Blood Bullet Chapter 1 (I DO NOT OWN YUGIOH)
Yugi sat there horrified, why did these things always half to happen to him. He could hear the whispers around him and the horrid stench of too many sweaty bodies cramped together into one room. Someone banged against the metal bars of the cage he had been placed in, but Yugi had steeled himself against all their antics to try and get a rise out of him. He shifted, his shoulders hurt painfully from the strain of holding his weight off the ground began to take its toll. He imagined they were in an old warehouse or manufacturing house because of the smells of old grease and oil that added to the stench of sweat, and the fact that his chained hands were being held up by a large crane hook. He could barely make out the faint traces of lights through the blind fold over his eyes.
"Next up, we have a young man, don't let his looks fool you folks he is twenty-three, he's small for his age and childish looking but he has a feisty spirit, with his wild three colored hair and beautiful set of purple eyes. So he would be great fun for those that wanted to teach those under them to behave. We start the bidding at 1 million." A man said.
Oh why him, he had never had it easy in his life with his looks and quiet personality, he had been subjected to dozens of beating through his years in school, even when he was in collage they still didn't stop. And more than one occasion he had been forced to dress as a girl and was almost raped, but thankfully he had escaped from it. But after going through all that his body was scarred from the beatings and he had a very hard time trusting people. So he had took it upon himself to learn self-defense, he also thought it would be good if he ever went to a archeologist site in a hostile area, but none of his training had prepared him for this.
They had shot him with some sort of dart that had knocked him out, on his way back from the museum, he had been asked to come down and give his opinion on some translations that had been given to them. Yugi was headed for the hospital to see about his grandpa, he had been in an induced coma for over three months as the doctors tried to figure out what had started to happen to his grandfather's heart. They had told him there was a specialist in the next town but he didn't have the money to send him there so he did as best he could and slowly had been saving up for it.
The next thing he knew he had woken up here blind folded and chained up, waiting to be sold to the highest bidder. The sound of a gavel banged confirming that Yugi had just been sold to someone, annoyed with his helplessness Yugi waited until he heard the sounds of a blanket being thrown over his cage before he pulled himself painfully up, just enough to somehow rub off the blindfold. He was glad that thing was finally off and he stared hard at the shackles in the muffled light the blanket blocked, they were around his wrist but other than that the chain had been hooked threw. So Yugi began his work, he could reach the bars of the cage easily with his legs, glad that they had taken his shoes when they had changed him into what felt like a potato sack with wholes cut into it for his head and arms. This way he could easily grip with his toes.
Again Yugi began to pull himself up to start swinging so the momentum allowed him to carefully wrap his leg around a bar while he used the other leg to slowly shimmy his way up further. When he deemed himself far enough up he kicked off the bar while simultaneously lifting the chain up. It worked and the chain came off easily as he landed on his back with a hard thud, but he also gained the unwanted attention of the people guarding the cages. He found were the door was and waited for someone to stupidly look through the cage or stick a hand in to unlock it. Yugi was surprised at how tall the cage was and he had to jump a couple of times to finally hook his hand on the cages bar, his shoulders protested fiercely at the movement but he just ground his teeth together, he was not going to allow himself to be sold to some pervert, at least not without giving a damn good fight beforehand.
He started swinging again to get the momentum going until he could pull his legs up through the ceiling bars and hook them together, so he hung from the top of the cage like a bat. Someone lifted the edge of the blanket and then started to panic when he didn't see the prisoner inside of it. Yugi shook his head at the stupidity of the guard as he began to open the cage. But then again most guards were chosen for their bronze not their brains, he waited until the guard had passed the place he was hanging from before he quickly but quietly dropped to the ground, and slipped out the cage door letting it 'fall' closed behind him.
