The morning of the celebration came, and everyone in Fiore was so busy; preparing their dress, their gifts, and they were so busy with their daily routine. Some Noble families from other countries arrived earlier in order to go around the New Fiore.
The big gate was not there anymore. Normal people could go in and out of Magnolia, and they opened the garden for everyone. However, Lumen Histoire wasn't opened for public because Jellal asked the king and queen to make it private and in respect for the former ruler who made Lumen Histoire.
"He just wanted to make it special for him and Erza" that was the other thought when they heard Jellal's explanation
In Scarlet household, they just finished cleaning the house as their daily routine. They were now preparing for the celebration as they were about to wear the dresses that were delivered by Laxus and the others,
"Yo!" everyone turned their eyes on the door and found Natsu, Gray, and Happy
"You three, what are you doing here?" Mirajane approached them and they were all confused to what they were doing in Scarlet household
"Gray-sama!" Juvia was about to run to Gray but was stopped by Lisanna and Laki who grabbed her and they all went inside Laki's room to change
"Don't worry about them." Elfman sighed
"Then why are you guys here?" Mirajane again asked while letting the three sit
"Oh, we are here to pick you up. We were asked by Jellal to pick you up." Gray answered then chuckled
"We were surprised to see Siegrain this morning and now you three." Lisanna came out from the room carrying a make-up kit
"Because Jellal wants to see Erza as soon as possible with her dress, she asked Siegrain to pick her up this morning and dress in the palace instead" Gray explained and took a bite of cookie that Mirajane served
"But it was so early in the morning" Mira wondered
"Jellal knows that you all wake up so early in the morning to clean that's why he asked Siegrain"
"Then why us? Why did he ask you to pick us up?"
"Oh, because Erza couldn't dress properly" Happy answered that made Lisanna, Mira and Elfman wondered "Erza felt so awkward with the palace's maids. Wendy and Carla are not with her. We can't go in there either, so she asked if she just can go back here and change here."
"Then Jellal really, really wanted to see her badly as soon as she change into her dress" Natsu emphasized that the desire of Jellal wanting to see Erza
"So he said, instead of Erza go back here, we'll bring you there and dress with her" Gray stood up and stretched his hand "Let's go, we only have 5 hours left before the celebration."
"Wait, we need to gather our things first" Mira and the others prepared their things immediately.
Outside the palace, everyone was about to enter when they were stopped by the new guard
"Gray-sama, Natsu-sama, Happy-sama, who are these people?" one of the new guards asked "Visitors are not yet allowed to come inside the palace"
"Ah, let them in. The prince asked their presence" Siegrain came and greet them "I'll show you the way. You three along with Elfman-sama are called by Jellal in his room. Mystogan-sama is there too"
Siegrain led the way. They arrived in Erza's room and found her still not properly dressed
"Erza!" they all called her but the servants stopped them
"It is okay, the prince told them to come here. They will help Erza-sama to prepare. You may go, you will help in preparing for the celebration." Siegrain told them and they just followed what he said "Well then everyone, I'll be going to help for the preparation. See you later" Siegrain left and leave Erza and the others
"Well then, why don't we start dressing Ezra?" Mira sighed "But I wonder, why you didn't want them to dress you?" she asked while putting the make-up down on the table
"It's not that I don't want, but I felt awkward preparing with other people" Erza answered while tying her hair
"Ah, no, no, don't tie your hair." Laki stopped her then grabbed the comb and combed her hair
"Before we enter the room, Siegrain-san told us that Jellal-sama once told him that he really likes your hair when it's down." Juvia explained and helped Laki combed her hair "But last time you prepared without us, right?"
"Lucy was there with me." Erza sighed and stopped Laki and Juvia for combing her hair "thank you, but you guys should start preparing too. I really just want to have you all here with me. It is really awkward to prepare with them"
"But Erza, sooner or later you will be living here, and they will do the preparations with you." Mirajane teasingly said to Erza "You must get used to it"
"Or maybe you don't want to live here in the palace?" Juvia asked that made the surrounding so silent "Erza?"
