Lucy's POV

The sun was shining bright, lighting up the guild hall and I entered it, hearing the familiar cheering and fights in Fairy Tail. I prepared myself for the small pain that will come. Even after six months, it still hurts, though I have gotten stronger. At least I still have some people who believe in me in this guild. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't know if I would still be sane. I don't bother to exclaim my loud and cheerful greeting, what would be the point if will be drowned by all this ruckus anyways? It's now more practical to greet my friends as I approach them.

"Good morning, nee-chan!" greeted the ever so happy Wendy Marvell. Despite all the darkness she had seen, she was still the epitome of innocence and kindness. We always had a sister-like relationship, so little Wendy is like a younger sister too me. She is one of the few that still acknowledges my existence, to my relief.

"Lucy nee-chan" That was Romeo Conbolt. Surprisingly, he remembered me even though we weren't so close. Maybe it is because of Wendy…..

"Yo, Bunny Girl" At this greeting, I sweat dropped. The only person who ever calls me that is Gajeel Redfox. To say I was surprised he remembered me even when my (ex)best friend Levy didn't was an understatement. I still can't figure out the reason, though. Maybe it was because he didn't know Lisanna back then?

"Good morning Lucy-sama" Believe it or not, that was Juvia Lockser. She dropped the "Love rival" thing 5 months ago, after getting over her "little crush" cough*obsession* cough on Gray. We became closer, to the point we are like sisters toward each other, and now living under the same roof along with a few other people. I guess the Tower of Heaven incident brought us closer together than we thought.


"Hey, Cosplay Queen"

"Good morning, Lucy"


This group was the one that literally got me falling off my chair when they remembered me. If you couldn't figure it out, that was Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed, and Laxus. Together, they are known as the Raijinshuu. We became closer after everyone started ignoring me. Maybe I should tell you about what happened….


"Ohayo, minna!"

When I got no replay, I sighed. Every since Lisanna came back "from the dead", the only people who seems to be my friends are Wendy, Romeo, Gajeel, Juvia, the Raijinshuu, Carla, Lily, and master. Its, not like it is Lisanna's fault, after all she was presumed to be dead for 2 years, and she is a very sweet girl, it's just that, it gets lonely sometimes. My ex- crush, Natsu, who also used to be my male best friend, hasn't spoken to me in two months, along with the rest of the team, and the guild. Even Mira, the friendly bartender, has been ignoring me, so Juvia always orders my strawberry milkshake for me, and Levy, my best friend, fellow bookworm, the one who reads my novel, decided to spend time with Lisanna. I know I sound selfish, but it just hurts me so much.

However, I haven't spent all this time being lazy and not doing anything. After that incident in Edolas, I realized I need to get stronger if I wasn't to protect my loved ones. My spirits really helped with my training, and the Spirit King even gave my access to an ancient book which allows a celestial mage to "evolve"

No longer will I be the weak Lucy who always need to be protected. This time, I will be the one to protect. I will not let my remaining friends get hurt. If only I have more to protect….

*Flashback ends*

I sat down with then, Juvia already passing a milkshake to me, which I accepted gratefully. The chatter and disaster was ingnored and we (well…most of us) joked around and teases each other. I saw Romeo and Wendy whispering to each other quietly, causing me to resist to squeal as loud as I can. Carla and Lily were in a deep, intellectual conversation that I can't seem to follow. Juvia was obviously ignoring Gray, and same thing with Gajeel with Levy.

The Raijinshuu was, like usual, gathering around Laxus, but the difference is that al of them were also joining in our conversation, Evergreen making a few slightly conceited remarks, Freed adding in his genius opinions, Bixlow joking around, and Laxus swearing and insulting the rest of the guild. Interesting group we have here. Maybe I should ask Laxus to help me improve on my speed later and Freed to help me in strategizing…those two skills are very important in battle.

Raijinshuu, with all the battle experience that have, helped me the most on my training, much to my surprise. But it did work, making my much stronger both mentally and physically. Gajeel and Juvia also helped a lot, but Wendy and Romeo didn't have enough experience, but their sharp minds did pick up some things.

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't the only one being trained. We all helped each other, strengthening each other and helping with weaknesses. For example, since Juvia is made of water, electric attacks harm her a lot, so Laxus trained helped her so it isn't as harmful to her now.

Not only did we become stronger in mind and body, but out bond also grew. It was a stronger bond then I have ever felt with anyone else, even with Team Natsu

"Hey, Lucy!" I looked up right away, my train of thought crashing. That was Natsu speaking to me for the first time in six months. Still, I can't help but feel that something bad will happen, so I put on a fake smile and replied to him.

"Hey, Natsu. How was your day?" I asked, attempting to sound like my cheerful old self.

"Lucy, can I ask you a favor?" He asked, surprisingly serious.

As soon as I heard those words, I braced myself for the worse. Because I've been taking solo missions lately, I actually became more observant. Seeing how he was calling me Lucy instead of Luce, and he has a serious expression, I can tell that it was bad news. Also, Lisanna has been going on missions with team Natsu instead of me, so maybe they are kicking me off the team to make room for Lisanna. (AN:


"Well, Lisanna came back from the dead for six months already, and me, Gray, and Erza were very good friends with her, so can she take your place on the team?"

