Halo: Surrender unto the Night

Authors Note: This is my first short story so please, no hating. I have read a lot of lemon-containg stories, and authors have said it is harder to have a male human on female alien, so I decided to write a few of those. Also, I have not found many Kig-yar and human relationship stories, so I started with one of those. This will contain lemons and Kig-yar on human sex. You have been warned.

Chapter 1

John forced his eyes open. He groaned as the annoying beeping of the emergency indicator filled his head. Red lights flashed throughout his ODST pod. He fumbled with the three hatch release switches and eventually the pod's cover flew off into the night. John undid the straps holding him against his less-than-comfortable chair. He grunted as he yanked his assault rifle from it's place by his side. John dropped the two metres to the ground and ended with a roll. He surveyed his surroundings. Not even the combined power of the planet's twin moons could penetrate the midnight darkness. Most of the large industrial buildings the city contained were crumbling or reduced to rubble. Scattered throughout this godforsaken place were the rest of his team. John quickly checked over his equipment. His black ODST armour with turquoise details had been polished recently, not a scratch marked it's surface. John retrieved his silenced magnum from it's hip holster. In good working order and four spare clips. John returned the magnum and studied his assault rifle. Shit. He thought. I forgot to get ammo. John didn't know how he could have forgotten, and he was pretty pissed at himself for it, but it looked as though he would be relying on his magnum. John silently cursed himself again, then set off to search for his squad.

High above the cracked streets, moving with silent ease from building to crumbling building, a lone jackal tracked the movements of an equally lone ODST. The Kig-yar cocked it's beam rifle but did not fire. This human would live. For now.

John swore and ducked behind a long abandoned dumpster. A pack of five grunts trotted by. If only Shaun could see me now. He scowled. Hiding from a bunch of grunts. Though grunts weren't John's only problem. Firing now could alert nearby Elites or Brutes. Then he would be screwed. John let out his breath as the grunts passed him by, unawares. John moved on.

The Jackal watched with interest as the human hid from a group of grunts. The Jackal could have radioed them and alerted them the the human's presence, but the Jackal had other plans for him. So the lone Covie watched the human sneak off. Patience was one of this creature's strong points.

John ducked into a nearby doorway. He hated all this covertness, but with only one clip in his assault rifle, he couldn't risk a firefight. Little did he know his efforts were in vain. The lone Jackal had been tailing him for over three hours now. And it wasn't about to stop. John moved on. The Jackal shadowed him. John stumbled. He looked down at the marine helmet he'd just sent rolling across the ground. He shuddered at the thought of dying here, all alone. Just then two brutes rounded the corner ahead of him. John stared dumbly at the giant monsters looming ahead of him. The brutes stared back. One of them raised it's spiker and levelled it with John's head. John took the hint and dived aside just as the lethal metal spikes burst from the Brute's gun. By now, the other Brute had produced a Brute shot and John had whipped up his assault rifle. He held the trigger down as tight as he could and was rewarded with the sound of the gun coming to life. The Brute with the Spiker's shield crackled out of existence and the remnants of John's clip sunk into the Brute's chest. John quickly threw the empty gun aside and drew his magnum as he rolled to avoid a grenade that had emerged from the brute shot. John hammered the trigger of his magnum. The Brute stumbled back as his shield was depleted. Three bullets later, the magnum clicked empty. Not allowing the Brute to recover, John shoulder charged the Brute and knocked him down. Before the disoriented Brute could so much as look at him, John snatched up the spiker from the ground and rammed it into the beast's chest. The Brute flailed for a bit, weapon still in hand, before going limp and dying. John collapsed onto the ground next to the corpse. Once John's breathing had returned to normal, he stood up. Searing pain flared up his left side as he attempted to do so. Gasping in surprise, John realised the Brute must have cut him with it's brute shot's blade. John gritted his teeth against the pain, then got to his feet. He checked his wound and instantly regretted it. Scarlet blood stained his armor where a deep gash ran down his side. John closed his eyes against the nausea and limped away before any more Covenant showed up.

The Jackal watched with interest as the human effectively dispatched the first Brute. It got confused when, instead of reloading, the human tossed his weapon aside and drew a smaller, less effective one. The Jackal slung it's beam rifle over it's shoulder. It moved calmly to match the injured human's slow pace.

John checked, double checked, and finally triple checked his surroundings and radar for nearby enemies. After none presented themselves, he moved into a dead-end alleyway. He leaned his back against the wall at the end and slowly slid down into a sitting position. His wound was starting to take it's toll. I'll just rest for a second. John decided. Just... One...

John's eyes closed.

He fell asleep.