"Okay guys, let's start preparing" Erza stood up and went in front of the mirror and combed her hair "Mira can I borrow the make-up kit?"
With no further questions, they just started to prepare and left the question unanswered.
Time past and the celebration was about to start. The palace became busier and people from other countries arrived. The people from Fiore also arrived and they asked if they could just stay in the garden. Layla approved but said that they must be inside the palace during the main celebration.
"Erza, you are so beautiful in your dress." Juvia let her stand in front of the mirror
"I'm sure Jellal will be surprised when he sees you" Laki added
"How about this?" Mirajane pointed the ring that was on the table but noticed the uneasiness in Erza's face
"We'll let Jellal put the ring himself" Lucy who just came in greeted them "Ya, you are all so beautiful"
"Lucy!" Laki hugged her and noticed Michelle on her back "Oh, Michelle also came"
"Yeah, the Heartfilia was called earlier than the others. Actually, the guys are already outside." Lucy chuckled "They want to go inside but Jellal told them with his dark ambiance 'don't you dare go inside' he said" everyone laughed and then looked at Erza
"Well then, let's go." Juvia suggested "So that the prince can enter the Princess' room"
Everyone left and went out. Erza was left alone. She sat in front of the mirror and stared at herself "Is it really me? Things really changed and it is still changing. What should I do?" she closed her eyes and sighed
"If you sigh like that, your luck will go away" Erza opened her eyes and saw Jellal beside her
"Jellal, since when are you standing there?" Erza was about to stand up when Jellal stopped her. He stood behind her
"This dress really suits you." Jellal put her both hand on her shoulder and they both looked at the mirror "Actually, mother was the one who told me."
"Told you what?"
"To wear this. When I asked where she got it, she told me she will tell you herself" Jellal explained
Erza stared at the dress she was wearing. It was a pink long gown with one off shoulder. Erza smiled that made Jellal wondered
"Nothing. I think I know what the queen will say. By the way, I heard you didn't want Natsu and the others to enter"
"Ah, it's not that. I just don't like other guys to see you first in your dress. I'm quite possessive you know"
"Yeah, I know you are"
The two of them chuckled as silence filled the room again. Jellal noticed the ring on the table. He went and get the ring that made Erza blushed for no reason. "Your hair is reflecting on your face Erza"
"Shut up. By the way, we should go now"
Jellal kneeled down in front of Erza and chuckled "You know, I'll properly do it one of these days, but for now, I'll put again this ring."
"I don't get you. You already put this right? As a Christmas present?"
"Yeah, yeah, Christmas present." Jellal sighed then put the ring on Erza's right fourth finger. "Let's go?" he held Erza's hand, as the two of them walked out of the room to where everyone else. Erza wondered if Jellal put the ring in the wrong hand, but she remained silence about it
When the party started the Jellal and Wendy were introduced. Mystogan didn't want to be introduced since the other people didn't know his existence. The MC was about to start the dance party when Zeref asked that he wanted to speak
"Before we start the party, we wanted to tell some important things concerning our kingdom." Zeref stood in front "You all saw what happened a month ago during the upcoming age of Jellal. We apologize for what happened. Because of that incident, the dark side and past of the palace were shown. However, thanks to that incident, the palace is now moving forward. We are still in the middle of revising the law. In the same time, the families who suffered from the elders', we successfully overcome it. The Heartfilia family who lost their daughter, The Mikazuchi family who lost their sister, our kingdom who lost the true heir, and my family who lost the son, were all found and we reunited with them. Indeed we wanted to ask everyone for forgiveness, and this time, we will make sure that this kingdom will never experience such event again" Zeref took a deep breath and smiled to everyone "And now, I wanted to introduce to everyone. The noble families who are helping the kingdom to start from zero" Zeref introduced each noble family and he included Lucy