Author's Note: All right! This story is now finally over! :)

Thank you Star, Crystal-Gem-Goddess, Trollface Mastah, and anybody else who read this for your support and assistance. You were wonderful.


Two days later, Capri was allowed to go home with her father to the Crystal Temple. Sixteen-year-old Steven wanted to spend most of the day showing off his pride and joy rather than crying over Amethyst, so he did his best not to think about her too much. He tried to imagine how Connie would react if she wasn't living in Canada with her family right now, but it seemed like a rather daunting task since he hadn't seen her in four years, which quite frankly felt more like an eternity than anything else.

The first people to drop by were the Suzumiyas. Rumiko was the only one of Himika's children who wasn't there, since she and Ronaldo Fryman had gone on their honeymoon to Okinawa. Atari looked a little bit more enthusiastic than usual, Hitomi was overjoyed by the sight of the baby, Daisuke was excited about his first look at the child, and Juno seemed very curious about what the hub-bub was.

"She's so cute!" Hitomi squealed. She thought Capri was the cutest baby to ever exist. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure, but be careful." Steven warned.

He handed the newborn over to the fifteen-year-old girl and watched her as her motherly behavior kicked in. Atari smirked to herself as she watched her younger sister; as long as Hitomi was happy, she was happy too. The attitude spread towards Daisuke and Juno as well; they didn't really care if they didn't get to hold the baby yet.

"How's everybody?" Tanzanite asked as she walked into the room.

"Oh, we're fine!" Himika perked up. "Have you seen how adorable Capri is?"

"Yes, I have." the blue Gem replied with a bit of a laugh. Then she muttered, "I just wish Rose was here to see this. I think she would've really loved her."

Little did she know, though, that Rose had been with them this entire time. However, nobody could see her since she was a spirit. Regardless, the pink Gem floated right over to where Capri was and petted her head.

"Oh, Capri..." Rose spoke softly. "I just know you're going to be happy all your life. Good luck..."

She kissed her little granddaughter on the eyelids and then just disappeared. The kisses had sent Capri into a giggling fit, which confused everybody else in the room, but the child didn't care. As she'd grow up, she'd know that Rose was right and that she was continuing her legacy.