
Don't own Kung Fu Panda

It was a couple of months after the whole Shen thing. No one expected it because no one thought that it was possible. But it was and it happened and that was the bad part, but in this case it was a good thing that it happened.

Po was eating one of the dumplings in the kitchen along side Monkey, Crane, and Mantis, who were at the table watching Po eat. Viper was somewhere else in the palace. Po was enjoying his food when Shifu and Master Tigress came into the room. Po and the others scrambled to bow, and Po chewed down one more dumpling. Shifu shook his head as he addressed Po. "Po, this afternoon you have to study the ancient scrolls. You've been lacking concentration to read them. That is all." Shifu left leaving the others there. Po groaned as he plopped back down in his chair with a depressed look.

"I hate reading the scrolls," Po grumbled. Tigress sighed.

"Po, you have to learn to see the importance of this. You're the Dragon Warrior. I know that Tai-Lung and Shen are gone, but another threat like them may arise," She said. Po let out a huff of air.

"Before I go to read the scrolls, I'm going to meditate," Po said getting up from his chair.

"You mean, go to your bed and take a nap," Mantis smirked.

"You know it," Po called back as he walked down the hall to his room and went to sleep.

A room filled with bookshelves that soared endlessly to the bright light at the ceiling. In the center of the room were three figures at a big table about the size of a small house. The floor was made out of clouds, and the figures started to show their faces. One was a big lion in a white Chinese vest and white pants. Another was a giant yak in a white robe, and the third was a familiar turtle with a white sash around his body. It was Oogway, and he and the others looked keenly on the table. The table showed all the world and it was focused on a lone person. This person was running, it seemed, for his life. Oogway looked at the yak and lion and said,"So what is your opinion?"

"He is not redeemable," the lion said. Oogway sighed.

"I would expect that from you Zelon. But I think that he could still have a chance," Oogway argued.

"He's had a loving father that told him his wrong, everything that he could ever need and want, and he still pushed it all aside for what? A blank scroll that he probably still hasn't understood. It would be better to put him out of his misery," Zelon reasoned.

"He's had everything except a passionate, loving brother, Po," the turtle replied. Zelon rolled his eyes.

"The panda is the universally chosen Dragon Warrior, but he isn't a miracle cure for stubbornness . The moment he sees Po, it will be bad for everyone. Then Po will actually have to kill him. It would be better to end this now," he said.

"You don't know that. Only one person knows that for sure. Isn't that right, Chung?" Oogway said looking at the giant yak. Chung closed his eyes and reopened them.

"There is a 50-50 chance of it going good or bad. In either case, happiness will come to the land. Of course we can't do anything unless all of us agree," Chung said looking at Zelon.

"You're going to have to convince me better than that," he said stubbornly.

"You and that person have something in common. You're both stubborn," Oogway said pointing to the running man, "How about this? If Po doesn't change him, we personally cut him down. End of story."

"Why are you so persistent in giving this guy a second chance?" Zelon asked.

"Because everyone deserves to be forgiven. It's what got you here," Oogway reminded him. Zelon was silent for a time.

"Okay, fine, we'll let the snow leopard live. But Po will have to know about this."

"He already does. Isn't that right, Po?" Oogway said turning to Po who had witnessed all this in quiet. Now he was even more startled that Oogway addressed him. "Go to the ancient scrolls. See what you can find about the Wuxi finger hold and it's truth." Po looked at the table with the man running. It was Tai-Lung. "He's alive, and you have to change his heart. Please, Po. You're his only hope." Then everything started to get black.

Po jolted from his bed in cold sweat. It was still daytime, and it didn't seem that he slept more than an hour. "It was a dream," Po whispered to himself, but he started wondering if it really was. He jumped out from his bed and dashed down to the Hall of Heroes to study the scrolls. He looked through a lot of them. Shifu was surprised to see that Po was EARLY to his studying.

"Po?" he asked startling Po.

"AH! Yes, Master Shifu?" Po cried.

"Sorry to scare you, but why are you so early and eager in reading the ancient scrolls?" Shifu asked.

"Um...Because you told me to?" Po said trying to search for a good excuse.

"Oh, good. Um, Po, are you okay? You seem kind of jumpy," Shifu asked. Po would have laughed. He would be jumpy too if he knew what Po knew. Po was about to tell him but he stopped. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring Shifu into this, for his own safety. So he decided to take on this task in private.

"Nothing Master," Po finally said as Shifu walked away. While reading through the scrolls, Po figured out that the Wuxi finger hold would only transport the opponent where they NEEDED to be. Not kill them. So Tai-Lung was alive. He knew that Shen was dead. He never told anyone this, but while underwater, Po was trying to save Shen from the weight of the cannon, but Shen kept pushing him away. Like he wanted to die that way. But maybe Oogway was right about Tai-Lung. Maybe he was redeemable. But if he was, then why didn't Oogway choose him to be Dragon Warrior? All these thoughts were rushing through Po's head. Po put all the scrolls back in their place and paced around. How was he suppose to do this? He finally figured out something. And he put his plan in action.

"You need to take your father and Zeng on a week long trip for family business?" Shifu asked. Po was packing his things while Mr. Ping and Zeng sat in the cart ready to go. Po turned to Shifu and the Furious Five.

"Yes, I have to see a family member whose down on his luck," Po replied. It wasn't a complete lie, but it still was. "We should be back in a week."

"Maybe one of us should go with you," Viper suggested. Po immediately shook his head.

"That won't be necessary. My family member has a strong dislike for Kung Fu. The only reason I'm taking Zeng is so that I can be in touch with you guys," Po explained.

"Well, I hope that you have a safe journey," Shifu said as they started to leave.

"See you guys," Po shouted back. Truth was that Zeng was needed so that if Tai-lung did finish Po off, then Zeng would be the messenger. Po took a risk with his father, but he knew that he would be okay. Po kept his mission so well that he didn't tell Zeng or Mr. Ping. Until it was time.