and and Yukino in their family, each family went in the middle as Zeref called them. He also mentioned the Heartfilia as one of the Royal family, and he added "I also wanted to introduce, the daughter of the true ruler of Fiore. As I mentioned a while ago, there was one more family that was supposed to be in Royal family. However, they decided to live normally. Their family suffered a lot, especially their daughter. That is why I wanted to introduce Rob and Eru Scarlet, and I am assuming, my future daughter" when Zeref said that everyone who knew what he meant laughed, but Erza and Jellal felt embarrassed "Erza Scarlet-sama" Erza walked and went beside Lucy. "And lastly, I wanted to introduce my family. Our queen, Mavis, Our princess Wendy, our prince Jellal, and lastly, our prince Mystogan" when he mentioned him, the other people who didn't know about him mumbled and asking what was going on "I also mentioned because of what the elder did, we also suffered from a family lost. But the country of Sabertooth, which is ruled by my brother, they took care of my other son, and now, I wanted to introduce to everyone, Mystogan" When Mystogan entered, the people were surprised to see that there were two Jellals. "Everyone, these people, from now on we will serve and give our best to start our kingdom from the start."
The noble families and royal family bowed down and the people gave them around of applause.
"I wanted to resume the party. Please enjoy the post birthday celebration of Prince Jellal and Prince Mystogan"
The party resumed again and Mystogan and Jellal became busy greeting the families from other countries
Before the party ended, Mystogan stood in front of everyone and gave his gratitude "Everyone, it is my pleasure to stand before you all. I am Mystogan. I gave my sincerest gratitude to everyone for celebrating our birthday. Before this thing happened, I gave my own family a little bit of trouble. However, it was a great thing that I went here. I met my family, and I met someone who I like to be with. But, I wanted to tell everyone, and to my parents, that I am not going to stay here in Fiore, and I will go back to Sabertooth. I hope that you accept my decision. But before I go back, I wanted make sure that Fiore is really in good hand. Am I right, future king, Jellal?"
Jellal who was with Natsu and Gray was startled to what Mystogan said. Mystogan teasingly smile and called Jellal in front
"What am I supposed to do?" Jellal whispered to him
"Well, after all, instead later in Lumen Histoire just the two of you, I hope you do it right now." Mystogan grinned
"You bastard, I wanted to make it in private you know"
"Well then everyone, I will leave Jellal here for now, since he has an important news"
"Hahahaha! Mystogan really did what we asked him" Natsu and Gray said in chorused
"Aye" Happy agreed
"What did you ask?" Lucy and the others asked and the three just grinned on them
"Honestly, I am surprised to what Mystogan said." Jellal sighed. He looked at Zeref and Mavis who were having fun. "They know about it" he thought. He took a deep breath and continued "I am grateful for everyone to be here, to celebrate our birthday. Before the party end, I wanted to do something." He looked at the direction where Erza was that made the people around here guessed what he wanted to do "First, I would like to invite Erza Scarlet to come forward and join me here in front"
Natsu, Happy and Gray who knew all along teasingly pushed Erza to walk.
"Is he for real?"
Their friends said in their thought
Erza slowly walked in front and Jellal smiled to her sweetly
"I apologize Erza for this short notice. For I am also nervous and surprised to what's going on right now"
Erza's face blushed as red as her hair and she was nervous. She didn't know what he was thinking but the beating of her heart became crazier and louder
The palace became louder, their friends cheered and giggled, and Erza's eyes wided and the pumping of her heart was unstoppable and became louder and louder as Jellal kneeled down on one knee, with a ring on his hand and asked her
"Erza Scarler, I know that you are still wavering if you wanted to live in the palace or not. In the future, I will be the one who will rule this kingdom, and I want you to be by my side. I want you to be the mother not just our future kids, but also the mother and queen of this kingdom. Erza Scarlet, will you marry me?"
