disclaimer: Yeah I'm not Rick, ok?
Thanks for clicking on this, I love you.

Chapter 6

June 28, 2012

I wished I could erase everything that happened yesterday. Well, at least the part where I found my dad with a woman and Travis Stoll kissing me. I purposely slept in till 11 AM this morning just to avoid seeing my father. Let me tell you, sleeping in is not something Katie's do often. Katie's like getting up at the crack of dawn. Katie's like routine.

I couldn't keep up the act any longer so I eventually forced myself out of my bed, and down the stairs. I saw Dad at the table, a newspaper in his hands, glasses on. I scurried by quickly and tried to avoid all eye contact. He said nothing.

I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. I also dropped that bowl, making a loud clanging noise when it hit the floor. I mumbled a swear word under my breath. My cover was blown. I just really did not need this conversation right now.

He didn't come into the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief and finished pouring myself a bowl of Raisin Bran. (shut up, I know it's an old person's cereal.) Still no Dad. Now, I was getting a bit anxious. When was he going to talk to me?

I took the chance and sat down at the table. My dad didn't even look up from the newspaper. Did he realize I was here? I purposely ate my cereal as loud as I could. I chewed with my mouth open, which I knew was a pet peeve of his. If that didn't make him say something, I don't know what will.

"Can you not?" He asked me, breaking the silence. He didn't even look up.

"Dad!" I croaked, 'Please, just look at me!"

At least that got to him. He looked at me. I figured that he probably didn't want to acknowledge it any more than I did.

"I'm sorry, Katie. I should have told you I was seeing someone. It was wrong of me to keep it from you."

It was wrong of him. It did sting. But, I was wrong too. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. As much I wanted to say I was sorry too, I couldn't.

I nodded and continued to eat my cereal. Quietly this time.


June 29, 2012

It wasn't a typical day until Travis Stoll rang my doorbell. I trudged to the door, debating whether or not to open it. It was another conversation I didn't want to have. I also looked like a homeless man. It's not like I aim to impress him, but I got to have a little self respect, right?

I ignored the 'Hello' and went directly to the point. "What do you want?"

He pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. They didn't look store bought, so I safely assumed he picked them from his mom's garden. "I came to say I was sorry."

"Oh." I took the flowers. What was I going to say to that? "They're really pretty." I said, dodging the part where I reassure him that it's okay like I was in gym class.

"I was way out of line last night. You just looked so.. helpless." He said. I found that comment pretty irritating. Helpless? I'd just seen my dad.. Actually, don't even want to think about it..

He must have read my expression, "No, no. Helpless is the wrong word! I meant to say upset."

It still wasn't any better. "It's whatever, okay." Just as I was about to close the door, my dad walked up behind me and saw the flowers I was holding. Perfect timing, as usual..

"Flowers? What's going on, here?" He asked with a smile. The smile seemed completely out of place next to mine and Travis's expressions.

Ugh, did my dad always have to show up at the worst moments? "Nothing…. Travis was just leaving." I gave him a look, but of course Travis Stoll did not leave. Travis Stoll entered my house.

God… Why don't you just take your shoes off and make yourself at home?

"Really? I was actually hoping for some help with fixing up my car." My dad said, cracking open a soda.

Travis beamed, "I'd love to help, Mr. Gardner." He winked at me. Ugh.

"Travis, I'm sure you have better things to do.. Like fixing your own car?" I offered hopefully. His car really did need fixing up to be honest.

He shrugged and replied, "Nah, it's so much more fun when the car you're fixing isn't your own."

My dad lead Travis into the garage and started talking about the car. it was a ramble of words I didn't understand. "I'd do it myself but, my back has been acting up lately." He told Travis. "You take a look at the car, I'll be.. Doing dishes." Which probably meant watching sports.

I pulled my dad away. "Dad, if you love me and want me to forgive you for what happened yesterday, do not let Travis Stoll work on your car. Please."

My dad let out a hearty laugh, which lead to some coughs.. "Kates, come on. I need a young guy to help me out. He's perfect for the job! Plus, I think he likes you." my dad nudged me in the side.

I fought the urge to vomit. "Dad please.."

"Hey, if i can find someone, you can too."

I wanted to tell him that i wasn't okay with him talking about his "girlfriend" out loud. I bit my tongue.

My dad was right.. Travis did like me. Otherwise he wouldn't have kissed me. boys rarely liked me. And, if they did, they never showed it the way Travis did. Unfortunately, the feeling was not mutual. I just could not feel that way about Travis. Maybe he was funny, but he was also annoying. He was cute, but not hot. He was caring, but too persistent. For every perk, I found a flaw. Above all, I was completely confused of my feelings for Travis Stoll. I didn't know how to feel at all.


June 30, 2012

Travis came over at exactly the time my dad wanted. Weird. I didn't think he was the on time type.

"Morning." He said to me while eating a granola bar. He had popped out underneath the car and scared me half to death.

"Honey, could you make Travis some lemonade?" My dad called as I walked inside. I had been at the library all morning and made a friend with one of the volunteers. Her name was Annabeth, and she was totally cool and into books and learning like me.

"Sure." I said, not even really caring. I liked making lemonade. And if i could get some too, I was totally down for the job.

After finishing I brought a glass to Travis. He gave me a questioning look, "You didn't poison it, right?"

"God.. You're annoying, but not enough that I would poison you!" I said, rolling my eyes.

I turned to leave, but Travis touched my wrist and pulled me back.

"Stay." He had a small grin on his face. "I need to company."

I hesitated before giving my answer. Did I want to stay? Somehow I was hoping he would tell me to stay.. I had wanted this to happen..

"Um.. O-okay." I sat down on a cardboard box and picked at my blue nail polish. Hopefully the box was sturdy enough to hold my weight.

"What have you been up to all day?" He asked me.

It felt weird making small talk with him. Were we going to have a slightly serious conversation? "I've been at the library. I made a friend today." I said, since I was truly proud of my accomplishment. Maybe I wouldn't start next year off completely alone.

"Who? Maybe I know them." He replied and started tinkering on the car again.

"Annabeth Chase."

There was a loud clang as he dropped the wrench. He bent down to pick it up and I could see his boxers. They were camoflauge. "Oh yeah, I know her. She dates my friend Percy, the guy you met at the party."

I nodded in understanding. Eventually our conversation turned to the weather and school. Travis gave me the low down on what to do at Thomas Jefferson High. He told me which teachers were asses, the kids to avoid, the bathrooms to use and all about which lunches to get.

"Make sure that whatever you do, never, ever get a sloppy joe."

His face was so serious I couldn't help but laugh. "Why?"

He shuddered. "The most disgusting things ever. There's grizzle and shit in them. I swear it's made out of the garbage." This caused me to full out cackle.

"Damn your laugh is loud." He commented.

Hypocrite.. had he ever heard his laugh before? he sounded like a school girl. "Oh my god! Your laugh is even worse!"

"Whatever.." He said with a laugh. He began working underneath the car, so all I could see was his fluffy light brown hair and red bandana.

Heyyy it's been a while, hopefully people are still reading :)