I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters, but if I did, a lot of the main ships would be cannon. This contains violence and may contain adult content in later chapters.

Rogue found himself in a world of darkness. It was too dark for him to make out anything around him, he could not even see the ground that he was standing on. All around him was an empty expanse of darkness. Rogue took a silent breath and looked around once more, hoping to find something that would clarify where he was, but he found nothing. It was clear that either he was in a place of total darkness, where there was nothing but empty expanse, or was lost somewhere in the dead of night. Either way, he knew that something was clearly very wrong.

"Sting?" Rogue asked, not sure if he would get a response or not. After a moment of silence, Rogue was sure that he was alone in this place. For a moment, a sense of urgency came over him. What if he never found his way out of this place? Sting would probably freak out if he saw that he wasn't home. It was just like him to worry about him. Rogue sighed silently and calmed his mind. If he was going to find a way out of here, he had to keep a clear mind. Somehow he would get out of here.

"So it's finally time." Rogue quickly spun around as he heard the all too familiar voice, but he saw nothing but darkness. He was sure that he heard his voice. The voice that belonged to his evil future self, but how could he be here? His evil self should have gone back to the future; the future he had been trying to prevent from existing. Rogue turned slowly, keeping alert for the voice or any sign of his other self.

"Show yourself." Rogue demanded. Again there was nothing, just silence. The voice did not even make a reappearance. Rogue growled, starting to get very frustrated. He was toying with him and he couldn't stand that thought. His other self was probably trying to see how long it would take for him to break down, but he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing him panic. "Are you a coward? Stop hiding and came out and fight me!" Then there came a laugh, a small mocking chuckle. Even with using all his senses as a dragon slayer, Rogue couldn't decide where the laugh was coming from. It sounded like the laugh was coming from all directions at once. It was like he was mocking him, laughing at how he failed to simply find him, reminding him that his attempts to locate his evil self were futile.

"Who said I was hiding?" Rogue tensed as he finally found where the voice was coming from. He quickly turned around and was face to face with his evil future self. Future Rogue was looking at him with an amused smirk. Nothing changed about him since the last time he saw him at the Grand Magic Games. Future Rogue still had that aura of danger and power about him. Though unlike last time Rogue had seen him, now they were alone and Rogue was sure his future self was stronger than him, courtesy of his future self killing and absorbing the powers of future Sting. Rogue glared venomously at the other as he remembered everything that he had put him and all his friends through. "Now, I didn't come all the way here just to fight you. It would actually be suicide if I fought my younger self."

"At least it could rid everyone here of you for good." Rogue said pointedly. He would be lying if he said he didn't once think about killing himself to prevent future Rogue from existing. It was only due to the words of Natsu Dragoneel and the knowledge that Frosch and Sting would be depressed if he died, that kept him alive until now. Even now though, he did not think that it would be all that bad if he died. At least everyone could be safe from him. "How and why are you here?"

"Now that's the best part." Future Rogue started and he took an step towards Rogue. Rogue's eyes narrowed and he moved to take a step back, but his body wouldn't move. Rogue's eyes widened a bit and he tried with all his strength to move, but his body would not budge at all. Rogue tensed as his future self paused a mere few inches away from him. "Give up fighting and just give in to the darkness. You want to know how I'm still here? About how I still exist after everything you've done to try and change everything? Well, the answer's simple. You haven't changed a thing. You think you did, but you failed. There's nothing you can do to stop this. You will turn into me whether you like it or not. So give in to the darkness and make this easier for yourself."

"Never! No matter the cost, I will never turn into you!" Rogue growled. There was a sinking feeling inside him as he realized that his future self may be right. He had done everything possible to try and prevent himself from going down that dark path, yet he still felt the darkness's hold on him. He wished more than anything he could escape this and live out the rest of his life with Sting, but now a part of him was doubting that his dream would ever become reality. Even now, future Rogue was still here; still the malicious, homicidal mage that Rogue had been trying so hard to make disappear. Did this mean that everything he did was for nothing? All this time he was trying to change something that could not be changed?

"Really? You say this yet I feel doubt rising up inside you. You know it's pointless, yet you continue on. Just give up. You can't change anything that's going to happen, especially since everything is in motion and you can't stop what just began." Future Rogue said, smiling cruelly as if he could somehow read every thought that was going through his mind at the moment. Rogue looked at his other self with disgust and he remembered just how much he hated him. Then one thought came to him. What did future Rogue mean by 'can't stop what just began'? Did that mean that the events of the future were going to happen soon? Or was his other self just trying to worry him over nothing?

