It all started when Draco woke up on Hogsmeade weekend, covered with sweat and breathing heavily, really.

Of course, we're not going to tell you why he was breathing heavily in the first place- personal business, people- But yes- it all started then, really.

Draco Malfoy's eyes were widened with shock, and fear, and perhaps some denial and mourning, as well.

Again, we're not going to tell you why, so don't ask!

The teen sat up, ruffling his fingers through his hair.

"That dream again...?" He lifted his right hand shakily, staring at it as though it would tell him all the answers.

"... Why can't I remember it?"

xXxXxXx Empty Dreams xXxXxXx

When Draco went to Hogsmeade that day, he decided to bring an old sketch with him.

Don't ask why he brought it everywhere; he just did. He didn't know where did he get it from, if he was even the one who drew it, but whenever he looked at it, it calmed him down in one shot, and he always brings it with him after one of those nights.

It was what kept him from hyperventilating in the middle of class.

He may enjoy attention, and milk even the smallest of cuts for what it's worth, but he'd prefer it if he didn't get attention while trying to keep from having a panic attack in the middle of daylight.

He doesn't even know why he gets panic attacks; he just does.

Draco wandered absently, taking out the sketch and glancing at it, a soft smile on his face. He had made sure to write his name on the back of it.

But as he wandered, he realized if he didn't hurry, he would end up getting left behind.

His eyes widened as he ran hurriedly to the carriages.

He didn't realize until he was back at Hogwarts that he had let go of the sketch in his rush.

xXxXxXx Lost Memory xXxXxXx

"-George, do you see this?"

George took a look at what Fred held in his hand.

"Why yes, dear brother," said George with a grin. "I believe I do."

"It appears to be-"

"-a drawing that-"

"-was misplaced!" Fred finished, smiling. "It seems old, though."

"Indeed," George agreed. "Do you think there might be anything else on this drawing, brother mine?"

"Possibly." He flipped the drawing around.

Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"Merlin," Fred exclaimed. "It belongs to Draco Malfoy."

"It seems so." George stared at the name for a bit longer. "What should we do with it?"

"We wait until the next Hogsmeade weekend. This may not be our normal service, but we cannot keep someone's belongings from them- no matter who it is."

"But it's just a sketch."

"It's Malfoy." Fred folded the paper up. "Who knows what he'll say if he found out we're the ones that have it."

George nodded as they walked away.

Honestly, Fred didn't know why he was doing this. But he can't help but guess that from the yellowed, aged quality that it's a very old drawing, and by the crinkles that he had held and looked at it often. If Malfoy had kept it for that long, it must have been very precious to him, and it would be just cruel to keep it away from him.

If he took it away from him, he would be no better than Malfoy himself.

He supposed that's the real reason why they're going to give it back.

xXxXxXx Found Drawing xXxXxXx

Draco was panicking.

He couldn't believe he had been so stupid to lose the drawing.

It had been in his hands right there, and then he realized he was nearly left behind, and then...

How could he have been so stupid to let it go?!

He was lucky he went the week without any of those dreams. Rare as they may be, they're still troublesome, as well as a little scary.

That didn't keep him from being in a bad mood, though.

When Hogsmeade weekened came around again, he ran everywhere. He doesn't care if someone threw it in the trashcan already, he won't give up until he finds it!


Draco blinked, and turned around to see a cloaked figure.

"Want your drawing back?" asked the figure.

Draco narrowed his eyes. "How did you-"

He didn't get a chance to say another word, however, as the figure had grabbed his hand and had started dragging him away.

"H-hey!" He tried to pull away, but the grip was rather strong. "Where're you taking me?!"

The figure didn't answer. He just kept running, dragging the boy along as he ran into a shop.

Draco didn't get a chance to see the name of the shop.

He could guess immediately the moment he entered the shop, though.

"Weasleys," he growled out as the cloaked figure removed his hood to reveal the other twin.

"Now, now, Malfoy," chided George Weasley- or Fred Weasley, whichever was the one already in the shop. "We don't exactly want you here, either."

"Then why did you drag me here?" Draco glared at the two pranksters.

"Don't you remember what I said earlier?" asked the one that was wearing the cloak.

Draco blinked, then recalled what he said earlier.

"Want your drawing back?"

"You have it?" Draco stood up, and pointed at them. "Give it to me-"

"-'or I'll tell my father'?" George-or-Forge interrupted. "Sorry, but that's not going to work here."

Draco glared.

His father was the last person that he'd tell of that piece of parchment.

Fred-or-Gred sighed. "Do you want it back or not?"

"Yes," the boy hissed.

The cloaked twin pulled out a certain drawing from his pocket.

