at the last hotel before boarding the plane.'
Hermione smiled and tried to sleep again while holding Harry's hand. After several seconds, she slept deeper than before. Harry smiled and returned his focus to watch film in front of him.
Black/Bones mansion
Sirius and Amelia were enjoying each other companies on their bed after their love making session when Sirius brought the topic to move to other house.
Amelia thought for a while and asked,"Where do you want to move ?"
"I don't think it yet. I need to see that if you agree, we will see the list of the houses we owned. So nobody will know our location except our trust friends."
Amelia nodded. She knew that Bones' ancestor didn't prepare about it and despite they upgraded the wards, it would be the main target from death eater because of her justify to them. She asked about the list and Sirius told her that they would discuss about it in their next free day. He believed that they needed to travel to each house to determine which house they would live in. Sirius then told his plan to officially adopt Susan and let her use her maiden name. He didn't want Bones name to die out. Amelia agreed about it and went to snuggle deeper to Sirius and they went to sleep.
Somewhere else
Primrose Daphene Raven prepared about her travel to go back to where she belonged. She contacted Gringotts to take some money to buy the ticket to return to England since she didn't want to take portkey.
Before buying the ticket, she asked about Granger's Family (from Gringotts). She found that Granger would return around two weeks later.
She decided to stay longer in her home before starting to make a journey back to 'her' family.
Chapter end