"What do you mean?" Rogue asked, watching future Rogue carefully. He did not know if his other self would explain himself to him, but it was worth asking since it was the only thing he could do at the moment. Besides, future Rogue might tell him something useful. Though what he heard next made him feel like his world was crashing down all around him. At first, he did not think he had heard right and he was hoping that was all it was. His last remaining hopes were dashed when his other self repeated himself. He had not heard wrong.

Future Rogue leaned in close, whispering to him with a mocking tone. "You're already falling into darkness. You can't stop it now."

"N-no! You're wrong!" Rogue yelled, desperately trying to move so he could send the other away. He was not going to let this happen. There was no way that he was going to let himself fall into darkness. He was not going to believe; he could not believe this. As these thoughts were going through his head, he became aware of his other self laughing at him, mocking him. Future Rogue knew he had won this, and Rogue knew this too. Then future Rogue disappeared and his body was once again able to move. Rogue turned to run, but something beneath him grabbed his feet, holding him in place. Rogue looked down and his eyes widened as he saw that the ground was starting to drag him down into it. No, it was not just a regular floor. It was complete darkness and it was dragging him down into it. Rogue struggled to pull himself out of the darkness, but it only quickened the rate the darkness consumed him. Rogue soon found that his head was the only part of him that remained above the surface. "N-no...this can't be..." Memories of the good times with Frosch and Sting were the last things that crossed his mind before he was consumed completely by the darkness.

Rogue bolted up in his bed with a small, quiet cry. His breathing was labored and a cold sweat was rolling down his back. An moment of stunned silence passed as he tried to register where he was and whether or not he was consumed by darkness. Looking around, Rogue saw that he was in his room, not the shadowy place he remembered from a minute ago. It was a dream, just a dream. No, it was actually more of a nightmare; one that seemed so real to him, but it was not. He was still himself and was still here at his apartment that he shared with his boyfriend, Sting. He was safe and future Rogue was no more than a figment of his imagination. After thinking this to himself over and over, Rogue's breathing returned to normal and he wiped some sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand. With a silent sigh, Rogue laid back down on his back, staring up and the plain white ceiling of his room. Judging from the color of the sky outside his window, Rogue guessed it was roughly 3 a.m. in the morning, but he was not sure. The chances that he could fall asleep again were slim at best, so he turned on the lamp he kept on his nightstand, planning to do some reading to get his mind off things until morning.

"Rogue?" A familiar voice asked. Rogue looked to his right and saw his exceed, and best friend, Frosch on the end of his bed with a concerned look. He must have heard him cry out and came to see what was wrong. Rogue faked a small smile to show he was alright, which was quite the opposite of what he was.

"Yes Frosch?" Rogue asked, barely preventing his voice from breaking. The nightmare had taken its toll on him and he was determined not to show it. Especially since Frosch was usually always worrying about him. He just didn't want to do anything that would make Frosch sad, and he was definitely going to avoid talking about his nightmare. He could only imagine what Frosch, and especially Sting, would say if they ever found out he had a dream about his old future self.

"Is Rogue alright?" Frosch asked, with his usual habit of speaking in third person.

"I'm alright. I just had a dream. That's all." Rogue said, speaking softly. He figured that if he did not act like there was anything wrong, then Frosch wouldn't question him about his dream.

"Okay...Can Fro stay with Rogue?" Frosch asked. Rogue smiled a real smile; which was something rare he did whenever he was around Frosch or Sting.

"Of course you can." Rogue responded. He watched as the exceed went over to him and crawled into the sheets next to him. Rogue laid down and wrapped an arm around Frosch. Frosch had a talent for cheering him up whenever something happened. It was one of the reasons why Frosch was his best friend. He was always there for him and Rogue would do anything to protect him. He was especially thankful when Frosch was here for things like this where he could not go into Sting's room, since they had separate rooms, and lay in bed with him. He knew that Sting would ask him about every detail of his dream, so he could not trust Sting to comfort him through this. At least not as long as he wanted his dream to remain a secret.

Looking down, Rogue saw the Frosch was already asleep. He must have been really tired. Rogue could not move with out waking up Frosch, so he decided to let him sleep in his arms. It was not long before Rogue fell asleep as well, but this time it was a dreamless sleep. Little did he know, a pair of eyes were watching him from a dark corner of the room. They watched him sleep for an moment before disappearing, leaving nothing behind of their presence.

Yes, I know I left it on a cliffhanger, but you'll see who was watching in later chapters.

Please comment, but I'm new to writing fanfiction for others to read

so be nice please.