Soulmates – chapter 7

On the previous day ...

Hannibal was walking with Francis Dolarhyde by one of several hallways of that school. They were leaving the last class of the day, Biology, with Ms. Beverly Katz (the only female teacher at school). He would accompany Francis to the training of the team, then look for Will.

It was getting difficult to pry the boy, every day he chose a different place to stay. Will was not stupid, he realized that Hannibal had interest in him. He tried to be discreet in this stalking thing, but the boy had already noticed it and he was avoiding Him. Will probably should be thinking that Hannibal wanted to do him harm. Ah, if he knew the truth.

The two walked side by side in the hallway and Francis said something about his desire to make a huge tattoo on his back, but Hannibal was not paying attention. He looked around, searching for some sign of Will. Right ahead, Hannibal could see the trio of orcs. Gary, Tobias and Gideon were coming towards him and Hannibal stopped walking and watched them approach.

"... Like, a Red Dragon would be cool ..." Francis continued his monologue and realized that his new friend had stopped. "What happen?" He then turned his attention to the trio that was approaching.

"Hey Francis, you're walking with him now?" Gideon said pointing to Hannibal. "I thought you were with us."

"I prefer the company of intelligent people." He replied sarcastically.

Gideon got the joke and took a step forward, ready to punch Francis, but Gary stopped him with a shake of the head.

"How's our little friend, Lecter?" Gary said with an evil grin. "You two share the room, don't you? Have you fucked him? After all, how can you resist those big blue eyes? His skin must be so soft..." Gary smirked. "I bet he screams like a slut."

Hannibal almost lost control at that time. He took a step in the direction of Gary, but this time was Francis who stopped him, holding his arm. If Francis had not stopped him, Hannibal would have given such a strong punch in Gary that he would have broken his hand. How dare he talk about Will that way? But he knew that was what he wanted, make Hannibal loose control, because students who fought in the school would be expelled. Hannibal controlled his violent impulse, but his expression showed what he felt. Gary noticed how he had been disturbed.

"Oh, I knew it! You're fucking that fagot." Gary said with a smirk.

"His name is William. And if you don't want me to rip your larynx with my hands, you will never speak of him that way. "

"What did this guy have anyway? First Alan, now you. I think I'll get in line. "

Gary said, turning to his friends with a smile and they practically clapped. When Gary turned to face Hannibal, he was punched in the face, however, the punch came from Francis.

Gary lost his balance and fell backwards, being supported by Tobias and Gideon who were now shocked by the scene, and Hannibal himself also was shocked for a moment. Francis looked at Hannibal and said:

"I can't stand this asshole."

"You punched me, you son of a bitch!" Gary cried with his hand on the broken nose that bled.

"I punched you?" Francis made a confused face. "No, no, this is a training injury. Rugby is a violent sport." Francis rarely used sarcasm, but when he used it, it was barbaric.

Gary straightened and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his blue coat.

"I'll get you two." He said through his teeth and looked at them with piercing eyes. "And that pussy too. You just can't watch him all the time."

Without another word, Gary and the orcs retreat from then, out of sight. Hannibal looked at Francis.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I know that if you get into trouble you will be kicked out, besides, beat him felt so good! "

Francis smiled and Hannibal smiled with him. When the two returned to walk, Hannibal smiled on the outside, but inside he was terribly worried, the last words of Gary echoed in his head. Gary was a wolf circling prey that was Will. He could not keep an eye on Will all the time, especially when the boy was afraid of him. And Alan, the best friend of Will did not trust Hannibal and never left the boy alone for long. And when they were alone in the dorm and Hannibal felt a tremendous desire to talk to the little one, he closed himself in a kind of mental cocoon, putting his headphones and pretending he was not there. If Hannibal would protect him properly, he should seek a rapprochement. But how?

It was then that Hannibal heard rumors that Alan had left the school without date to return because of a tragedy in the family. Which meant that Will would be alone, without friends and anyone that disturbed.

He would made his second move in the next morning.