He retracted it before Draco snatched it out of his hand.



"Say please."

"Please," the boy said without hesitation. "Now can I have it back?" He was facing Fred now, a hint of desperation starting to crawl up into his voice.

Fred nearly flinched. He didn't exactly expect him to react to the drawing like this.

"Alright," he conceded, handing it over. Malfoy snatched it hastily, clutching it to his chest like it was his lifeline.

Fred and George stared in fascination as Malfoy's expression turned into one of relief.

"Merlin," he muttered. "I nearly thought it was thrown away..."

George couldn't help but ask as he listened; "What's so special about a bird and a bunch of flowers, anyway?"

To both of their surprise, Malfoy didn't snap at them like they expected him too.

Instead, he smiled.

"Don't really know," he answered honestly. Fred raised an eyebrow. "The sketch always had this calming effect on me, you know. Keeps me from getting panic attacks in the middle of class."

George blinked in surprise. "Panic attacks?"

Malfoy seemed to realize what he was saying, as he quickly reverted back into 'snob' mode.

"To keep from panicking in a class full of Mudbloods, of course. Don't want their kind to infect me, after all," Malfoy smirked haughtily.

They growled at him. Once a Malfoy, always a Malfoy.

"Well, I guess I'll just go." Malfoy walked to the door, sketch safely in his pocket. "Don't want to get caught in a shop owned by blood-traitors."

As the boy neared the door, Fred couldn't help but wonder why exactly did he want to return the drawing. It wasn't even really important anyway, and-

"Er," Malfoy was just by the door. George and Fred snapped to attention. "Thanks. For giving back the sketch, I mean."

Fred's eyebrows rose to his hairline, and he had no doubts that George had done the same.

"I mean," Malfoy turned to them. "I know you didn't really want to return anything to me of all people, and it could mean just one sketch to you, but it really is important to me, so, uh..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks."

Then he turned back to the door and ran out.

Fred smiled in pleasant surprise.

"That was rather surprising," George commented. "Imagine, Malfoy, thanking us? I never thought I'd see the day."

"Me neither," Fred agreed, still smiling. "Then again, we likely don't know him over the bully persona he always displays."

George grinned. "It's nice to see that there's more to Malfoy than what we see."

"Yeah," Fred agreed. "It is."

xXxXxXx Different Sides xXxXxXx

Draco had another dream that night.

It was empty, as usual.

There was something different about it, though.

He heard voices. He didn't remember what they sounded like, didn't remember the faces, but they sounded familiar and yet not all the same.

He still felt a little scared when he woke up.

But Draco wasn't scared that much anymore.

He supposed the voices made all the difference.

He wanted to hear them again.

xXxXxXx Of A Coin xXxXxXx

Just as how I'm going to name this 'Mindless Drabbles', I am, in fact, filling this with mindless drabbles.

... Okay, not really that mindless. I actually like this plot.

I'm serious about the name, though.

Virtual cookie to who can guess what the sketch is. One hint was already given earlier, and the other is that it has something to do with FMA. In what way exactly? Figure it out yourself, if you can't figure it out before the next chapter I'll give another hint.

Honestly, I wanted to try out this format on Rebirth, as a lot of reincarnation fics seem to use it. But I had already posted the prologue like that, so I just ran with it.

It feels oddly nice to use this format.

Zoe: Really?

Where have you been?

Zoe: *rolls eyes*

This was pretty much what was keeping me from finishing the Hogwarts Express chapter of Rebirth. Had to get it out of my system.

Zoe: You mean this is your poop?

That's not what I mean, and you know it, Wattson!

Zoe: I'm not Wattson, and you know it. I'm Hikarine Zoe. :P


Anyway, I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own Fullmetal Alchemist! They belong to JK Rowling and Hiromu Arakawa respectively. All I own is the plot.

Also, I apologize for any OOC (I know it's there!) and anything out of place. E.g, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is supposed to be in Diagon Alley, not HOGSMEADE. I realize all of these flaws, but again, I'm writing this on a whim, by my own thoughts and ideas, and you're welcome to adjust anything to your comfort in your mind. I'm writing it without any thought to logic, because I just feel more comfortable that way. I ask you to understand that.

Fali~ AWAY! (End of Author's Note Inspired by ZakuroU)

(When it comes to ratings, I often just put it as T and leave it at that. Usually just to be safe. Really, this one is no exception, because while I'm not sure whether if I'll include innuendo (it's possible with future characters) I most definitely cannot avoid serious injuries and coarse language. I mean, the will most certainly be minor (in my view at least), but come on. We're talking about the anime that had people's brains blown out, impaled through the skull, pierced through the abdomen with a steel frame. This is kinda unavoidable, people.)