Carefully, Yugi began his search for a way out of that hell hole, but gratefully he came across his belongings first. Unfortunately he couldn't change into his clothes with his hands chained together but he still stuffed everything into the shoulder bag as he undid the shoulder strap then redid it weaving it threw his bound arms. But that small stop had cost him, he heard people begin to yell escape, as adrenaline spiked his blood Yugi fled, keeping to the shadows when he could and then running as fast as he could when there wasn't a place to hide. But it still didn't help him when he was yanked off the ground by a guard, Yugi struggled as more of the guards began to gather around him.
He threw a swift kick to the one holding him and liked the sound when he grunted and then dropped Yugi, who used his small size to his advantage, dodging around them like a fly then using his chained hands to trip one of the big oaf's before running off again. But unfortunately it wasn't toward an exit but back to the stage, he growled in frustration as he had backed himself into a corner. He began to search for an escape desperately and spotted a dimly lit exit sign. Yugi made a break for it, he heard the bang and then felt the impact as something tore through Yugi's shoulder but he felt no pain dew to his adrenaline spiked blood. Someone yelled out angrily as another impact hit him in the thigh, and his body began to feel numb from the highly effective sedative. Taking the chance the guards blocked his path to freedom.
One yanked him backward by the arm, and this time he did feel the pain, he yelled out and thrashed wildly feeling his elbow connect with something, most likely a nose as it gave under the force of his elbow. He was released and he moved on to the next one in his way, only this one clearly didn't care if he hurt Yugi. He pulled back for a punch and Yugi dropped to the floor to avoid it before he looped the chain around his wrist and used his feet to propel the man over and away from him. He forced himself up, he was almost to his goal, something thudded into him and he fell to the ground again and two men pinned him there. He thrashed wildly clawing, kicking, biting like a crazed animal anything to try and get away from them and to freedom.
"Enough you!" the actioner said and delivered a swift blow to Yugi's ribs forcing all the air from his lungs. "Thanks to your little stunt I have many injured men and some of them are my finest, and for that you will pay dearly for." The actioner said, he was fat and overweight and he smelled strongly of sex, the man was obviously taking in to many of the world's pleasures. Yugi thought as he glared up at the fat man, he wondered how a man with that face had gotten any women…or man to sleep with him, Yugi would be willing to bet anything that they weren't willing. With the red brown hair and balding look of a cat with mange, the stone grey eyes and the ugly and putrid scare running along his right cheek. "Take him back to his cage, and make sure he doesn't escape again." The man said as he left.
Yugi was NOT going back and he made damn sure the only way he was, was if he was unconscious, which was possible as the drugs began to work in his system. The two men pulled him up by his arms and Yugi thrashed even harder and finally got his teeth fastened into one of the man's arms, he bit hard enough until he tasted blood and the man finally released his hold on his arm. Which Yugi promptly dragged his nails across the other man's face but he held on firmer, and Yugi finally resorted to doing something he didn't wish to do to any man. He used all his force to kick the man straight in the crotch, and using his palm, punched him in the throat, the man's eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he promptly dropped like a ton of bricks to the floor. The door behind Yugi opened and someone yelled something before coming up behind him. Reacting purely on instinct and adrenaline he swung out, caching the unaware person in the gut. Someone with an iron grip seized Yugi's wrist before another blow hit the man and swept his feet out from under him as easily as if he had been kicking an empty cardboard box aside.
Yugi laid there stunned, he blinked a couple of times as the flashing lights and flashlights blinded his sight, it took a second before his brain finally caught up to his body. The man Yugi had hit was kneeling on the floor beside him, sucking in air or, at least trying to, he was wearing a vest that stated in big white letters that he was the police, a figure bent over Yugi and he stiffened instinctively. The bright lights form the police vehicles and flashlights making him appear to be nothing but a black silhouette.
"Relax, you're alright now," the figure said as he noticed the reaction and he reached into a back pocket to retrieve a leather booklet and showed him a badge declaring the man to be a detective, "I'm with the police, your safe now." Yugi's mind was beginning to grow fuzzy but he still scoffed at the thought, safe, when had he ever been safe from anyone in his life.