"I...I'm what?" Gaping at my mother, or who I thought was my birth mother.

"Yes hunny, you are a Veela. We adopted you when professor Dumbledore brought you to our attention. He explained about the magic world and all it's wonders we wanted a child so much and it was shattering when we couldn't have one on our own but upon seeing you we both fell so madly in love with you, we knew you would fit right in with us. You were perfect." She smiled sadly and sighed.

"I understand if you are angry, but please Hermione understand where we are coming from we would have told you earlier but Headmaster Dumbledore wished for you to not be informed till you grew to a age of which you would b more in control of the powers associated with being a veela..." She drifted off in thought.

My heart was racing and my head was pounding, I couldn't believe it! A part of me is excited and a part of me was saddened that my whole life was something else. Looking over to the woman who raised me I studied her heart broken expression, I knew from all love I've received growing up in this home that the Grangers truly did love me as their own daughter. And truth be told I wouldn't have changed it for the world they made me who I am now and for that I'm grateful. I loved them nothing would change that about me.

I stood up walking over to my mother and took her hand smiling warmly at her. "Thank you for being honest with me, I know it was hard for you mum." Her eyes swimming with tears when I acknowledged her as my mother. "I know I may not be your biological daughter but as far as I'm considered you and dad will always be my parents. I love you both so much I couldn't imagine being blessed with any Better parents" I hugged her feeling her shake with more tears.

"Oh Hermione thank you so much hunny we couldn't imagine our lives without you either! It means so much for us to hear you say that" Smiling at each other she told me what headmaster Dumbledore told them that night. According to my mother Dumbledore informed them that my real parents abandoned me in Hogsmead, where Dumbledore stumbled across me. He tried everything to find my parents but there was no trace he could go on in order to track them. He told them that there must have been a reason as to why they abandoned me and so he deemed it safer if I was in Muggle London. He arrived at the doorstep of our current home many years ago seeming to know that my parents desperately wanted a child, how he seemed to know everything I would never know but what I do know Is that he couldn't have picked better parents to raise me.

A knock came from the front door, walking over and opening the door I found the very man we were just speaking of "hello headmaster, what brings you here?" I asked slightly confused as he stepped in to the house to be greeted by my parents.

"Well miss Granger in answer to your question, seeing as I was the one to cast the concealing Charm upon your person it only seems fit that given you are well aware of you Vela heritage that it should now be lifted" he said with a twinkle in his eyes as he watched my surprised expression.

"I...well yes I suppose so" I was confused, I did not realize given I was not truly a Granger that I would be different in appearance. I stood next to the fireplace my back turned to the large mirror above the fireplace not wanting to see the concealment being lifted. Meeting the eyes of my parents who smiled at me knowing full well that I was slightly nervous, but at their warm encouragement I suppressed any worries and nodded at the headmaster to proceed.

He began to mutter a spell in a low voice a warm feeling seeming to surround me, I felt hotter and hotter as the seconds went by but before it became unbearable it was gone as simply as it had began.

A gasp came from my mother "oh Hermione you look even more beautiful!" She gushed.

Turning around to the mirror about the fire place I seen that she was right in fact compared to my self before, which I considered myself to be average nothing special, but now as I looked at my true self I was a striking contrast to the person I was before. My mouse brown hair before was now a warm honey brown blonde that many girls bewitch their hair to have. My eyes were a blue-green shade that seemed to have more depth than my simple brown ones before it, which went well against my peachy smooth clear skin. If I was not mistaken I had grown an inch or two and now had those curves that I had slightly envied in many girls.

To say I was in shock would be an understatement! I was so different and yet...mentally I was the same, I would forever be a bookworm just with more confidence.

"Well since my job here is done I shall bid you all good night it's been an eventful night for you miss Granger, I suggest you get some rest the Hogwarts express train will be leaving tomorrow as per-usual. I'm sure you will have plenty to discuss with Mr. potter and Mr. Weasley." With a warm smile and a nod my father let him out.

Following the headmasters suggestion I too bid my parents goodnight and headed to my room thinking all of the new discoveries that were uncovered tonight.

Laying on my double bed I fell into a deep sleep too mentally drained to even dream.