"Lucy, think about it, Lisanna was gone for two years, so we want to see how much she has improved, and you are kind of….weak." Erza Scarlet, well at least we know what you think of me. (AN: When did she get here? O-O") She thinks that I'm weak. WEAK! I chuckled darkly, and it seems like Natsu and Erza noticed, because they gave me a strange look. Still, THEY THINK THAT I AM WEAK? They didn't even look at me for the past six months, and they really think that I just sit there and do nothing but smile and look pretty? No, I went on missions to pay my rent, I was training to learn an advanced form of Celestial magic, and I became an S- class wizard three months ago. I beat Laxus in a battle, I can take down five dark guilds in a week, and I can summon more than six spirits at a time, a feat that has never been accomplished until now. Oh, and I'm one of the Ten Wizard Saints trusted advisors. They have no right, NONE, to call me weak. And how can Lisanna improve her magic while she was in Edolas when Edolas has NO MAGIC. ZERO! Sadly, Natsu just has to interrupt my thoughts.

"Lucy, from now on you are off of team Natsu. Actually, you should be quit Fairy Tail. We are the strongest guild in Fiore and you, a weakling have no position to be in it."

The whole guild were listening to the conversation, and everyone except for Juvia, Wendy, Romeo,, Gajeel, Evergreen, Bixlow, Freed, Laxus, Carla, and Lily, agreed with Natsu and Erza. The others who did not agree were gritting their teeth and clenching their fist in barely contained anger.

"Yeah Lucy, you always rely on us and your spirits to protect you. You lost twice in the GMG, which dragged us down. Now that you are out of the team and Lisanna is in it, we will be much stronger and we will get our missions done quicker. Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in Fiore and we are…."

Gray never got to finish his sentence because Juvia finished for him.

"….a bunch of liars"

"What!", "what is going on?", "Juvia is talking back to Gray?", "Lucy should really just get out of here" echoed in the hall, but what Juvia said darkened the mood even more.

"Juvia chose to be in Fairy Tail because Gray-baka told me that Fairy Tail Is a place where people can find a family that cares about them. Juvia believed you guys because you keep on saying that you will fight for your nakama and you will always protect your nakama and will defeat anyone who hurts your nakama. Now, Juvia knows this is all a lie because Fairy Tail is the one hurting their nakama. Everyone here says that it doesn't matter if you are weak or strong, old or young, pretty or ugly; you are still considered nakama in Fairy Tail. Natsu went to Sabertooth to beat them up because they kicked out Yukino because they claimed that she was weak, but that is exactly what he is doing to Lucy now. This guild is just a bunch of liars, except for a few certain people."

"Juvia calm down, it's no big deal," said Gray while putting his hand on Juvia's shoulder. To surprise, Juvia slapped Gray hard instead of blushing like the guild expected her to do.

Suddenly, Natsu shouted, "Hey look, the weakling's crying!"

Everyone turned toward Lucy, only to see her bangs covering her eyes and her shoulders shaking uncontrollably. But to everyone's surprise (once again) when Lucy looked up, she wasn't crying, but rather, laughing maniacally.

Lucy finally calmed down and said darkly, "So you think I'm weak, eh? Well then, let's have a battle, everyone who thinks I'm weak is on team Natsu's team and everyone who knows I'm not weak is on my team."

Though they were surprise that the supposedly weakest link in their guild challenged then, some of the strongest mages in Fiore, everyone agreed, for the sake of pride and their ego telling them that they will win, they are undeafeatable, and they all went outside to battle, rolling their eyes at Lucy's foolishness.. Lucy saw this and smirked before saying the two words that caused the mayhem to start.

"Battle Begin"

And all hell broke loose.

Scarlet: So, how was it?

Laxus and Gajeel: Horrible

Scarlet: *Crying* Even if it is horrible, you don't have to be so blunt about it. Plus this is my first fan fiction.

Lucy: Laxus, Gajeel, you made the author cry. Now apologize.

Laxus/Gajeel: No way, Blondie/Bunny girl

Lucy: WHY YOU-

Scarlet- *sniffles* It's ok, Lucy. I'll just make then wear frilly pink dresses and lose to Natsu in the next chapter.

Laxus/Gajeel: *Looks at each other* NO WAY! *bows down* Oh great Scarlet, please forgive us and your story is great.

Lucy: *Laughs* Scarlet doesn't own fairy tail, but if she did, Laxus and Gajeel will always wear pink

Scarlet: Thank you for doing the disclaimer, Lucy. Now, where is Gajeel and Laxus?

Gajeel and Laxus: *Hides in the dark corner and shudders*

Scarlet: Well, sorry if you don't like the story so far, or if everyone is too OOC, but this is my first Fan fiction and I'm a new author. I created this account less than a week ago, so forgive me if this is horrible. But please, tell me your honest opinion about this story, and don't forget to rate and review. I will try to update ASAP.


Published : 3/29/14

Edited: 10/2/15