Erza's tears gradually ran down in her cheeks. Even though her voice was shivering, she answered "Yes, I will, Jellal Vermilion"
Jellal put the ring on her left fourth finger and in front of everyone, he kissed her. Everyone clapped and cheered for them. Even though Erza was still surprised to what happened, Jellal and Erza smiled and accepted the cheer from everyone.
"King, King Mystogan has arrived" reported by a messenger
"No, he is with Kagura-sama and the others"
"Ah, Siegrain, you are back." He answered and looked at the messenger "Thank you for the report, you may go"
"I arrived with Wendy-sama, and she went to greet Mystogan-sama" Siegrain handed an envelope and he chuckled "She said that she finished doing her duties, so she wanted to have a day off. By the way, Jellal-sama, I don't see Erza-sama. Is she in the Scarlet household?"
Jellal stood up and sighed "No, she went to Lumen Histoire. Those two kids wanted to play there. They will be back soon. Well, let's go. I need to greet Mystogan"
The two of them went to the grand hall and there Mystogan and Kagura were standing with a girl that looked like Kagura. Wendy and Carla were there too
"Oh, why do come Mystogan?" Jellal immediately asked
"JELLAL-NIISAMA!" Wendy scolded him but Mystogan just chuckled
"It's been 10 years Jellal." Mystogan responded and Jellal stared at the girl who hid behind Mystogan
"So this is your child, you don't look like him." He commented then looked at Mystogan "10 years you idiot. The last time I saw you was when you got married to Kagura. And when there's event and gathering here, you send Rogue and the others" Jellal complained
"I'm going to say the same thing. You only went to Sabertooth once. You always send Natsu and the others, you stupid king" Mystogan countered and the two started to gaze each other when
"CUT IT OUT YOU TWO STUPID KINGS!" Wendy scolded them "You two, grow up"
"Oh, Mystogan-sama and Kagura-sama, you arrived." Erza came in with two kids running towards Jellal
"Papa!" the two shouted
"Welcome back" Jellal smiled as he kneeled down and gave both of them a hugged "Did you have fun, Eren, Jeza?" the two nodded "I see, well then, father and mother have business to do right now. I want to ask you two" Jellal pointed Mystogan's child and smiled "That is your cousin, Mika-chan. That old man's daughter. She is the 5 years old, same age with you Jeza. Will you go and play with her in the garden?"
Eren and Jeza looked at her and they smiled widely. They ran towards her and they led her to the garden and they played
"Whose old man, Jellal? I'm just the same age as you" Mystogan complained and again Wendy scolded the two of
"For goodness sake, we're going to celebrate father's birthday and Eren-kun's. Since they only have a day apart." Wendy explained "So can you two please grow up? These two stupid kings"
"And to think they are kings" Natsu with Lucy, Happy, Gray and Juvia entered the grand hall
"Lucy, Yukino and the others went to see you" Kagura told her and she nodded
"Yeah, we saw each other. They are just going to your house and then to Dreyar family" Lucy explained
"Well then, why don't we start and explain to Mystogan-sama and Kagura-sama about your plan"
They talked about the celebration and ended the planning with Wendy scolding her two brothers
"What are you looking at, my queen? Can I join you?" Jellal approached Erza who was standing in the balcony of their room
"Sure you can. The sky is so clear and it's so beautiful." Erza chuckled and looked at Jellal "You looked tired."
"Well, I don't know, but it's kind of tiring today" Jellal answered and then put his arm around Erza's waist
"But it's been a while since it's become lively like that" she commented "Thank's for the good work"
Jellal chuckled and kissed Erza in the forehead and then kissed her in the lips "Same with you"
"Well then, let's go sleep" Erza was about to go inside when
"Ah, Erza" she looked at Jellal curiously "I love you"
Erza's face became red and pinched Jellal's cheek "You always say it" she sighed and grabbed Jellal's hand and smiled "I love you too, Jellal"