Clary POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, but choose to ignore it and pull the covers over my head when my annoying/loving brother comes in "CLARY WAKE UP" I rolled over to be found with a pillow hitting my face. I try to cover it up but end up failing.

"UUUUUGGGGGHHHH Jon" "Ow "JON" I say irritated

"Come on you have to get up forget about your first day, let me remind you you are going to be a junior while i'm a senior and.." "CLARISSA GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED NOW I DO NOT WANT TO BE LATE FOR OUR FIRST DAY" I jump out of bed at the sound of my first name

"alright alright just get out so i can get ready" i say i start putting my phone up to my stereo i put it to a loud yet not "my parents will kill me loud" pierce the veils king for a day .ft kellin quinn came on.

"Alright you have about hour if you take any longer i swear i will leave you" he said as he slammed/closed the door.

"shit" "Jon i call the first shower" I yelled

I quickly got my stuff and sprinted to the bathroom just as i was about to shut the door he came almost barging in

"Not fair i woke you up and this is how you repay me" he said with puppy dog eyes

"Yes, besides you take way longer than i do Jon and i'm a GIRL"

"what can i say i have to get ready for all those girls, oh and by the way Seelie will be riding with us"

"NOOOOOOO not her please jon can you please give her another ride later in the week i absolutely hate her remember what she did to me in 7th grade"

*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* Flash back *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*

I was walking down the hall to my last period when i heard everyone laughing turned to see what was so funny and seelie was behind me with a bucket of water and is that i squint my eyes MY SKETCHBOOK i started freaking out what did she want?

"hey flat chest how's it going" she said in the sweetest tone she could master.

"give me my sketchbook" i said with the most threatening glare i could give her

"You know what Sebastian said to me yesterday? When i asked him out to the dance he said no because he wanted you to be his date. You may be asking yourself why me i,m asking myself the same question now speak up what do you have with sebastian?" She said angrily

"me? i for your information hate sebastian there is nothing going on between us. and there never will. Now give me my sketchbook." i said with the same level of angry as her

"You know what i'll give you your sketchbook just one more thing your hair looks like its on fire her let me turn it out" and with that i was drenched in Sprite. She then gave me my sketchbook laughed and turned away"

*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*End of Flashback*・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・* *・゜゚・*

"yes i remember and for that i'll be the nicest brother in the world and let you have the next shower but Hurry"he said obviously was going to take the longest shower to make him bathe in cold water sometimes he was just evil.


Jace POV

I was in the library when i saw slightest hint of red in the corner of my eye i went to check it out and found a girl with long red insanely curly hair on her tiptoes trying to get a book from the top shelf i went behind her to help her so lifted her from the waste and carried/ pushed up she was really light actually

I set her down while she kept facing the bookshelf she didn't turn around " What's your name Red?" "i'ts.." she had a beautiful voice as i was about to turn her around in time to catch her name and her face.

I heard a hard banging on my door "JACE IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR I WILL COME IN THERE AND STRANGLE YOU TILL YOU WAKE UP, I WILL NOT BE LATE TO SCHOOL" that was my little sister Sky the short, strong,beautiful, little annoying Sky.

I went to open the door, but before i did i had one thought on my head 'who is she' she was about to put her fist in my face to knock again when i stopped her hand "I'm awake happy?"

"nope you look like shit, go take a shower and get ready then come down mom's not home-as always-but i made breakfast so come down when you're ready k" i nodded even though she was younger she was like my mom she certainly took more care of me and no offence, but she was the best cooker in the world she made the most AMAZING food I absolutely loved her to bits. She was my weakness if anything happened to her i would do everything in my power to save her even my own life, she was my little sister if anyone hurt her, the pain they would feel would be ten times worse.

She was the girl you would think to be so happy and perfect studying,laughing,loving she was that but she was also broken,hurt,and dead. Last summer i caught her in her room cutting herself she would always wear long sleaves i never suspected her to do that but i guess she did.

She would also be the king of girl who you thought would listen to Katy perry and Taylor swift, she isn't she listens to Pierce The Veil, Bring me the Horizon, Black Veil Brides, and of course Sleeping with Sirens.

She is the girl everyone likes, but she hates the attention she hid didn't like to sit with him and hated being the center of attention, but i loved her like that